Love and relationship

Does your wife change you: how to find out and check it out?

You lived in perfect harmony, but suddenly a suspicion of infidelity of your spouse got into your head.

How do you know if your wife really cheats on you, or is it just a figment of imagination?

Are all women capable of treason?

Why do women change?

Depends on many aspects. Most of his wife changes when her husband began to change not for the better.

For example, he used to be handsome, but in a couple of years he swelled with fat, launched myself.

This is perceived as a kind of breach of contract that women do not tolerate.

Yes, and love has become cool. Namely love makes a woman faithful.

To stop a woman from treason can also education, including religious.

Causes of Suspicion

If you suspect a wife, it means that she already changes you in your head. What difference does it change for you or not, if you already consider her capable of it?

There are two options: either to change your way of thinking or there is a reason to part.

Such suspicions may appear due to a sharp change in the behavior of the wife, due to the fact that you stopped giving her enough attention.

Often, men fall into bouts of jealousy after they themselves have begun to change, or want to commit adultery. The projection rule in psychology works quite often; we transfer our hidden desires and intentions to other people.

What ways can you find out?

Will be follow the presumption of innocence and do not believe individual signs. The proof of treason is to take only accurate information about the relationship or sex with another man.

You can not rely on the words of her friends (they can do this to discourage you from your wife), parents (they may be interested in breaking the couple) and their friends who think something.

Only if you yourself found his wife with her lover in bed, kissing a man in a cafe.

You can also contact the services of a detective agency, to professionals who have no motive to lie.

Hidden camera houses and listening devices will also help you find out if your wife is cheating on you.

How to recognize adultery? Tips in this video:

The main signs of betrayal

How to recognize? The first signs are:

  1. Wife avoids talking about your relationship.
  2. Avoiding certain topics in a conversation can be a sure warning sign that she is trying to hide something.
  3. Abrupt change of topic for no apparent reason, even if you are talking about a subject that is apparently not related to treason.
  4. The wife began to hide her phone, especially if she hadn’t done it before.
  5. Change the style of clothing. If the lover suddenly began to show great interest in her appearance, then it really should be alerted.
  6. Begins to go to the gym and exercise regularly.
  7. Gives in general more attention to their appearance.
  8. Begins to behave, not as usual.
  9. Changes in sexual behavior and desire for sex may indicate cyberism, virtual sex and flirt.

Spouse behavior

Caution with gadgets:

  1. Your wife has personal email accounts with new (secret) passwords.
  2. She uses secret applications, her mobile phone is always with her, and she does not show it.
  3. Change passwords on your phone.
  4. Wife disables pop-up messages / email notifications and closes applications and windows.
  5. It remains to sit on the Internet or on the phone late at night after you went to bed.
  6. She began to delete Internet browsing history.
  7. She begins to delete emails from her basket folder.
  8. During the phone call, his wife abruptly runs to him, moving away to talk to another room.

She wants to experiment in sex life. One of the best indicators of female adultery is a radical change in behavior in bed. She begins to sharply shy away from intimacy, or she wants something new.

Previously, she was a supporter of conservative views on sex, and suddenly began to want "extreme".

She gives you freedom. Previously, your wife was ready to spend all her time with you, to be with you, when you are with friends and so on, but suddenly something happened, and she was already indifferent to what you were doing.

Gives you just a ton of freedom for no reason.

Do not rush to rejoice, for sure this is one of the signs of treason, which should guard you.

The fact that she began to allow you everything, says that she doesn’t care now, and she wants freedom for herself too. A wife who gives her husband freedom expects the same in return, in order to protect herself in case adultery is revealed.

She becomes secretive . She can tell she’s shopping at boring stores that you hate, and go to her lover herself. She may begin to wear inconspicuous things so that her friends or acquaintances do not notice her while walking with her lover.

She is not angry with you. You begin to feel that something is wrong in a relationship. You can start talking or flirting with an unfamiliar woman, and your wife doesn't care.

Could it be that a normal, loving wife did not experience anger or jealousy? This is a clear sign of betrayal.

She's all happy. Previously, this was not, but now she does all the work around the house, cooks, does not grumble, leaves you alone with the TV and football match. These are all signs that indicate that she is pretending that you do not suspect anything wrong.

We reveal all the signs of the presence of another man:


Studies show that women behave differentlywhen changed.

However, please remember to make sure that you see this in the context of all other signs of infidelity, since the signs of body language are notoriously unreliable.

Here are the nonverbal signs that may stir up your suspicion:

  • your wife can look down when she talks to you. Badge of guilt;
  • her eyes can move everywhere, trying to avoid your gaze;
  • the wife can look at you, holding her gaze at you, because they know that if they look away, they will be suspected of lying;
  • it starts blinking more when you look at it;
  • the wife begins to hide her hands during a serious conversation;
  • reddening of the face and embarrassment is a sure sign that the wife is hiding something.

How to understand the body? Physiologically signs can also tell about infidelity.

For example, if the wife came from work, and she smells of cleanliness (the soul is not at work). On the tights there will be arrows, on the clothes there will be fluff or threads.

From the body can come a foreign smell, the scent of someone else's men's fragrance. The cheating body may have hiccups, bruises, scratches, as in a fit of passion, lovers can touch each other very much. A scruffy hairstyle, irritation of the skin from the bristles - a sure sign of reflection.

How to determine about the monthly?

It is quite difficult to do, since the dates of menstruation do not change if another man appeared in the life of a woman.

The cycle may shift slightly due to stress, but this not serious evidence.

The only case where you can find out is the adoption of oral contraceptives. Previously, she did not use them with you, you were limited to condoms. But suddenly your wife has dramatically moved the cycle.

This may be a sign that she has taken oral contraceptives for sex with her lover.

Age will tell

How to catch the faithful of betrayal? Signs of treason:

  1. Signs of treason wife in 20 years. Quite a few couples are showing rashness when building a family at a young age. The woman is still young, she understands that she made a mistake, but she does not want to destroy the family, especially if there are children. It is fairly easy to detect adultery, since at that age a woman who married out of love (which happens most often) tries to spend the most time with her husband, and in the case of a cheater, this does not happen. Everything is quite simple: young and hot do not bother themselves with sweeping traces, so there will be no problems with detection. Outside hair in the apartment, smells, lack of attention - all this should be alerted.
  2. Signs of treason wife in 30 years. "Love lives for three years" - many have learned this truth in practice. Passion subsides, a woman over 30 wants something new, especially since at this age, unlike men, women are at their peak of sexual activity. As a rule, a woman is not as windy as at 20, so it is more difficult to find adultery. Check it by phone, through the mail, you can install a hidden camera. The main feature is the freedom that is given to her husband. It shows indifference and possible treason.
  3. Signs of treason wife in 40 years. If the spouses have lived together for 15-20 years, the partner becomes like a read book, and therefore there is a strong temptation to try something new. As a rule, adultery can be seen by the changed behavior of the spouse.

    If you have lived a long time, you should feel any change in behavior and prevent an error in time.

These tips will help calculate the betrayal of the spouse. 15 points:

How to check with accuracy?

How to catch a wife for treason? With accuracy, you can check a woman for the ability to change. You can also do some actions that can confirm your doubts.

How to expose treason through the phone? You can ask your friend to call his wife’s phone and quickly say “I love you”, “I can’t do this week, don’t call, then I will explain.”

At this time, you can stand in the next room, and then ask who it was.

Answer: "Some kind of nonsense" or "They said that they love me, I do not know who it is" will dispel your suspicions.

If the wife is excited or replies that a friend called, then this is a good reason to think. Same thing can prove and using SMS. If he shows it, then there is no doubt of loyalty. Begin to get nervous, hide, remove - a reason to suspect.

Such tricks can be done using email. There are also special services that allow you to find a person on the Internet by photo.

Try, maybe your wife has long been registered in secret from you on a dating site. You can write to your wife anonymously on e-mail almost on a social network or a proposal to meet you - an extra way to check.

We hope this article will help you. dispel doubts with possible infidelity spouses.

How to find out if a wife is cheating? Signs of infidelity:

Watch the video: Do These 5 Things Every Morning, See How It Will Change You (December 2024).