Personal growth

Basics of origin and typology of leadership

The phenomenon of leadership is inherent in any social group.

There are various theories and approaches that classify this process depending on the nature of its flow.

Types and types of leadership

Leadership - is a type of social interaction in which one person in a group has the ability to influence the rest of its members.

The leader has the authority and real power, he is able to lead.

Process types are distinguished by the way in which the person influences the group.

This classification is quite diverse and is represented by a variety of approaches and theories.

Types are determined depending on the degree of influence and the nature of the power of the individual. The main classification involves the allocation of two types: formal and informal.

In the first case we are talking about the existence of powers related to the position held or the actual authority in place. In the second case implies the existence of moral qualities and a certain level of professionalism, which are recognized by other members of the group.


Classification is considered within the whole spectrum of sciences. Particular attention is paid to the issue in psychology, political science.

In psychology

In experimental practice, it is customary to single out several key types:

  1. Organizer. Its activities are aimed at supporting group integration. It helps coordinate efforts, chart a development strategy, and solve specific problems. Thanks to his efforts, all members of the group are functioning productively and harmoniously.
  2. Initiator. This is a person who constantly generates new ideas. If any problems arise, he takes responsibility for making decisions.
  3. Emotional engine. Determines the mood of the group, demonstrates the ability to influence the psychological climate in the team.

    Any routine or undesirable work is accepted by the team positively thanks to the creation of the right mood by this person.

  4. Scrabble. He has extensive knowledge in all areas related to the direction of the group. Respected in the team because of the high level of professionalism.
  5. Reference. A kind of "star" that attracts the attention of all members of the group. He causes admiration and sympathy. All members of the group fall under his charm and strive to be like him.
  6. Craftsman. A professional in a specific type of activity, the level of knowledge and skills of which is not subject to challenge. Always conscientiously and efficiently performs work within his competence, so that you can safely rely on it when solving problems.

In political science

Leadership can be exercised not only at the level of a small social group, but also at the community level, social and political movements, of society as a whole.

Political leader - This is a man who heads the political power in society.

These are leaders of states, prominent figures, representatives of ruling parties and other personalities who have an influence on the masses.

M. Weber distinguished three main types:

  1. Traditional. The basis of the formation of power are historical traditions. The ability to manage the state is transferred by the right of inheritance in accordance with membership of a particular genus.

    It does not matter that the candidate has real abilities and character traits necessary for effective government management.

  2. Charismatic. The head of state is credited with real or perceived moral, intellectual over-quality. The immediate environment and the media make every effort to spread such beliefs in society. An image of a person who has charisma and special power is formed.
  3. Democratic. There is a legal and regulatory framework in the society in accordance with which a representative of the government is chosen by citizens on a voluntary basis as a result of legitimate elections. The head of state holds the highest position in the country and makes all the key decisions.

Leader Types

Depending on the nature of the leader’s activity, the following types of activity are distinguished:

  1. Organizer. He feels that he is part of a collective and perceives all social tasks as his own. Able to organize all members of society in order to build effective interaction. Under his influence, all participants in joint activities are trying to show their best qualities in order to solve assigned tasks through collective efforts.
  2. Latent. A person who has not yet fully manifested his qualities. He knows how to exert influence and subjugate others, but his role is still quite hidden.

    As a rule, latent leaders are gradually turning into real ones, because they have the makings for it.

  3. Frontal. Communicates with others openly and even familiarly. Completely absent by any hierarchy. He expresses all his convictions and comments directly, without further ado.
  4. Hidden. May hold a high position or is away from the management structure. Carries out its activities hidden. Ambient do not know about the real role that he plays in the team.
  5. Shadow. This person does not show his aspiration to exert influence at all. He manages people so skillfully that others do not even notice that they are being manipulated. He is an indispensable assistant of a real leader, because he helps to realize any conceived strategy.
  6. Diplomat. Objectively assesses the real state of things, is aware of all the pitfalls and hidden phenomena. He prefers to discuss problems in the circle of like-minded people, keeping silent about certain ineligible disclosures. He always behaves benevolently and respectfully, and is able to skillfully avoid conflict situations.
  7. Comforter. Respects his opponents. Distinguished by politeness, courtesy, goodwill. Able to provide support in a difficult situation. To him with pleasure go for help and understanding.

Leadership styles

Styles are determined depending on the nature of the individual. This is a typical manager’s system of receptions and rules that guide him when communicating with a team.

In classical theories, the allocation of styles was applied only in the study of groups, but at present this classification extends to the sphere of leadership of the team.

Typology of the three styles

Typology of three leadership styles developed by K. Levin. He set up an experiment on adolescents aged 11-12 years. The participants in the experiment were divided into three groups headed by adults.

Children under the guidance of their mentors made products from papier-mâché.

Each leader demonstrated certain management style of their wards.

At the end of the experiment, the degree of efficiency of the team was evaluated. Based on the data obtained, three main leadership / leadership styles were identified:

  1. Authoritarian. He solely makes decisions and manages all activities in the group. His authority is not subject to dispute. The problems of the rest of the group do not bother him. All efforts are reduced to the guaranteed achievement of the goal at any cost.
  2. Democratic. Building relationships with subordinates based on the principle of cooperation. He is ready to listen to their opinion and take it into account when making decisions. The activity of such a group is more productive and the climate in the team itself is favorable, but the result is achieved much slower than with authoritarian management.
  3. Liberal. There is, but does not have any pronounced effect on the activities of group members. The team itself discusses problems, makes decisions. A sufficiently high level of operational efficiency is possible, but a lot of time is spent on solving organizational issues and coordinating efforts.


This is a social process in which people are managed taking into account the specific situation and the level of employee readiness to solve the task.

There are 4 styles:

  • directive (management is carried out by strict orders and orders aimed at the execution of the task and ignoring the interests of the people);
  • mentor (orders and orders are combined with effective communication with subordinates who can express their own opinions);
  • supportive (the head provides support to his subordinates, while decisions are made to a greater degree not by them, but by subordinates);
  • delegating (group members have the full right to make an independent decision, the responsibility also falls on them).


Theories of leadership are presented in various fields of science, since this topic has always interested scientists and is currently still an object of study.

Of origin

From a sociological point of view, the following theories of the origin of leadership are distinguished:

  1. Traits According to the theory of the devil, a person with a certain set of natural qualities possesses power.

    M. Weber and E. Trzell coined the term charisma - exceptional personality traits that make it possible to impress others.

  2. Situational. Of decisive importance is the situation due to which a person can show his abilities to manage people.
  3. The decisive role of followers. People recognize the authority of the individual who meets their expectations and requirements. As soon as he ceases to meet expectations, he is shifted.
  4. Relational. A leader is the subject that controls the process of organizing interpersonal relationships in a group.


One of the popular theories of the 20th century - genetic.

It was developed by T. Carlisle, E. Jennings, J. Dowd, and others.

They were of the opinion that managerial abilities are a manifestation of m hereditary genes.

L. Bernard, V. Binham, O. Ted and other scientists were of the opinion that power is in the hands of individuals who possess a certain set of psychological traits.

According to E. Bogardustype of leadership depends on the characteristics of the group and the problems it faces.


From the behaviorists' point of view, leadership is not a set of natural qualities, but an acquired ability. Accordingly, gaining certain knowledge and experience. can develop similar traits.

K. Levin, who singled out the styles of the phenomenon after the experiments conducted on adolescents, is the most prominent representative of this trend.

Behaviorists Blake and Mouton suggested classifying styles by "Management grid", consisting of two main indicators: orientation to production, orientation to the personnel.


System theory combines thorium features, situational theory. A leader is a subject who effectively manages interpersonal relationships.

The main psychological tool - influence. It is carried out in two aspects: legal power, psychological power. Supporters of the doctrine: L. Umansky, M. Bityanova.


The main focus is on the study of the goals and objectives of the group.

Leadership occurs under the influence of certain environmental factors in which there is a group.

Proponents of the approach: B. Bass, F. Fiedler, E. Hollander, J. Julian.

Basic Theories in Management

There are many approaches studying the phenomenon of leadership in relation to the organization. Among them most popular enjoy exercises that address the following questions:

  • leadership skills;
  • leadership behavior;
  • situational leadership;
  • effective leadership analysis.

So, F. Taylor developed list of required qualities which should be inherent to the manager: intelligence, erudition, special knowledge, determination, common sense, good health, etc.

According to U. Bennis, the head should have the skills of effective communication, strategic thinking, purposefulness, strong-willed character.

Thus, leadership theory is very extensively studied within sociology, psychology, political science and other sciences. There are various classifications of types, types, styles of this process.

The main theories of leadership:

Watch the video: 956 - Leadership and End-time Prophecy - Walter Veith (October 2024).