
How to develop femininity in yourself?

What attracts women to men? Probably not manliness, the ability to drink vodka and give the offender surrender. A woman needs something else to attract the attention of a man. And this is different - femininity.

Femininity is ...

Encyclopedias, dictionaries and various kinds of reference books give one-sided definitions of femininity.
Psychoanalytic reference book understands by femininity the behavioral and mental features inherent in women. All right, but only in general terms. A similar definition of femininity gives a sociological dictionary. And only the sexological encyclopedia specifies the qualities that define femininity. This is tenderness, softness, grace.
Representatives of the strong and weaker sex define the concept of femininity in different ways.
Women understand by this quality more sexual seduction and the ability to apply themselves. The defenselessness and fragility in the accepted image also "work" on seduction in order to make the man first desire to protect and protect, and then take care ...
But femininity through the eyes of men carries a more extensive load. Men by femininity understand not only the physical attractiveness and experience of communication with the opposite sex, but also the possession of inner qualities:
  • tenderness;
  • kindness;
  • softness of character;
  • benevolence.

Here you can also add tact, good manners, elegance, grooming.
But this is not a complete list of qualities included in the definition of femininity. This concept, in addition to all the above, includes something deeper and unchanging, which is not defined by words. It is something original, given to a woman by nature. Something like sensual charm, multiplied by the innate desire to captivate and captivate.

How to become feminine

Experts say that femininity is laid in girls from the very moment of their birth. But then this femininity may develop, may fall asleep, and may even die if circumstances and habitat contribute to it. Therefore, the representatives of the weaker sex, completely devoid of femininity, rarely, but there are.
How to develop the best feminine qualities in yourself, how to become feminine and desirable? Is it possible? And what should be done for this?
The answer is: to awaken and develop femininity in yourself, following in two directions ...
The first direction. The development of external signs of femininity
One should make a choice in favor of skirts and dresses and abandon trousers and jeans. Not completely, but for many occasions.
Short hair makes the girl look like a boy. But medium-length hair, not to mention long, will give your look more softness and tenderness.
Do not interfere with makeup. In moderation, of course. And your image quality will shift towards femininity.

Strengthen or diminish femininity can:

  • manners and behavior in society;
  • gestures and facial expressions;
  • laughter and the sound of voices;
  • grooming and style;
  • posture and gait.

Conducting a conversation, you should not pull the interlocutor by the button, poke him in the stomach with his fist, pat him on the shoulder familiarly and wag his hands constantly. It is not worth wincing, screaming in surprise and laughing out loud. Less similar emotions. But the airy smile and understanding look does not interfere. As easy coquetry.
Will not give femininity to your image a coarse voice. Try to soften its sound. Then your voice will find a velvety and chest timbre that men like so much.
Will certainly enhance the impression of femininity stylish and well-groomed. A woman in a hat with her hands in pimples and unwashed hair will not cause tenderness and charm. But a woman, tastefully dressed and looking after herself, will certainly attract attention.
A sign of femininity will not be a step with a wide step or waddle. Wobbling and dancing gait can only cause curiosity and mockery. But the gait smooth and graceful impression of femininity will certainly strengthen.
And posture ... She must be regal. A real woman who knows her worth bears herself with dignity.
Of course, in order to give your look femininity, you should work hard. But, as a character by the name of Shurik used to say in one of the Soviet comedy films, “I must, Fedya, I must” ...

The second direction. The development of the internal component of femininity

To develop femininity in oneself, one should not limit oneself to acquiring only external qualities. Care must be taken about the internal component of the concept of femininity. It is not enough to look like a woman. We must be her. Understand your femininity. And use it wisely.
For example, tenderness and kindness are qualities that come from the heart. Or from the heart. There can be no talk of any femininity if we see with what malice a woman answers a simple question to a stranger. Or screaming at the child, his or someone else's.
And disrespect to those who step down the social ladder? And rudeness and rudeness, even if unsuccessfully caused by the circumstances? No, citizens, it is better to stand aside from such women: they can even bite.
You can learn to do without rudeness and rudeness. It is enough to think before you say. And when anger and rage begin to burn from the inside, we must remember that you are actually sweet and affectionate. And kind. Just need to often include self-control. Better to keep it on. Is always. And after a certain time, not so long, it will become a habit for you. Here is the answer: how to become more feminine.
And how nice brought up and tactful woman! By this she is already charming and feminine. And if you add beauty and tenderness to these qualities, then it will not be a woman, but a gift. For any man who will cherish such a woman and adore. And afraid to lose.
Do you want such a man for yourself? Then you have to become tender, kind, educated and tactful.

Watch the video: How To Be A Feminine Woman 10 Ways To Increase Feminine Energy Around Men (January 2025).