Neuro-linguistic programming is currently used in all spheres of public life.
Understanding principles of operation of this system allows you not only to significantly improve the quality of your life, but also to avoid manipulation by other people.
Neurolinguistics - This is a science that combines psychology, linguistics and neurology.
In the framework of this trend, the degree of influence of disorders in human brain activity on his speech abilities is considered.
From the neuro-linguistic point of view, speech is a systemic function of the human body, which may fail under the influence of congenital brain defects or acquired problems.
NLP in psychology: decoding
What it is? NLP - neuro-linguistic programming. it branch of practical psychologywhich is engaged in the analysis of mechanisms, principles of formation of life experience of people.
The resulting data can then be used to produce improved behaviors that subsequent generations of people can follow.
Part of the "neuro" indicates a direct dependence of human behavior on those processes that occur in his brain. Features and principles of human brain activity directly determine his behavior.
Part "linguistic" evidence of the importance of language, with the help of which people build communication links, explain the events occurring in their lives.
The “programming” part indicates the systematic nature inherent in human nature: the thought is followed by speech and actions, and as a result of actions experience is gained.
Foundation History and Founders
Its beginning NLP has received in the 60s-70s. last century. This field of psychology was developed by two scientists - R. Bendler, D. Grinder. Assisted them Mr. Bateson.
Experts as a result of practical research conducted an analysis of language patterns, signals of the human body and came to the conclusion about the possibility of modeling human behavior.
The basis of NLP lay down the principle that any manifestation of human behavior is not an accident, but a systematic pattern, amenable to logical explanation.
Scope of application
Since the main goal of NLP (the knowledge of human behavior and the further improvement of its activities) is of great practical importance, the application of the methods developed in the framework of this theory relevant in various fields.
The main areas in which NLP is applied:
- The medicine. NLP methods often help relieve pain in patients, improve overall health.
- Psychotherapy. Doctors use the possibility of analyzing human behavior and its further modeling in order to solve the psychological problems existing in patients.
- Interpersonal communication. An objective assessment of the interlocutor's behavior (by analyzing his communication style, gestures, speech) allows you to build a productive dialogue and achieve the desired result for yourself.
- Professional activity. Companies interested in the effectiveness of their employees often arrange special training for them using NLP.
How does it work?
Learning about NLP allows people effectively build personal and professional contacts control your own life and achieve your goals.
Working with specialists who fully own the system helps to solve existing personal problems and improve the quality of life.
Neuro-linguistic programming implies impact on the interlocutor in three ways:
- verbally (with the help of words, sounds, music);
- visually (eye contact, images);
- kinesthetic (awakening of certain emotions, sensations).
The easiest way to master - verbal.
It is during speech communication that most people get the opportunity to influence their interlocutor.
Special attention deserves integral neuroprogramming. This is a set of methods created for the purposeful solution of the following problems:
- adaptation in society;
- increasing the efficiency of existence in society;
- understanding of their life goals and changing the existing situation for the better;
- restoration of the vital activity of the organism.
Basic principles of NLP:
- Everyone builds his life on the basis of previously obtained subjective experience. A person, performing any action, receives a positive or negative result.
Having mastered this experience, he further controls his actions in such a way as to get a positive result again or to avoid negative consequences.
- Any subjective experience can be reprogrammed. As a result, the attitude of the person to the events that happened to him is changing. For example, what was initially viewed as a tragedy may begin to be perceived as a useful life lesson.
- Any upcoming event can be viewed from different perspectives thanks to the experience.
- The use of NLP mechanisms allows correct the behavior of a person and teach him the desired reaction, but does not allow a person to do something against his will.
- All people at the subconscious level are sources of signals.that are perceived by the surrounding reality. If a person is not confident in himself and in his abilities, then all the people around perceive him as a loser. If, as a result of working with a specialist practicing NLP techniques, a person gains confidence in himself, his whole life will change for the better.
- Reaching the goal every man is pleased with success only if he himself chose this goal. Achieving results in the absence of a choice devalues this result.
For this reason, NLP specialists always set two goals for their clients, from which a person chooses a more interesting one and seeks to achieve it.
- NLP first suitable for people who are in a dead end in life. Getting the opportunity to change something in your usual way of life allows you to escape from the daily routine and gain a taste for life.
- Specialists who work with people on the NLP system, build interaction with interlocutors by copying gestures, facial expressions, manners to speak. Full repetition of human behavior allows you to establish direct contact with him on a subconscious level.
- Every person who has certain problems knows how these problems can be solved most effectively and as soon as possible. The main difficulty is that most people do not know how to objectively answer themselves the simple questions that concern the mind.
- With the help of NLP, any desire to impose on a person an unusual behavior pattern or force him to do actions contrary to his life attitudes, will lead to the opposite result - manifestation of psychological problems, aggression in relation to the person-manipulator.
The NLP method is an applied psychological device that allows you to control a person’s behavior.
Basic NLP Techniques:
- The application of the necessary representative system. When communicating with visuals, emphasis is placed on visual images, when communicating with audilia, on auditory perception, and when interacting with kinesthetics, on sensations.
- Linguistic accuracy. To manipulate people, it is necessary to apply clear language that will have the necessary effect.
- The use of metaprograms. Everyone has a standard model of thinking, behavior. When building interaction with a person, it is necessary to take into account the programs incorporated in it and act in accordance with them. For example, if a person has a metaprogram “opportunity”, it is necessary to describe all the prospects that open up to him when the conditions set by the interlocutors are fulfilled.
Perceiving information, the brain uses the so-called submodalities - sensory differences.
For example, unpleasant events can be "driven" deep inside and appear to be something far and insignificant. Pleasant memories can be located in the foreground in the form of a bright, well-distinguishable picture.
This feature of the human brain has great importance in terms of NLP.
A person can, at all levels of perception (visual, verbal, tangible), regulate his perception and subsequent behavior.
By controlling the submodalities, you can manage assessment.
For example, a person is able in a noisy environment to concentrate on his thoughts and completely "disconnect" from everything that happens around.
Resource condition
Another common NLP method is - resource condition. This is a condition in which a person experiences absolute physical and emotional comfort. This is a state of calm, confidence.
Such a feeling is important to fix at the time when it is experienced, and try to reproduce at critical moments. The best way is to apply an anchor effect.
You need to select some action that will be associated with the resource state. For example, a certain movement of the hand.
Accordingly, if necessary, it will be enough to make a characteristic movement with the hand to cause a resource state in the subconscious. That is, it kinda works reflex.
Impact technology
NLP is a successful technology that allows affect people's minds.
System methods are actively used both in interpersonal communication and in business.
A separate direction of NLP is Advertising activity in sales.
The ability to influence the consciousness of consumers, and project their behavior allows the world's largest companies to receive millions of profits through advertising.
The main techniques of NLP, as technology impact on the human consciousness (including in the field of sales):
- Manipulation of basic instincts. All people are interested in sex, power, money. These weaknesses can be used to motivate certain actions to get what you want. And often the manipulation takes place veiled, the objects of influence are not aware of the fact that their actions are subject to subconscious instincts. So, often in the advertising of any product there is sexual overtones, although the real picture does not contain any references to the intimate sphere.
- The use of certain symbols. All people have a common system of perception of certain images that cause the corresponding associations.
The use of these images allows you to manipulate the behavior of people on a subconscious level.
- Referring to childhood experiences. Many psychologists agree that most of the psychological problems of a person originate in childhood. The awakening of childhood experiences is an effective method of manipulation.
- Application of archetypes. The use of elements of the collective unconscious (images of mother, home, homeland, etc.) is the most powerful method of influencing the masses. Such images affect the deep feelings of people and behavioral patterns.
NLP affects deep mental processesthat occur in the human brain.
Excessively aggressive impact on the psyche of an object can lead to serious disruptions in its work, manifestation of various negative instincts and experiences.
For this reason, the use of NLP in practice should be reasonable, professional.
Training system
How to learn NLP? There are certain trainings, courses that are held certified specialists, owning the full methodology of NLP. After completing such courses, students receive certificates confirming their knowledge.
Studying the methods of NLP will help to master modern methods of self-development, learn how to build effective communication, conduct negotiations at any level.
Thus, neuro-linguistic programming allows you to comprehend principles of management of human behavior. Such knowledge helps build effective communication with interlocutors and exert psychological influence on them.
NLP - psychological experiments: