A life

How to stop being lazy and start an active life

If at a certain point you get tired of being lazy, you should stop being lazy and start acting. How to do it? How hard is it? How long can it take? What is the probability of success? A lot of recommendations are written about all this. The Internet is full of feature articles. But what to do if you re-read them all laziness? We offer a selection of the most effective techniques for how to stop being lazy. Simple and practical advice will help all who wish to overcome their laziness, starting an active meaningful life.

How to stop being lazy

When someone visits such thoughts, it will mean that he is definitely tired of feeling lazy. Indeed, the feeling is not pleasant, especially if everything around is eternally poked in this circumstance. So, at a certain moment, such a person thinks about how to stop being lazy and start living in such a way that everyone finally calms down and falls behind. He just still does not realize that by changing his behavior to a more active one, he will no longer want to return to its original state.

So yet, how to stop being lazy? How much time it may take. We note immediately that the process is quite long. It all depends on the individual and the circumstances. Someone will cope in a month, another - in two, and the third will take six months. The main thing to begin, and there already on a situation it will be visible.

How to stop being lazy and start living? There are many ways, but in order to save time, we will only indicate the most interesting and reliable ones.

Nothing to do

Probably the only express method of getting rid of laziness. Quite an interesting technique that allows you to stop being lazy in the shortest possible time. A significant disadvantage of this approach is the short duration of the effect. After a certain time, laziness returns to its owner.

In general, the essence of this method, how to stop being lazy, is to do absolutely nothing for the maximum possible time. You can only blink and breathe. Everything else is not recommended. Just stand and look at the wall. A minute, two, ten. It is unlikely that anyone will survive any longer, since every second will seem like an eternity to him.

After such an execution, the hands themselves will be pulled to the writing instruments or other tools, and the legs will involuntarily be carried to the school bench or workplace.

It turns out that doing nothing can be even more tedious than the most active work.

Learn to inspire yourself

Often laziness occurs in response to a weak person’s motivation. In childhood, we are talking about the lack of influence on the part of parents. If we talk about an adult person, in his case it is already a weak self-motivation. Anyway, its essence is the same. To stop being lazy - you should argue yourself why you should not do this.

For example, to present all the delights of the result (visualization method), or regularly reward yourself with something pleasant for your boring work (anchoring method). You can also turn the gray routine into an interesting game, filled with daily victories and achievements (a method called "Success Magazine").

How to stop being lazy and start acting in case of a very large-scale task? Here the method of "Swiss cheese" is useful, the action of which resembles the behavior of a little mouse gnawing out small pieces of a large cheese slice. Gradually, its size decreases and over time the mouse eats the remnants of cheese without the slightest difficulty. The big task becomes smaller with each of its sub-items.

Motivate yourself

Thematic books, videos, communication with active people will inspire even a very lazy person to think how to stop being lazy. Moreover, associations with an active lifestyle should be everywhere. On the desktop wallpaper, in the ringtone of a mobile phone, various daily reminders, etc.

Even better, everyone around is also extremely dynamic people. That is why it is so important to make such friends. Together to go hiking, attend trainings, thematic exhibitions, regularly compete with each other, build ambitious ambitious plans.

In the end, you can hang a poster near the mirror with a cute but thick chinchilla, regularly comparing your display with it.

Start your day right

How to celebrate the New Year, so spend it. As you get up in the morning, so the day will pass. It is very important to introduce certain morning rituals into the category of automatism, which will help to stop being lazy and begin to act. These include:

  • Airing the room;
  • Morning exercise or jogging;
  • Invigorating shower;
  • A full breakfast and a glass of natural juice;
  • Planning your day.

If you use these simple recommendations, you can provide yourself with a charge of cheerfulness until the evening. Ceasing to be lazy is not that difficult. We should not leave a single chance of laziness in the morning, gradually turning it into a good habit.

Tune in to optimistic mood

Since despondency or apathy are characteristic of pessimists, positive thinking will help to stop being lazy much faster. After all, the world is rich in such a huge number of opportunities that not using them is akin to a crime. The only thing you need to do is get up from the couch and start taking action.

What exactly? Everyone has their own priorities and values. Someone will repair the grandfather's car, the other will enroll in English courses, and the third will resume training in the gym. After all, the activity is very different. The main thing is that it brings pleasure.

How to stop being lazy? It is necessary to smile, fill your world with positive emotions. Eat a delicious black chocolate, bite it with a ripe banana, listen to your favorite music or chat with a nice person. Everyone can find an antidepressant to their liking.

Recommendations how to stop being lazy, a lot has been invented. These techniques are not a complete list of them. But they are very effective and help to achieve results in the shortest possible time. Again, that in the shortest possible time, because very quickly stop being lazy will not work. It is hard work and naively to assume otherwise, but the result of such efforts will necessarily exceed all expectations!

Watch the video: How To Overcome Laziness - 10 Tips To Stop Being Lazy (November 2024).