
Meditationfest: Fire Meditation by Brian Osborne

This is the fourth lecture from the Meditationfest cycle. This lesson, which I translated, reads Brian Osborne, master of meditation. The lecture is called fire meditation (Burning Meditation).

It is designed to burn stress and relieve mental and physical fatigue. This article will discuss how to learn such meditation. But first, a few words about the practice developed by B. Osborne and what it, in the opinion of its creator, allows to achieve. This is perhaps the most beautiful and spectacular type of meditation in terms of its visualization of those represented in the Meditationfest cycle, in my opinion.

See what is not available to the ordinary look

Brian claims that any person is able to see things that are hidden from the ordinary gaze, for example, the aura of a person. You do not need to be a practicing yogi or a master of secret knowledge, so that such entities appear before your eyes. According to him, every person has this skill, it is simply hidden. Brian says that everything in the world exists in the field of energy, even inanimate objects, a chair or a stone.

He explains it as follows. According to the concepts of modern physics, each material object contains within its scope a large amount of empty space, not filled with any substance, and this despite the fact that many objects seem solid and dense to us. This is due to the fact that the distance between the elementary particles, the atoms, is orders of magnitude larger than the size of the atoms themselves. And, according to the universal theory of Brian Osborne, this space is filled with "wave energy" (My note: it should be only Mr. Osborne who knows what it is).

Electrons, turning in their orbits, create certain vibrations that are not accessible to our perception, but if we train, we will be able to perceive these vibrations by sense organs, Brian is sure. This new vision will make us more attentive, we will learn to recognize and see the energy, the aura. We will feel the energy of other people and guess their behavior and what lies behind it. If a person experiences some intention or emotion, then this is reflected in his aura. And if we feel this aura, we are able to understand the hidden motives of any person, nothing will escape us. And the meditation designed by Osborne will help us in this.

Labeling the world

He says that we do not see an aura and the like, because we are accustomed to seeing only material things. Since childhood, we give the world around us definitions, we label things on things. 85 percent of the internal chattering of our brain is the assignment of labels to objects around us: here is the car, here is the house, here is the person, etc. Brian recalls Don Juan’s teachings described by Carlos Castaneda.

Don Juan told his student to stop the world, and that means, stop hanging labels. Therefore, we see the world of objects and not the world of energy. In order for the brain to perceive this energy, you need to understand that the chair is not only a "chair", but something else, the energy basis of the chair. Meditation helps you to reach the state in which it is possible. Osborne says that the more we meditate, the clearer our aura becomes and its vibration passes in the range of higher frequencies. Like the teachers from the previous lectures, Brian assures us that meditation eliminates the blocks that impede the free circulation of energy flows within us and opens up channels of energy.

Getting down to fire meditation

Fire meditation, of which Brian Osborne is a teacher, is, he said, represented in many cultures and teachings, but simply everywhere it is called differently. During this practice, you may feel warm or even hot. Monks deal with it when they travel high in the mountains to warm themselves and not die from the cold ... External stimuli should not disturb you in a meditative state. You must learn to be relaxed, whatever happens around. It is not difficult to learn how to meditate in a quiet place in the temple, but the highest skill is the ability to concentrate and relax in the midst of noise and fuss.

Take a sitting or lying position to begin meditation. (Better sedentary - back straight). Brian says that it is better to meditate in the room where you do not spend the time of sleep, as there is a chance that you will fall asleep during meditation if you spend it in the room where you are accustomed to sleep. You can sit on a chair, your feet should touch the floor and you should not cross them, arms up or down with your palms, but also not crossed.

Now close your eyes. You see the darkness. Imagine that darkness is actually a light that is so bright that it looks like darkness to you. Now imagine the light itself, so bright that if you looked at it with the naked eye, your eyesight would not hold. But your mind is able to regulate the degree of sensitivity to this light. Watch your breathing, when you inhale, you concentrate your attention on a certain part of your body, and when you exhale, you order this part of your body to relax. We start at the bottom: inhale - concentrate on the left foot, exhale - relax the left foot. Then we do the same with other parts of the body alternately:

Left leg

  • left foot
  • left ankle
  • left knee
  • left hip


  • stomach
  • loin

Left hand

  • left shoulder
  • left forearm
  • left elbow
  • left hand
  • fingers of the left hand
  • whole left hand (relax your whole arm)

Head, face and neck

  • left side of face
  • eyes and head
  • right side of face
  • neck

Right hand

  • right shoulder
  • right forearm
  • right elbow
  • right hand
  • fingers of the right hand
  • all right hand

Again torso

  • chest
  • stomach
  • loin

Right leg

  • right thigh
  • right knee
  • right ankle
  • right foot

Relax the whole body.


Imagine that your body is placed in warm water. Imagine that you are on the beach. It doesn't matter what beach it is real on which you were or fictional. You are relaxed, you feel the warm sand and salty air, the sun is shining. Now imagine that roots grow from your feet that dig into the ground beneath you and go deep into it, where they converge and weave into one root. It goes deep underground and passes through a layer of golden lava.

This golden lava is the energy of the earth. And it rises through the roots, passes through you, streams upward along your spine, and out through the upper part of your head and from there rushes into space. Imagine the golden glow, the halo (Halo) around you and you inhale that glow with your nose. This golden light gradually fills your body as you breathe in more and more. And this golden light displaces the black substance from the inside of your body (it can be like everywhere else, only in certain places).

This black substance is stress and fatigue and while you inhale it is pushed out by a golden glow through the pores of your body. And, being outside the body, the black matter is absorbed by the fire that goes on the surface of the skin. The black substance burns, as a result of burning smoke forms, it comes from your body. Gold displaces black, which covers fire ... Repeat this process as you see fit. Now you leave the beach, but you can return there whenever you want. Take a quiet breath and open your eyes ....

If you feel a bit in the fog, after meditation, then it’s normal, says Brown, that the brain gradually transitions from one state to another, from a state of complete relaxation to the working phase. In this, I, the author of this blog, totally agree with him. Especially the state of fogging can be very pronounced when you first started practicing. So it was at least with me. But after 10 minutes, it fades away.

Final comments

I can say that this is quite a beautiful meditation: fire, darkness and bright colors. You can do it if she likes it. I am sure that it is well suited to relieve stress, as in any other meditation. I don’t know how much it will allow you to see the aura and the things that are inaccessible to the ordinary look ... But the fact that it helps you feel calmer and more relaxed, and with regular classes will contribute to improving your mental abilities, the ability to concentrate and relax - do not hesitate.

Of course, I didn’t take seriously the reasoning of Brian Osborne about particle vibration and wave energy. Most likely this is done to facilitate perception and is an attempt to captivate the listener with such uncomplicated truths about the structure of matter and energy. Of course, I believe that the desire to make information more accessible cannot serve as a justification for the arbitrary interpretation of the laws of physics and homegrown theories about the structure of the world. But don't let that bother you. Meditation works, it helps many people to achieve happiness, serves as an excellent tool for knowing oneself and the world, and this is connected with some cosmic processes or is exclusively the result of the work of our consciousness - it does not matter ...

Watch the video: Break The Cycle @ Hate Meditation Fest (May 2024).