Personal growth

How can you change your character for the better?

In their youth, people do not often think about how to change their character. As a rule, this thought comes with maturity and the desire to fully communicate with others. A person realizes that everyone around him does not have to love him if he does not love himself, constantly whining and complaining about life, getting angry or lazy.

At that moment, when you understand that your character is the cause of complex relationships in the family or at work, it is urgent to take measures to remedy the situation.

First step: positive thinking

In fact, a bad temper is like a bad habit, just getting rid of it is harder than, for example, quitting smoking. If you can keep yourself in hand and not buy a pack of cigarettes, then there will be nothing to smoke, but it is more difficult to throw away unnecessary thoughts from your head.

Remember, your character is your idea of ​​life. What you think of yourself will grow and develop in you. Therefore, always imagine what kind of person you want to become.

If you are used to constantly regret something and tell you how unlucky you are in life, think about what you have. Every person has something to be grateful for: health, children, work, appearance. If you think that there is nothing - this is your chance to start everything from scratch. The first thing to do before changing character is to learn to think positively.

There is an interesting technique that can help you with this. Take a simple gum for money and put it on your hand. As soon as a negative thought creeps into your head, you immediately delay the gum and “snap” - remember that everything is good, and it will be even better. The habit of controlling your thoughts and not letting yourself fall into the swamp of envy, resentment, scandal, will make you optimistic, and happiness without optimism is impossible. In turn, a happy person is confident in himself, he rejoices for himself and for others, gives a good mood to others.

Second step: self-love

The second, without which it is impossible to change your character - the love of self. Every morning, waking up and stretching sweetly, go to the mirror, smile and say: "I love you." Repeat yourself as often as possible, that every minute you become better, kinder, more confident in yourself.

Such an auto-training will set the right mood for the whole day, and when you get the right setting, you will follow it automatically.

Not loving yourself because you don’t like your character is pointless. Until you accept yourself as you are, you will be filled with negativity towards yourself, and this only destroys. You, on the contrary, need to learn how to create - to create a new person who will fit your ideas.

Step Three: Behavior Analysis

Character - a set of habits to respond in any way to emerging situations. Given that life consists of repetitive moments, learn to analyze your behavior. A great idea would be to start keeping a diary. Describe what happened to you during the day, how you behaved and how you should have acted.

For example, you want to become more confident in yourself, and today your boss offered to fill out a vacation schedule. Of course, you modestly kept silent, although you dreamed of going to rest in August. Describe the situation and the reasons for your timidity, make an approximate dialogue with your boss, who could take place. The next day with this plan of conversation, go and feel free to explain to the authorities that August is ideal for your holiday. Several of these situations, and soon you can stand up for yourself.

Before you change the character, consider whether you really need it. If you do not feel discomfort in communicating with other people and live in harmony with yourself, perhaps you need nothing to change. Do not rely on the opinion of one person who does not like something in you.

No matter what character trait you decide to fight, you will need to follow a simple plan. First, determine what exactly is behind this problem, what caused it, and what you want to replace it with. For example, if you want to stop being angry about any nonsense, start smiling. Studies have shown that the habit is developed within 30 days. This means that if you control your emotions for a month, then after this time, the changes will be obvious. If the list of what you want to change is quite extensive, highlight the main points (1-2) that you will work on first.

Having thought about how you can change your character, you should understand that thinking alone is not enough, you will need serious work on yourself. When a person is not satisfied with his body, he goes on a diet and goes to the gym. For the result is always needed action. Therefore, making the decision to change - act, because it is on this that the quality of your life depends.

Watch the video: Change Your Habits, Change Your Life (April 2024).