Personal growth

Do not be afraid to lose!

There is a magical state that always leads to victory. This state is difficult, but can be described with such words - do not be afraid to lose! No, not so, and these words do not fit. Fear may be, and it is, but something inside is stronger than this fear. Something inside is telling you - don't give a damn what tomorrow will be!
After all, always, it always seems that your whole life will collapse from loss, everything that you want to see in your tomorrow will be ruined. And it makes you afraid tomorrow, tremble, strain, do not do what you want - and lose! To lose time after time, being tied up, fettered, braided by this fucking "tomorrow".
But when you do not have this tomorrow, you will win guaranteed. When you do not have tomorrow, there are no these plans and visions, when you are READY for the fact that your life will collapse - you will win.
Well, what can happen to you if you DO NOT get what you are doing? Nothing, absolutely nothing to be afraid of.
Hundreds of thousands of people go to work and do there what they DO NOT WANT. Thousands do business every day that they are sick of before vomit. All of them are connected with this "tomorrow", which does not allow them to give up everything and start doing what they WANT.
If you now, right today, stop doing what you don’t want, nothing bad will happen to you. Even if you don’t know what you WANT to do. I know - you definitely want to FIND it. And you CAN ALLOW yourself to start looking right now! You can.
Even if you leave work today without the slightest prospect and understanding of what you want to do, and take up the SEARCH for this, you will in no way REALLY suffer. Excellent said about this Dmitry Davydov.
"I have a revelation for everyone. You will not die. If you leave everything now and even WANT to die of hunger, most likely you will not be given. There are no REAL threats to your life. Like mine. Once again. None. ( there is a wife and a small child, so this is a preemptive strike on unnecessary comments, that if you have a family, then everything is more complicated.) "
That's right - no real threats to your life exist. I threw everything, having a family, threw it under the toughest scenario - not knowing WHAT I would do and earn money without having any savings - and still alive and healthy. And much more alive and healthy than it was then - incomparable.

The maximum that you lose is status toys, with which you now compensate for the rotten state of not doing what you WANT. Unsuccessfully, and, compensate. Well, you can not repay lunch in a good restaurant or a new car deep longing from the fact that you can not do what you want. It's impossible. And the car is most likely bought on credit - another yoke on the neck.
Your life is not threatened, the losses are small, and you can buy a full-fledged life and happiness. What you do not have now, and what you EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY necessary. And, of course, money is at least as big as you have now, only PURE money. Clean from the tension and this inhuman humiliation - to do what you do not want.
Suppose you have silenced your soul, but with a closed mouth it beats in a frantic call - DO, YOUR MOTHER, WHAT YOU WANT! WELL WHEN SAME WHEN YOU START TO DO IT - she cries inside you.
And the funny thing is you will succeed. You can do it. You will doubt everything that stands in your way and get everything you want. Literally everything. If you do. There is only one secret of "success", the secret of getting what you need. Do what you WANT and DO NOT STAY!
Man can not win, he can only give up. CAM Nothing and no one else can stop a person. Everything you want is in front of you - in a huge safe. And the key to it is in your hands. The key is - stupidly to do what you want, in spite of failures and losses - to do, do and do. Make an attempt until you get it. And it will. It can not fail.
And that's all. Really simple?
A source

Watch the video: No Wyld - Afraid Audio (May 2024).