Personal growth

How to develop the habit of meditating

Getting started is easy to meditate. But to continue this lesson, to hold it regularly - that is still a task. Someone tries to use the “21 days” rule, someone relies only on his own willpower or perseverance. However, with the 7 tips described in the sections of this article, it will not be so difficult to systematically train. How to start a session so that they are not accompanied by laziness, excuses and unwillingness?

How to start meditating

Find motivation

Most often, the primary impulse is short-lived. The desire to continue classes has to be reinforced periodically. Meditations do not require heavy training, considerable strength or a lot of time, but even with such a layout, it is often difficult to hold them regularly.

Fortunately, everyone can find their incentive for systematic workouts or even create a personal motivational program. A few examples:

  • sign up for group sessions. The support of like-minded people and monetary spending will give the necessary impetus;
  • buy beautiful clothes, candles, incense sticks or other pleasant things that can be used only during spiritual practices;
  • praise yourself in front of the mirror for each lesson;
  • do something pleasant for yourself after the session;
  • view motivational videos in which people talk about the benefits of meditation, tested on their own experience;
  • set an alarm on the phone, registering the words of self-support in it - “You can do it!”, “You can do it!”, “Success is near”, etc.

Encouraging words of loved ones in this case are important. You can ask your friends or relatives to occasionally cheer you up, not to give you “filonit” or lose heart.

Do not chase two hares

The mistake of many is the desire to change everything at once. In fact, it is almost impossible to quit smoking at the same time, enroll in dance courses, change jobs and start regular meditations. It is important to learn how to set priorities. How to do it:

  • take no more than two easy tasks at once or one big task, not starting the other, until the first is at least partially fixed;
  • start with small decisions - their success is motivated by more complex achievements;
  • first and foremost change in the areas related to health. In the future, well-being, physical fitness will help to be more stable, stronger in other habits;
  • of the two equally important, costly changes, select and implement the first one, the implementation of which will take less time.

If you deal with all the problems at the same time, do not try to define the goals of paramount importance, it will lead to a breakdown. The person will not tolerate excessive pressure and will begin to experience failure after failure. One such misfire can withstand, although it is difficult. And what happens when the failures start to come in from all sides at once?

He wants to quit everything. As a result, no task will be completed. But despondency, boredom, self-doubt will continue to develop with a geometric progression.

Take time

Any occupation requires a time frame. If you do not immediately install them, and continue to perform erratically actions, a lot of benefit from this will not work. It is important to immediately identify:

  • exact start time (at 15:00, immediately after waking up, just before bedtime);
  • the duration of each lesson (5-45 minutes, the entire break or its percentage);
  • the duration of the course as a whole (1 month, year, constantly);
  • frequency (once a day, week, on weekdays, only on weekends).

As soon as the brain receives a specific setting in time, it will become easier to perform the duties regularly.

To develop a full-fledged habit, you can go to the trick. First, set a goal to meditate for three days in a row. When the term comes to an end, extend it to a week, then to two, to a month, and so on. Immediately make yourself take up workouts for a year is very difficult. And three days seem so trifling that it is a pity not to start with them. A whole week seems like a long period, but a three-day success will change that.

Come up with encouragement and punishment

Setting the framework concerns not only time, but also the “carrot and stick” method. A well-deserved reward is much sweeter than just indulging yourself. Pursue a specific offense is better understood, comprehended on all sides. What you can please yourself:

  • overcoming oneself, reluctance, apathy, laziness;
  • performance of a task without gaps during a specified period (to determine it before training);
  • over-fulfillment of the norm (reasonable);
  • successful completion of the task;
  • achievements in several cases at once.

The rewards are pleasant purchases, computer games, delicacies, a trip to your favorite institution, extra time for leisure or sleep.

And here is a list of those cases followed by mandatory fines:

  • skipping training, its premature termination without objective reasons;
  • performing exercises “for show”, but not qualitatively;
  • manipulation of results (for example: a 10-minute session to count as 15-minute);
  • encouraging yourself for nothing;
  • improvisation without benefit when there is direct instruction (for example: to meditate lying down, although there are forces to adopt a more complex asana).

Punishment is first of all rejection of what causes pleasure. However, he does not have to be complete. On the contrary, it is enough just to reduce the amount of free time, and not completely remove it. It is also necessary to draw motivation and inspiration from somewhere, except from “penalties”.

Make a diary

Let it be an ordinary paper notebook. It is better that it is colorful, with different page layouts, with fields sufficient for long entries. Why is it needed? To record:

  • class schedule;
  • penalties and incentives;
  • motivational phrases;
  • personal thoughts about meditation;
  • lifehacks for training;
  • additional rules on nutrition, daily routine.

In the diary, you can draw, paste stickers, make bookmarks, write with multi-colored pens, pencils, felt-tip pens or markers. If the diary is correct, then I always want to take it in hand, re-read, make new entries in it. It is interesting even to open it.

This method has a psychological benefit. Each exercise crossed out or ticked out (as passed) gives the brain a signal of completion. It also causes joy, a surge of strength, pleasure, equal to the pleasure of eating sweetness.

Prepare for experiments

Monotony quickly turns into boredom, annoys, reduces motivation. Constantly learning something new, changing practices is the key to long-lasting interest.

Fortunately, the Internet is full of books about meditation. Here is a ton of videos on this topic. There are full-fledged courses, forums, trainings. Sources for the development of theoretical and practical stock enough. What you can experiment with during the sessions:

  • location;
  • body positions - asanas;
  • mudras - finger positions;
  • mantras - sacred sounds or phrases;
  • incense, music;
  • the number of meditators (alone, with a friend or a group);
  • techniques (for breathing, for images, dynamic).

You can select individual clothes for each session on days of the week. Or try to meditate in motion, while traveling in public transport. Or choose the color, shape, smell of scented candles in the mood. Meaning - in the changes, moving away from the routine, perception of meditative activities as something exciting.

Share success

Nothing reinforces success as sincere praise from another person. Therefore, bragging is even useful. In reasonable measures, of course. To proclaim yourself as the best in the world or to talk about your achievements compulsively and every minute is the way to failure. It is enough to say one of the phrases:

“The last training seemed impossible. I am happy that I succeeded. ”

“Experimenting with technicians, I managed to find my own. Now I am glad to share my knowledge. ”

“It was a little difficult, but I started to get it. Now less nervous. I am delighted!".

The main thing is to sincerely share your emotions, and not to prove superiority or perfection. Then the surrounding themselves will begin to praise, cheer.

The habit of meditating daily or at least less often, but regularly helps to make life better. The advantage of the methods described is that they are suitable for other activities. They can be used to start training, eat right, build relationships, change yourself. However, meditation is a good start on the path to the best. They will greatly help in other areas.

Watch the video: How to Create the Habit of Meditation - And Make it STICK (October 2024).