
Who is the daffodil and how not to fall under its influence

Self-love is the normal, healthy quality of the human psyche. Without loving yourself, it is impossible to achieve success in life or to build strong, trusting relationships with other people. But sometimes this feeling becomes decisive, and a person turns into a narcissus, able to admire only his perfection.

Young children learn to understand and love the people around them through their attitude towards themselves. Children's "egoism" and confidence in their own irresistibility seem to us charming and ridiculous. But what if this love affair with oneself continues into adulthood? How to determine where the usual self-confidence and pride ends and narcissism begins?

Is narcissism a property of character or pathology?

According to legends, Narcissus died of longing for himself, unable to tear his eyes away from his reflection in the water. And modern daffodils prefer to starve their loved ones, forcing them to bring all their feelings and strength to the altar of service to them, beautiful.

Most people far from psychology think that people subject to narcissism are those who love only themselves, admire themselves, do not notice their shortcomings and are distinguished by enviable self-confidence and selfishness. Such people are easily recognizable by their manners and behavior, and they can only cause irritation or laughter from others.

But modern women and narcissus men - intelligent, educated, accomplished people - do not fit this description at all. They easily start relationships with others, like people and enter into various relationships with them, but after a while, people who are in contact with daffodils are surprised to realize that they are not engaged in their own lives, but devote their time to admiring, consoling or praising the narcissus.

So who is the daffodil?

Narcissism is a special state of mind or character accentuation, the main thing in which is a certain emotional scarcity, such a person is not able to sincerely empathize and sympathize, all his emotions, affection and care are directed only at himself. Such daffodils are usually “grown” by overly caring parents and grandparents. Being accustomed to constant admiration, adoration and complete impunity, the child, growing up, tries to get it all from those around him.

Psychologists identify two "varieties" of people prone to narcissism:

  • Narcissists or "classic" daffodils - they firmly believe in their own irresistible, significance, talent and genius. Narcissus graciously allows its environment to take care of itself, considering at the same time what it does to them a favor, allowing it to admire and serve it without a murmur.
  • “Uncertain” daffodils - they also consider themselves to be the crown of creation, but at the same time they constantly feel insecure in themselves and their abilities, in order to be happy, they need to be constantly “reflected” in the eyes of others, feel their admiration and care. Celebrities often suffer from such narcissism - gathering crowds of fans, they still feel unclaimed and unnecessary.

How to recognize daffodil?

There is a little narcissism in each of us, we are happy to admire our own reflection in the mirror, listen to praise or admire our own talents, but this does not prevent us from taking care of our parents, loving children and helping friends and acquaintances.

But living next to those for whom their own "I" in the first place is very uncomfortable. From such a person you will not get help and support, he will “poke” you with pleasure in any flaws and will cultivate in others the sense of inferiority and inferiority, because such people are much easier to manage!

If you do not want to devote your life to serving anyone, you need to learn from a distance to recognize narcissism in people who can be both narcissus men and women, and not let them into your personal space.

Here are some of the main distinguishing features of such people:

  • these people like to talk, but they are absolutely not interested in the opinion of the interlocutor - they are perceived by others only as an audience that can be told about themselves. Also, a woman or a man-daffodil, retelling any events or reporting news, says everything about herself: “I was so upset when I heard about the flood in Zimbabwe, I could not sleep!” Or “the increase in oil prices will hit my pocket a lot I after all fill the car only with the best fuel ";
  • A person subject to narcissism can be well-educated and always give a lady a chair or skip older ones, but in situations that are not regulated by etiquette, he will unconsciously try to take a better place or eat the “last bagel”;
    daffodils are very sensitive to their health and hate people who do not pay enough attention to their suffering;
  • a person suffering from narcissism is not able to calmly accept criticism, he meets any remark "with hostility", considering it an insult;
  • Daffodils, as a rule, do not like children, the elderly and domestic animals: any creatures that require care and are able to draw the attention of others around them are perceived extremely unkindly. This may be hidden by violent manifestations of feelings and verbose speeches, but it is clearly noticeable, if necessary, to do something for all of the above.

Recognizing narcissism is easy enough, you just need not close your eyes to the egoism and emotional coldness of a person; you should not think that narcissus can be turned into a caring husband or a selfless mother with love and caress. Narcissism is a property of character; if it has not yet “taken root” in the soul of a person, it is certainly possible to help him realize his mistakes and change, but this will require tremendous effort and emotional tension from you, and no one can say how favorable the result will be.

Watch the video: The Daffodils by william wordsworth hindi explanation (December 2024).