
How to respond to a compliment?

Absolutely every person will be pleased with warm and beautiful words in his address regarding appearance, character or perfect actions. But due to the fact that many do not believe in compliments and do not know how beautifully to respond to a compliment, they often find themselves in an awkward situation.

Why don't people believe compliments?

Diffidence. As a rule, self-doubt generates complexes and low self-esteem, so a person loses the ability to adequately assess their positive qualities.
Flattery. Many are convinced that people make compliments solely in order to get some kind of benefit in order, for example, to win over a person and use it for their own purposes. This belief is the place to be, but you should not be skeptical of all people and, accordingly, to compliments. In addition, it does not oblige you to anything.
Insincerity. In today's world, they talk a lot about relationships and feelings, but they also say a lot about the fact that people are not sincere and honest. Therefore, now compliments are perceived with difficulty, people have forgotten how to trust each other and be open, all the time waiting for deception and betrayal.
But no matter how compliments are perceived, the reaction may be different. If you get lost when you hear compliments in your address and don’t know what to do, either agree or say something pleasant in response or look down and blush embarrassed, then you need to know how to respond to the compliment so that you It was good and the other person pleased.
The words. If you are embarrassed and feel uncomfortable, as soon as you hear compliments, then you need to learn to perceive them as simple words. Treat them easier, and as a thank you, say "Thank you, very nice." Thus, you accept the compliment with dignity and thank the person.
Answer. In addition to the usual thanks, you can also respond to a person with a compliment and pleasant words. In this case, you act as a polite and educated person. But do not immediately showered with compliments, as this can greatly embarrass a person, and also make you think about the sincerity of your words.
Smile. If you cannot cope with a feeling of embarrassment and cannot pick up the words of gratitude, just smile back, but in no case do you need to persuade the interlocutor in the opposite, for example, with such phrases as "Yes, ok" "I am very pleased, but you overestimate me." If these phrases are the first to come to mind, engage in self-development and your own self-esteem.
In general, compliments are pleasing to both women and men. If you are faced with such a problem that, on the contrary, no one gives you compliments, then begin to praise and emphasize the positive qualities of the people around you. Work on your shortcomings and improve, set goals and implement them. Also do not forget to praise yourself and never doubt your abilities.
Learn to love and appreciate yourself, understand that you deserve pleasant words and praise in your address and then the question of how to respond to a compliment will no longer bother you.
Remember that bad tone and disrespect will be if you miss the compliment and go to another topic. It is necessary to respond to the compliment, but only in what way do you decide for yourself. Also remember that you do not need to look for a trick in pleasant words, especially if you hear a compliment from a loved one, trust people, be open, communicate more and say compliments and pleasant words to each other, give smiles and share a good mood.

Watch the video: What to Say When Someone Compliments You, and What Not To Say--Common Communication Mistakes We Make (April 2024).