Love and relationship

The value and role of the family in society

People tend to pair upformalize the relationship.

But what is the role of the family in society, that it is given such greater importance?

The value of family relationships

The study of the small cell of society is engaged in psychology, sociology, jurisprudence.

Each science describes it in its own way, but researchers come to the conclusion that the family is important both for the individual and for society as a whole.

Regulation of many social and domestic functions happening at the family level. The assimilation of moral values, the norms of society also comes from the inner circle.

The family is not only parents and children, but also older relatives, which means that the link between generations and the transfer of experience is ensured.

Person - being sociale, he tends to be close to their own kind. Native people form the closest connection that ordinary members of society are not able to give.

Family - those who support in difficult times. In addition to creating strong relationships, most people tend to continue their race. Make it easier if two people create a family based on love and mutual understanding.

Need for intimacy - one of the most important among other human needs, namely the partnership is able to satisfy it in the most complete form.

Understanding why the family is needed may not come immediately.

Often, in a conflict relationship, a person seeks to communicate with his close relatives as little as possible, avoiding a state of discomfort.

This family can hardly be called harmonious, happy and full. The meaning of a small social group you understand when there is a need for psychological and economic support.

It is also a certain level of responsibility - to the spouse, children, elderly parents.

Significance for the child

Why is considered a child should grow and be brought up in a family?

Mother and father are two important components in the successful formation of personality. They are an example of a child and a guarantee of safety.

He is attached to them emotionally already from infancy. Children raised outside the family, for example, in orphanages, have a lack of love, which has an effect on their relationship ability with other people.

It is important for the child from the very young age to inculcate responsibility to the family, pay attention to the moral and ethical side, the need to take care of loved ones.

This position affects the development of his personal qualities, the ability to further create a prosperous and strong family.

Do I need to start a family?

Young people often wonder: is it really necessary to start a family or can live quietly alone, have free communication and do not worry about it.

Definitely this question can not be answered. For one person, the family is the main goal in life, the other quietly does without it and feels relatively comfortable.

If in doubt, it means that the person is not ready or simply did not find a suitable pair.

In modern society, the understanding of the family has changed a bit. It is no longer necessary to officially marry in order to feel together. At the first place - emotional attachment and the presence of responsibility between partners.

Why do people create a family? There are a few The main reasons why people want to start a family:

  1. Everybody does this. In society, it is customary to marry and marry, and if you do not live alone or do not formalize a relationship, questions and distrust arise from the society. Parents, friends, even the media, put pressure on the individual, trying to persuade her to create a small cell of society.
  2. To be with your loved one. The formalization of the relationship allows you to feel that this person is already yours and will not go anywhere.
  3. To give birth to a child. In a full-fledged family, the most comfortable environment is created for procreation.
  4. Family easier to cope with financial difficulties.
  5. Status - A married man looks more solid, he is considered successful in his personal life.
  6. The desire to change your life. Often people step into marriage only in order to leave another family, hoping to create their own, more prosperous.
  7. Contrary to the will of the parents or to get revenge on former partners. Such reasons often lead to errors, since the decision is made hastily.

Motives for creation in women and men

In women and men, the motives for creating a family may differ.

A man needs a family:

  • to show your worth;
  • legally own a beloved woman;
  • have a baby in marriage;
  • because everybody does it;
  • achieve public respect;
  • change your status.

A woman:

  • to feel most close to a man, no wonder a woman “is getting married”, that is, “a man”;
  • that children are born in a formal marriage and are legally protected;
  • to be financially secure;
  • meet the need to have a loved one;
  • satisfy the need for care;
  • to live with a man officially, without fear of condemnation of society.

Do you need a family in modern society?

More and more couples do not seek to formalize relations formally, preferring cohabitation and even giving birth to children, without entering into marriage.

The reasons for this:

  • fear of having to divorce;
  • fears that during the divorce will have to divide the property and one spouse will receive more;
  • unwillingness to lose freedom and independence.

For couples who have not formed a relationship in modern society look more supportive and understandingthan a few decades ago.

But on the other hand, the official marriage gives a great legal security, including for the child. A husband or wife has a chance to receive an inheritance, while an unregistered couple will have certain problems with this.

Role in child development

The family acts as the first stage in child socialization. He learns the values, attitudes of close people.

They are not only an example, but also directly affect emotional, intellectual and social development.

In a prosperous family, a child growing more successful, happy. He is given all the opportunities for development. A dysfunctional family is not only a negative example, but can also inhibit the development of personality, mental functions, and socialization.

Family helps develop:

  • intellectually;
  • socially;
  • emotionally.

In addition to these functions, the family is directly related to maintaining health.

What are the functions?

What is the total family function? The family, like any social group, performs certain functions that allow it to exist and develop.

The table will help to list them briefly:

FunctionValueWhat is expressed, manifested?

Family reproductive function

The birth of healthy offspring, ensuring its safety.

The human child is least protected compared to the pups of other animals. He is not able to move himself even in search of his mother, he does not have a normal heat exchange and he needs his parents to provide him with a healthy environment for development. In the reproductive function, two sides - social - reproduction of the population, maintaining the nation, and individual - meeting the personal need to have offspring and continue the race of a particular family.

The educational function of the family

Education of moral and moral qualities of the individual.

The family forms the identity of not only the child, but also an adult. The older generation transfers its knowledge to the younger one, fosters certain moral values, shares experience, and participates in intellectual development.

Family communication function

Social skills training, communication development.

Satisfies human need for communication. The formation of attitudes, social orientation, according to researchers, psychologists and sociologists, directly depends on the family climate, trust, the ability to communicate and share with their family problems, receiving support. The first person with whom the child communicates is his parents, they also stimulate speech, the ability to make contact with other people, the ability to cope with fears of strangers.


The desire to leave behind the offspring and replenish the human gene pool.

The family is best suited to ensure that the child is born in a healthy environment. It is believed that in a complete family, the child grows more harmonious, socialized, psychologically sustainable. He gets an example of both parents, satisfies the need for love, learn to communicate with both the representatives of his own sex, and with the opposite.

Family leisure function

People want not only to work, but also to have fun.

Family vacations are much more pleasant than being alone. In addition, the family allows social control in the field of leisure, to choose safe and acceptable from the point of view of society and moral entertainment. Leisure is aimed at restoring power, cultural development, unification of family members, development.

Emotional family function

The need to love, care for loved ones, to satisfy the need for emotional intimacy and affection.

The family gives moments of joy, happiness. It helps to preserve harmony, stabilize emotions. The family is the first to provide psychological help, support morally, when a person is in a difficult situation.

Specific and non-specific family functions

Specific functions are those that remain independent of changes in society.

Nonspecific relate directly to adapting to certain conditions to which the family has been forced

Birth of children, upbringing, economic.

Leisure, industrial, self-preservation, health care. They reflect the historical nature of the relationship between society and the family.

The household function of the family

Joint management, financial well-being, care for children and elderly relatives, maintaining health.

How well this function is performed depends on the well-being of the family, the proper upbringing of the child. Here are important family income, the distribution of responsibilities, the use of shared resources.

Emotional-psychological function of the family

Creating close family ties.

Support each other in difficult times, meeting the need to be needed and loved.

Family production function

Associated with household.

At its core is the provision of family members with goods, household items, products, and services.

What functions do not exist?

Family does not perform a political functionShe has other tasks.

The main goal is to nurture a healthy generation, support children up to a certain age and create psychological and social comfort for individuals.

Economic function the family performs a limited, that is, when the child has reached the age of majority, he is obliged to support himself independently.

Thus, the small cell of society directly affects the formation of personality, psychological comfort.

It supports people economically and at the same time is an important component of a wider social group - states in general.

About the role and functions of the family in this video:

Watch the video: Role of family and society regarding value education (May 2024).