A life

Plans for the future or how to build a path to happiness

Life goes on as usual, and you have no idea when it will turn its back on you. Why is it important to make plans for the future, and not to live for today? What is the meaning of our actions when we don’t know where we are going? If you feel like a squirrel in a wheel, it's time to get to know your inner world. The monotonous life loses its taste with time, and we strive for more. What should each person try and what values ​​to listen to? You will find out right now!

How to decide what is most important in life

What are we in this world for? What binds us together? How to achieve happiness and, finally, spiritual peace? These questions are necessary for understanding that the most important thing in the life of each of us. You go to work, go to the university, visit shops every day, read a book, sit in social. networks and everything seems fine ... but few people think about global things.

Why monotonous life has captured our mind and does not want to let go on the path of development? People complain about the routine, blame many factors, rush from one place to the second, but can not stop for a moment and think about the meaning of what is happening. In general, the search for meaning is introspection. We ourselves build a framework in which we have been for a long time. Going over the border of the habitual is often associated with a crime against its system. Everyone decides for himself what is important for him and what can be removed from view. For some, it is important to be principled and not to succumb to provocations from the outside.

Other people are more driven and ready to merge with the general mass. What is the best way to determine future plans? Make a list of values ​​as they are important! If for someone in the first place is "not to betray a loved one," then the second will indicate "to climb the career ladder in spite of everything." Each is individual, so we ourselves must search for meaning.

What does a man need? First of all, be sincere with yourself! Under pressure from the environment, public opinion, fashion trends, people artificially place themselves in a “problem” environment. The most important thing in life is to learn how to move towards your happiness, without disturbing the happiness of others. The most important thing is not to act against your will if you predict the course of events.

Someone complains about the constant shortage of money, although he has been working for 15 years on nervous work with a small salary. It is important for someone to find happiness in marriage, but for more than 7 years he / she has been searching for his ideal in his own interests. People deliberately go for fun, entertainment, live the idea of ​​ideals for decades, but do not even want to spend a few years on a specific goal.

Tellingly, true desires go against the well-established habits of the individual. It is difficult to go to workouts when you like to sit on the couch with a tablet in hand. It is difficult to make your own business if you are not ready to take risks, try, look for ways to implement. It is difficult to master a foreign language, if banal laziness lives in you.

It turns out that a person needs to be diligent. Plans for the future will never come close if you waste energy. You can not think about one thing, talk about it, but act completely differently. To win happiness, you need to destroy all the barriers that stop the whole process.

Have a good family, but little money? You need to appreciate the fact that you have relatives, and this energy will allow you to either climb up the career, or find a decent job with a decent pay. Is everything bad in your family and you have no money? It will not work to live in prosperity, until the problems are solved on a personal front.

One problem pulls the second and here it is necessary to eradicate the cause of failure. It is important to understand your true values, which keep you in good shape and give you strength to live. If you pursue imaginary happiness, but to neglect the main values ​​- a person will begin to "collapse" and put himself in a deaf corner. Imaginary happiness can be money, ideal relationships, career, appearance, when the truth can lie in a family, individuality, pleasant work, albeit with a small salary. If you find the main goals that will pull you to success - you are on the right path.

How to determine your future plans

Drawing up a plan is an opportunity to put all the cases "on the shelves." This is especially important when a mess is created in the head, but in reality a person is not “faithful” to his goals. It is best to make a plan for many years. Development requires specificity, and control over oneself is impossible without an exact timetable.

A plan is an excellent support for personal growth, regardless of need, gender, age. Without a clear understanding of his tasks, a person will periodically stop and be distracted by unnecessary things. In order to learn from the English, create a business project not to go smoothly to watching TV - you need to give yourself responsibilities.

The plan expands the world view. If you are trapped in your framework, you live with other people's ideas, you do not value your freedom - this is the best solution.

Compiling a list of goals

Take a sheet of paper, a pen and write what I want to realize. It is worth pointing out that you subconsciously can master and begin to work on it. Such a list will drop all unnecessary and show the most important. Here, hardly anyone will write watching TV, visiting McDonalds and mindless viewing pictures on the Internet.

Set time frame

Plans for the future love specifics. "I will lose 20 kilograms in 5 months or I will speak English in 12 months." Life may be a long thing, but we have so stupidly spent years wandering from one place to the second ... and the results are zero. At a pace, a person does not pay attention to the "bad habits" that constantly distract him from working on himself. You should not set an unattainable bar "I will earn a million in two months." Why not say "I will earn 20 thousand in two months and postpone them for business development."

Do not be afraid of difficulties

Efforts help people become a level higher. It's like training in the gym - you need to gradually increase the load, so that soon you will admire your beautiful body. How does the idea work fruitfully a week and order pizza on weekends as a promotion or go to the movies? The psyche and the body together love pleasure, and it is especially pleasant to receive them for merit. He wrote 10 articles in three days - went for a massage. Read the book on self-development on 150 pages - and you can go to the long-awaited shopping. Continuous growth makes you closer to success.

Create an image and match it

How can one be rich if: firstly, not to do anything for this, secondly, not to think how rich and not to look appropriate. Desire - it paints, which we decorate the canvas goals. "I will make a beautiful body and walk along the beach, I will be delighted to consider everything," or "I earn a decent amount, drive a good car to the orphanage and donate them things and toys." It is important to scale the idea and begin to live it, then the old life will be left behind.

Things to do in life

What needs to be done in the life of a person who does not know how to manage his time with meaning? Every day we do things that we impose on ourselves or others impose on us. What if you remove "what is fashionable, it is important to others," and to do an act from a pure heart? Down with prejudices and complexes - we improve karma, we grow morally and become a different person from now on.

Support someone in a difficult moment

The most important thing in life is not to become callous and remember that someone needs your help now. You can save the life of a child and make a blood transfusion, you can donate the amount to an expensive treatment for women with cancer. We saw a man lying on the grass - it is important to come up, find out if you need help, call an ambulance. We are closing in our own world, but we forget to pay attention to the needs of others. Hope of salvation may come from one good deed.

Plant your city and love nature

We sit at the computer all day, we eat chemical food, we are looking for a new Iphone at a discount ... but what about visiting the forests, picnics, clean-up days in the parks. A great idea to unwind is to buy several seedlings and plant them in your yard. Why not attract friends in social networks to gather to clean the park, plant flowers? Nature is our home, which we forget, we litter, we destroy flora and fauna. We must not forget our origins, because a great power is hidden in them.

Learn some foreign languages ​​and travel

It's cool to understand what a foreigner is talking about and keep up with him. It is even better to visit other countries, to receive a sea of ​​unforgettable emotions, not to know the boundaries in communication. Polyglot live an interesting life, then why not start with English and walk to Japanese?

Find a circle of interest

The things that need to be done in life are to find "your" people who will share your values ​​and be able to dream. Support from the side is needed to find a single solution, self-expression without oppressing your goals. Want to fight against animal testing? Today there are a lot of clubs that develop this idea. Want to travel to take pictures? You will definitely be supported by millions of photographers, and there are quite a few of them in your city.

Make a big surprise for relatives

You are delighted to watch the video when the son gives the father a car or the mother receives a pink cabriolet of her dreams, like in Elvis Presley. A holiday for relatives is a holiday in your heart. Carefully pick up a surprise, prepare for it, feel the excitement and pride in their actions. There is nothing better than surprise, happiness from the fact that you put your strength.

Try becoming a vegetarian

Immeasurable meat consumption has become a problem of the last century. Slaughterhouses are built in places where forests used to grow, there were meadows. Scientists have proven the detrimental effect of a large concentration of cattle and poultry on the environment. Moreover, it is very cruel when whales die, millions of cows, rare breeds of animals for human purposes. We do not need much to maintain the diet, but according to statistics, some of the meat just disappears, before reaching the consumer. Less meat consumption and "punch" on plant food is an interesting experience that entails helping the environment and fighting cruelty. It is not harmful to health.

Save money for the future

10% of the salary, which gradually grow into a fortune. You should always postpone and love this business! What you need to do in life is to learn to take care of profits. Money arrival, like a sea wave - you do not have time to catch it, as it is already at sea. Does the standard of living change, if you live not on 6000, but on 5500? The difference can be put on deposit and gradually report. Yes, at first not so much, but after a few years the amount will bring confidence in the future. It is important not to be tempted to spend everything. For this, it is recommended to read the book "The richest man in Babylon."

Plans for the future are the best tool for guaranteed happiness not in a year or two, but now. When you know what you are striving for, confidently go to the goal - you do not lose heart, you are not touched by those little things that used to be constantly distracting. You can never stop if the idea is worth it!

Watch the video: How to Find Your Path to Happiness (May 2024).