Personal growth

Characteristics of hyperthymic character accentuation

Every single person is a unique person, with his own life experience and worldview.

However, we can observe that the behavior of some people in similar situations is the same - their character, personality traits, they are very similar to each other.

Hyperthymic character accentuation - What features do people of this type possess? How do they change with age and what do psychologists recommend?

Concept, description, characteristics

German scientist K. Leonhard, based on the behavioral reactions of people and their relationships with others, identified 12 personality types, each of which is characterized by certain features of behavior in different situations.

People with hyperthymic accentuation of character are characterized by increased activity and resistance to stress, which, however, are caused by the superficial perception of the interlocutor or the situation.

The main features of hyperthymia are desire for leadership, independence and unwillingness to obey the rules.

Hypertime traits

Active, optimistic, versatile, interesting and sociable people - just such a characteristic give hypertima familiar people with them.

Hypertim is the person who is often called the soul of the company. They perfectly find a common language even with strangers, they adore mass events and always strive to be visible, in the center of attention.

Such people are valued for the optimism that hyperthymes can transmit to others. Hypertimes also tend to look great - nothing can ruin their appetite and sleep. Together, this delight and pleasure in communicating with them from others.

Such qualities provide them with the role of informal leaders since adolescence, and later - successful advancement through the career ladder.

Stress resistance and energy allow them to cope with difficult situations, and non-standard, flexible thinking - to find a solution even in the case when all the others give up and admit defeat.

Hypertima in professional teams play the role of gray cardinals - For them, it is important not official position, but actual leadership, control over the situation and the behavior of others.

Activity and vitality allow hypertime to maintain wide range of interests, deal with several things at the same time, which, however, are not always completed.

Also, their superficiality and lightness often become the cause of irresponsibility - as a result, hyperthymes as easily fly off the career ladder, as they climbed onto it.

Constant pursuit of freedom of action make it very problematic to be in a society with strict rules - for example, in barrack mode. Also, the tendency towards adventurism and unwillingness to be constrained by any conventions sometimes become a cause of violation of the law.

In personal relationships, people with hyperthymic accentuation of character are enough. inconstant. Even with the existing family structure, hyperthymes can continue to search for a person more attractive to them.

At the same time, after sexual contact with hyperthymia, interest in a partner may completely disappear.

Such behavior often becomes the cause of disagreement between the spouses and divorce.

Sexual activity manifesting in hyperthymes as early as adolescence, may also cause the creation of early, unstable marriages.

What is the characteristic of the hyperthyme personality type? Find out from the video:

Classification by type

People with hyperthymic type by accentuation of character can be further classified into several types, which are characterized by certain personality traits:

  1. Hyperthymic hysteroid type. The basis of the behavior of this type of people is their reaction to stress - in any difficult situation they seek to prove their superiority and exclusivity.

    At the same time, ways of achieving such superiority can be the most unpredictable.

  2. Hyperthyme unstable type. People of this type want to get the maximum pleasure from life at any cost - even to the detriment of the main occupation. Often this commitment ends with alcoholism or drug addiction.
  3. Hyperty-cyclic type. This type of people is characterized by a sharp change of mood, which is caused by endogenous factors. At the same time, mood changes are cyclical.
  4. Hyperty-affective type. Such people are distinguished by increased aggression, quick temper. They often perceive any conflict situation as a personal challenge, bringing its heat to the limit.

Age features

Lifelong hypertime is characterized by the following behaviors:


Hypertima children restless and active. They do not comply with subordination, do not recognize the authority of adults. They are distinguished by the desire for independence and disobedience.

Already at this age, children become leaders surrounded by their peers, striving to impose their desires and decisions on them in games and in communication.

Excessive activity at school prevents them from getting involved in the learning process. Although often the training material is given to them quite easily, the monotony of learning is unacceptable for them, so good grades can alternate with low ones.


In adolescence, hyperthymes are very sociable and freedom-loving, which automatically allows them take a leading position from their peers.

Any indication of an adult at this age can cause a flare-up of aggression and exponential disobedience.

They often conflict with adults, seeking prove your independence. Hypertymes mature physically and sexually early enough, early in sex life.

Mature age

The behavior of hyperthymes in adulthood is due to the experience obtained in his youth. Often at this time they correct the mistakes made earlier, strive to achieve success and recognition.

Optimism and interpersonal skills allow them to achieve a lot in professional terms.

Most often, hyperthymes choose their profession related to communication creative work that allows them to throw out all their energy.

A brief sketch of the hyperthymic accentuation of character:

Famous examples

As an example of a person with a hyperthymic type of character accentuation, one can cite a character from the famous animated series Smeshariki - Crumbling.

Croche hyperactive, it is his energy and optimism with a rather superficial knowledge that allows him to cope with the situation when more literate characters recognize their helplessness.

A typical example of a person with a hyperthymic type of character accentuation is many comedians - for example, Jim carrey.

He never could not stand their suffering and experiences to the public. This is a person-mood, always optimistic, smiling, with very developed facial expressions and a desire to communicate.

Recommendations of psychologists

In childhood and school age, hyperthyms should be maximum loaded physically - so that their energy finds a free exit.

You should not demand assiduity from them - it is much better to try to alternate classes, replace one kind of activity over another.

In adolescence tendency to conflict must also be taken into account by adults in their upbringing. It is not recommended to suppress and impose your opinion on hyperthymus - it simply will not accept it until it comes to such a decision by experience.

It is necessary to use the desire of the hyperthyme for independence - to allow it to independently make a decision, to put it in the conditions that will push it to it.

For hyperthymes in adulthood, psychologists recommend fairly simple auto-training, which will allow more make optimal use of your own energy.

Psychotraining exercises

Superficiality and ease of judgment in hyperthymes often lead to irresponsibility. Simple exercises will help to more responsibly approach the duties.

  1. Training "Order". This simple training will allow the hyperthymis to perceive the situation in more depth, will pay more attention to the areas of its activity due to the induction of elementary order in thoughts and professional activity. You should start with the order on your own desk - you should sort out the documents and things on the shelves and strive to maintain it daily.

    You also need to have a diary, where you need to write down your thoughts and necessary things.

  2. "Planning". Try to plan an event or business in advance, describing in detail the points of each plan. Often, the desire for improvisation causes the change of plans in hyperthymes, and this simple technique will allow you to more clearly keep to your intended goal.
  3. "The end of the case". Focus your attention on bringing a specific case to its logical conclusion. Start with simple tasks, gradually paying attention to the end of all planned activities.

Hypertima at their activity lack of sense of purposethat is often an obstacle to success.

By directing attention to this character trait, the hypertime can correct its behavior.

Examples of hyperthyroid psychotype in this video:

Watch the video: The Four Temperaments Part 1 (May 2024).