A life

How to understand what to do in life?

Boredom and uncertainty are not the best feelings. To get rid of them, you should understand what to do in life. Choose the appropriate type of activity, profession or hobby. Someone finds himself in service victories and promotion on the career ladder. Others are happy in serving the people or in total renunciation of worldly life. Someone for joy, it is important to find a family and home comfort. It happens that the meaning of human life lies in the endless wanderings and the search for the present. This article lists basic ways to understand what to do in life.

Expand your worldview

Knowledge is power. Reading books, watching popular science and documentary films, visiting information sites can sometimes open their eyes to many things. First of all, on what to do in life. After all, it is difficult to find a job or hobby of interest, not knowing about their existence.

It is continuous self-education that helps a person to better understand the world and himself, to find his place under the sun. Sometimes people come to a standstill precisely because of a lack of information. Fortunately, there are various ways to get it. And, which is especially pleasing - most of them are free.

Take tests online

This information resource is rich in all sorts of tests and tasks. Thanks to their decision, you can get closer to understanding the appropriate profession, social circle, possible hobbies, etc. Also, answering thematic questions, it sometimes becomes easier to determine what to do in life. Of course, to treat their recommendations as a last resort is not worth it, but to ignore them is unwise. It is necessary to pass a few tests on various sites, and then select the answers that come up regularly.

Communicate with older people

Experience even fool replaces wisdom. If a person is aged and does not seem very smart, all the same, he has quite a rich life baggage. He saw a lot of people, saw different things. In the case of a well-developed intellect, a senior comrade can be an invaluable source of necessary information. Therefore, do not neglect to communicate with such people. Simply, you should “filter” what you heard and pass through your prism of the world outlook. Perhaps, during one of these conversations, the person seeking will understand what to do in life.

Travel more

It can be round-the-world trips or an excursion to a nearby city. In any case, a new world is opening up before us, and with it, new opportunities and perspectives. Every person on Earth can find something to do in life. For some, the answer is practically “under the nose,” while others need to go half the way.

Perhaps it is these people who become travelers, naturalists and cosmopolitans. Who knows, maybe their meaning of life lies in the endless wanderings and the search for themselves. In any case, it's better than just lying on the couch and doing nothing.

Increase comfort zone more often

All of us, growing up, we leave the parental home. Sometimes we move to another city or even a country. Each such act expands our comfort zone. Someone goes to a new job, and the other is looking for additional passion. There are people who radically change their lives. You should not be afraid of this, because it is during such periods of life that a person is able to know himself better. And, along with this, and determine what to do in life.

Such decisions are prompted by nature itself. Indeed, in order to survive, billions of living beings are constantly evolving. Go beyond their original capabilities. This is the only path of progress, both for nature and for man, which is an integral part of it.

Engage in introspection

To do this, it is worthwhile to organize your space in such a way that nothing distracts from thoughts. In peace and quiet, perhaps even meditating, his inner world is revealed before a person. That he is the best adviser in deciding what to do in life. The main thing is to learn to listen and hear it.

Urban bustle sometimes presses the quiet sound of our inner voice. Therefore, it is best to conduct this dialogue in a secluded place. On a forest glade, the river bank, or, at least, on a bench in the park. Alcohol is not the best assistant in this search. But the pleasant music in the headphones is very appropriate.

Remember your childhood

Since in the early years of life, a person is the most sincere, then the memories of this period can facilitate thinking about a suitable lesson. If a distinct picture in the head does not appear, you can contact your parents for help. Ask them to remember what hobbies a person had during his childhood. What he played, what was interested in.

The fact is that the personality of each of us is formed precisely in childhood. And those who liked to spend time with animals, it is possible that they will become veterinarians or breeders. A girl helping her mother in the kitchen might be a cook. And the boy, all summer floating in the river, will become a first-class athlete.

Give up stereotypes in your head

We all are the product of our environment. Sometimes, it prevents us from developing, imposing our usual worldview and rules. Of course, it is necessary to listen to people, but you should always think with your head. After all, a person born in a dysfunctional family is absolutely not obliged to become a bully or an alcoholic. A rich offspring of an influential father, sometimes ready to escape to the ends of the earth from all this gloss and pathos. Should develop your own opinion. Life is one, and everyone has the right to live it the way he wants, and not someone else.

Make new friends

The logical way out of the previous situation. If someone does not like his environment, you should just find a new one. People meet on our way not by chance. Each of them is to some extent our teacher. Perhaps an understanding of what to do in life will come with one of these acquaintances.

There is a whole teaching called networking. It helps to build long-term business relationships, find suitable people and maximize the potential of dating. This can be a very fun and interesting experience. And, who knows, maybe networking will be for someone a major hobby or even a real profession.

Often fantasize

Dreams and dreams can sometimes tell a person more than dozens of books and clever interlocutors. The world of fantasy is our personal space in which we can truly relax and take off all the masks. At such moments, the person is extremely sincere in front of himself. So it is worth pondering over the question of what kind of life we ​​most often dream of. And having received the answers, it is easy to understand what is real to realize and start realizing it.

Sometimes, puzzling over the question of what to do in life, a person spends most of it on this search. For someone, the knowledge of oneself becomes this meaning. Others find a suitable craft. But, the majority of people, being dependent on someone else's opinion, do not even try to figure it out. So what is really worth doing in life is to be honest with yourself and understand what we really want.

Watch the video: What should I do with my life? Charlie Parker. TEDxHeriotWattUniversity (December 2024).