
15 cases that should not be completed

15 cases that should not be completed

Not to finish things is considered a sign of impermanence, lack of organization and irresponsibility and bad taste in most cases. But sometimes the final phrase of a toast, a stroke on the canvas or the final chord can spoil and ruin all undertakings. Therefore, we consider a list of some cases that are best left halfway, and even at the start.

1) Do not boil water in the kettle
Boiling, boiling water simply kills all the properties of tea, including taste. Ideal for brewing is the temperature before boiling.
2) Do not make the bed
Yes, it may seem strange. How not to make a bed? And for what reason? And for the simplest, and the whole thing is not at all in the fact that it will still have to be spread. Under a neatly made blanket or bedspread, a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of microscopic mites, which can cause allergies and asthma. A regularly ventilated environment prevents the spread of these creatures.
3) Do not fasten the bottom button of the jacket
An extra button is too much time. Buttoning the jacket on the bottom button, you limit yourself to freedom of movement, and not zipped, in turn, does not look aesthetically pleasing. So, clothing manufacturers should seriously think about this issue and meet consumers.
4) Do not get to the place of work on the machine
Instead of circling around the office in search of free parking space, leave your iron horse somewhere nearby. This, firstly, will save you time and nerves, as well as save precious fuel.
5) Do not drink wine from a glass
Based on the rules of etiquette, drinking the contents of a glass is a sign of bad manners, since, throwing it back to dry it to a drop, you make movements that are not very pleasant for the eye by the Adam's apple, which may anger other guests.
6) Do not leave the last guest
Despite the huge amount of free time, do not take it as a rule to linger at a party, almost until the very morning, if the owners themselves are not persistently offering to stay, otherwise the next time you risk dropping out of the list of invitees.
7) Do not fasten leather jacket
These jackets are made for an open look, so if you don’t have suitable clothes that can be displayed, it’s better to choose another jacket.
8) Do not install the program completely
When installing a particular program, do not rush mindlessly to press "Next" and "I Agree." The developers persistently attach a bunch of third-party software to the main package of the program, which most likely will not be useful for you, but will be bothered by constant offers of updates and advertising. As a rule, the installation is proposed to complete or selective. It is strongly recommended to do the latter.
9) Stop in time when drinking alcohol
How often, waking up in the morning, the thought arises that the last few glasses, glasses, bottles were completely superfluous? To ensure that such questions are accompanied by appropriate sensations are no longer overpowered, it is better to learn how to apply the brakes during time. Even when everything is as good as possible and the alcohol flows in an endless river, and near are best friends.
10) Do not clutter up the hard disk.
To work correctly, the hard drive, it requires at least 500 megabytes of free space for effective data processing. So keep even the most favorite movies for an indefinite period - it is not advisable, given that you will not revise them very often.
11) Do not spend the whole vacation, lying on the beach
Returning to the work stream should be gradual, so before going to work after a vacation, there should be a couple of days that you should spend at home to mentally prepare yourself for the upcoming routine.
12) Do not satisfy hunger completely
This is one of the wisdom of many nations, along with the French and their "Getting up from the table should be hungry." Since, eating away, a person complicates the process of assimilation of useful substances by the body and as a result simply “litters” it.
13) Do not start the clock until it stops
The mechanical clock must be wound until a slight resistance appears. To spin the wheel further - it makes no sense, since it will not have any benefit, but will only stretch the spring stronger, which will lead to its early wear.
14) Do not smoke cigarettes and cigars to the end
If you can not get rid of the habit, then at least do not aggravate it. The closer to the filter, the more tar and nicotine you pull in.
15) Do not spend all the money on the card
You never know how the situation will turn out and at what point money may be needed. Removing everything to the last penny, you risk to spend everything faster, and if you don’t trust banking systems, then it is better to hide a part of the withdrawn funds away from sight.

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