Personal growth

10 ways: how to get rid of sleepiness

How to get rid of sleepiness

Drowsiness is an actual problem of modern man. According to psychologists, at the height of the working day, every second person suffers from sleepiness. If this condition has become familiar to you, and you do not know how to get rid of drowsiness, then the tips in this article will help you.

Drowsiness, dizziness, weakness - these are symptoms of fatigue, lack of sleep, which also causes lethargy, fatigue and apathy. Therefore, you do not need to force your body and give 4-5 hours of precious sleep. You will say that you have more time if you sleep less. But you do not like the feeling of drowsiness and feeling unwell during the day. If until you do not have such a problem, then be sure that soon your body will fail. Therefore, there is simply no point in talking about effective workflow and productivity.
Also consider if you have any health problems. After all, drowsiness can cause thyroid disease, nervous diseases. Also, if you are taking medications, then read in the annotations to the drug, if there are any side effects like drowsiness.
If you sleep at least seven hours a day, and you have no health problems, it makes sense to pay attention to workload at work. Perhaps drowsiness is a result of overwork and fatigue and you need a vacation.

So why sleepiness occurs, you understand. Now you need to figure out how to get rid of sleepiness.

Relax and take a few deep breaths. Thus, your brain is saturated with oxygen, which allows it to work more efficiently. The same body reaction occurs when you yawn.
The aroma of pine needles, coffee, lemon perfectly help you cheer up. To do this, you can use the oil, but only carefully, they are allergic.
The drinks.
It is known that strong black coffee, sweet tea, better green, helps you wake up in the morning. For the same purpose, you can use these drinks in the midst of a busy day. But do not use energy, as the effect of them instant, but not lasting.
Warm up a little, pull up, walk. Muscles, like the brain, need oxygen, provide them with a full flow of blood.
Cool water.
If you feel that your eyes stick together and nothing helps, try washing your face with cool water. You ask, what about makeup, then refresh your hands with cool water, this should also help.
Lots of light.
With poor lighting, drowsiness is quite a normal reaction of the body. Add more light, open the blinds. Also do not forget to ventilate the room more often or to go out to fresh air.
Many processes in our body depend on nutrition. Therefore, if you do not want to fall asleep in the workplace, then avoid heavy and fatty foods. During breaks, eat light salads, fruits, citrus fruits also contribute to the awakening.
It is especially inevitable in the fall, on rainy days, when the body is sorely lacking in vitamins. Take a multivitamin, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, watch out for your health.
Do not forget about a full sleep. Pay attention to the mattress and pillows, make sure that your sleep is not only full, but also comfortable. When you go to bed, do not leave the lights on, turn off the power completely, and also get rid of external factors, such as a TV. Nothing should disturb you and your sleep. If you find it difficult to fall asleep and have insomnia, drink herbal infusions, such as chamomile.
To awaken, listen to invigorating and energetic music that will charge you not only with a great mood, but also with the energy you need.
If you do not help tips and advice on how to get rid of lethargy and drowsiness, it makes sense to think about whether you are engaged in the activity. Perhaps drowsiness in this case manifests itself as unwillingness and internal resistance to what you do.
Take yourself in hand, sleep more and monitor your health and then everything will be fine with you, drowsiness will disappear, things will go uphill, work capacity will increase and your work will become more efficient.

Watch the video: How To Stop being Tired All The Time. How To Reduce Winter Tiredness. Best Way To Reduce Tiredness (December 2024).