
What is a phenomenon or strangeness of human thinking?

“Incomprehensible” is the word that best describes a phenomenon. This amazing phenomenon has worried philosophers for centuries. But the most interesting for us is the phenomenon of the human brain. If you learn how faith treats real diseases, and why negative thinking is more beneficial than positive, you can make a personal breakthrough much faster.

What is a phenomenon

A phenomenon is an unusual, unrecognized, exceptional fact or phenomenon, the cause of which is unknown. In some philosophical systems, the phenomenon is called the external side of the phenomenon, which can only be comprehended at the sensory level.

Phenomenology is a trend in philosophy that studies the nature of phenomena, that is, the study of what is present in consciousness and actually exists. The phenomenon, as a contemplative phenomenon, is opposed to the noumenon, the subject of intellectual contemplation.

Etymologically "phenomenon"comes from the Greek word that translates as"to appear" or "seem"That is, a phenomenon is at the same time thought, sensation, perception, representation. In ancient philosophy, the term is most often found in the works of Aristotle, Socrates, Democritus. The teachings of Plato and his Platonists, in which the phenomenal (reflecting idea) world was opposed noumenal (opened in the course of knowledge) the world.

The concept itself is borrowed into Russian from French in the 18th century. In modern times, the concepts of the phenomenon became key ideas in Kant's philosophy. German philosopher Immanuel Kant denies the opposition of the phenomenon to the noumena and considers the first object to be cognized at the same time at the level of feelings and intellect. Founder of phenomenology Edmund Husserl dedicated to the work of the exclusivity of human logic and consciousness. He proposed his own definition of the phenomenon: "... this is what is there without separation of essence and appearance, of what seems and what actually exists".

Phenomena are studied by philosophy, psychology, ethics, aesthetics, exact, natural sciences, and each has its own list of incomprehensible facts. For example, in economics, there is a Veblen effect - an incredibly high demand for overpriced goods. And ornithologists study the phenomenon of "grumble" starlings - when the birds gather in huge flocks and move synchronously.

Phenomena of human consciousness and brain

There are thousands of books and scientific papers that define the human mind and psyche. But a single agreement on this matter yet. As a fact, diametrically opposed statements are accepted. Some scientists believe that absolutely all living beings are endowed with consciousness. Buddhism holds the same point of view. Others argue that consciousness is inseparable from the concept of reflection (introspection).

While cognitive sciences argue about the nature of consciousness, the emergence of thought, the structure of the brain, scientists continue to argue on the topic of popular social and psychological phenomena.

The phenomenon of faith.

Science requires proof, but faith does not need them. Although there are results of magnetic resonance scans of the brain during prayer, which reveal specific electrical activity, activity of the parietal and temporal lobes. But true faith is not reduced to electrical discharges. Religious faith helped people survive in the inhuman conditions of war, famine and concentration camps. Belief in yourself helps us become stronger, change lives. Faith is the basis for another incomprehensible phenomenon - the Placebo effect, when a person gets a “dummy” instead of a medication, but recovers.

The phenomenon of loneliness.

Loneliness is among the concepts that seem to be known to everyone, but in fact hide a complex, contradictory philosophical content. It would seem that everything is clear: loneliness is when you are alone. But a person can live alone and still have many friends of friends and relatives. Residents of megalopolises have another problem - loneliness together, when a person is in a relationship, with friends and relatives, and inside is emptiness. And this is not all the problem statement. There is still the voluntary loneliness of a person who does not want to get married, forced loneliness in a new team, the lack of emotional connection with people, the absence of relatives.

The phenomenon of deja vu.

Deja vu - a fleeting sense of recognition of an unfamiliar, which can be experienced in everyday situations. Deja vu gives the illusion of clairvoyance when it seems to us that we saw the future in a dream or can predict it. In Antiquity, this feeling was called “the memory of a past life,” and modern scientists consider the effect to be a game of our subconscious. But deja vu remains one of the strangest, incomprehensible and uncontrollable abilities of a person.

The phenomenon of positive thinking.

The fundamental difference between the actions of positive and negative thoughts on a person’s life is proved by science. Of course, positive thinking reduces depression, prolongs life. But he is often confused with the magic. It seems to us that a few positive thoughts are enough and voila - everything will happen by itself. But a positive thought, multiplied by zero action, gives zero result. And the illusion of control and omnipotence prevents us from realistically assessing what is happening. So the installation of positive thinking is not suitable for everyone. And the phenomenon of optimism lies precisely in negative thinking.

The phenomenon of negative thinking

To say that positive attitudes do not work correctly. But we will consider cases when negative thinking is useful - the ability to discern the pitfalls in advance and to meet with them prepared.

Rule 1. Everything has a reverse side.

The bright side is what we are trying to present to others. The dark side is that it slows down our approach to the ideal. That is why the promise of a personnel officer for employment and real work are two big differences. Therefore, there are relations crises, quarrels, disappointments, breaks in relationships.

Conclusion. First of all, it’s worth looking for flaws in everything.

Rule 2. The worse the better.

Paradox, but when we fail, our self-esteem rises. This is scientifically proven. People who grew up in an atmosphere of overcoming difficulties become the best employees and make a successful career more often than those brought up in "marshmallow" conditions. The very thought of error does not terrify them, but helps to concentrate. A person becomes smarter only when he comes face to face with difficulties and realizes that they are not so terrible.

Conclusion. The main thing is to learn to draw the right conclusions from your defeats and take a punch..

Rule 3. Everything free is valued less or not at all appreciated.

When we easily, without straining, get what we want, we do not have time to form an idea of ​​its value. What we get without effort does not cause us a long interest. This refers to the training - we rarely examine free courses until the end, but on the paid ones we learn with pleasure. The same happens in relationships, creativity, at work.

Conclusion. Everything has its price. And better know her in advance.

Rule 4. Stereotypes and patterns do not change.

A huge number of business coaches teach working methods of success, nutritionists give weight loss advice, psychologists talk about how to get married successfully. But many continue to eat fast food and hate their employers. Our brain prefers to walk the beaten paths, invent patterns of behavior. Therefore, habits, patterns, stereotypes, life scenarios do not change.

Conclusion. Instead of waiting for others to change, it is better to come up with a new strategy for behavior. Or change yourself, if possible.

Rule 5. Joy is not just excessive, but wrong.

In a state of euphoria, which gives us joy, we are easier to decide on adventurous actions, stop seeing serious threats and risks, are not inclined to think about something complicated. But negative emotions encourage scrupulous and systematic analysis of information, contribute to an attentive way of thinking. Envy and anger can motivate more effectively than admiration. But sadness gives signals that something went wrong in life.

Conclusion. With the right approach, negative emotions can become our friends..


  • A psychological phenomenon is a psychological effect that has been tested by experience, but not proven scientifically.
  • Socio-psychological phenomena characterize the relationship of people with each other.
  • Negative thinking leads to the bright side of life. It is only necessary to learn to think correctly.

Watch the video: Richard Dolan - The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (May 2024).