
The functions and importance of communication in psychology

Process interpersonal interaction considered through the basic techniques, techniques, methods of communication.

The structure and components that make up the communication are considered.

Basic concepts

Communication - the process of exchanging information between several people orally or in writing.

Dialogic communication implies a minimum of two interlocutors, narrating alternately.

Unlike monologueThe dialogue involves the refutation of data, adding to them new criticism.

Basics of the psychology of communication: briefly

The category of communication in psychology is considered in particular detail, since this process has greatest influence on the individual and society as a whole. Psychologists consider methods, means, methods of communication and their effectiveness.

The main task is to understand the mechanisms of speech interaction and to develop on their basis effective techniques that help people establish contact and achieve common goals.

Why is it a man: a short answer

Communication is one of the main tools of interaction between people. People - social creaturesand dialogue is the best way to negotiate with each other. Through communication, several important functions are implemented:

  1. Search for new information that allows you to navigate the world around.
  2. Transfer of the received practical experience (through oral or written speech).
  3. Acquaintance with the experience of other people (through reading their works or through dialogue).
  4. Upbringing
  5. Ability to cooperate, negotiate, seek compromises.
  6. Pleasant pastime - conversation with like-minded people, colleagues, relatives (the primary need for communication is realized).

The role in the mental development of the individual

Through interaction with others through communication, a person becomes a person. He adopts the rules and the foundations of the society in which he is. Acquainted with the concepts of morality, morality.

Personality development occurs only in being in an environment like it. The older generation transmits the accumulated experience, and also forms the child's ability to self-knowledge, search for information.

Each interlocutor contributes to the formation of personality, changes or complements it. Especially important is the influence of people connection with which is constantly stable - parents, friends, teachers, colleagues.


Means of communication include ways of sending and transmitting information between people.

Funds are classified into two types: verbal and non-verbal.

Verbal communication is the direct exchange of data using words (oral speech) or a symbol (written speech).

In turn, oral speech is divided into 2 types:

  1. Monologue - communication in a monologue format. One person consistently, reasonably presents his thought, gives examples and proofs of his position. In everyday communication, among the interlocutors, one of the forms of the monologue is the story. In a public speech to a large audience - a report, abstract, presentation.
  2. Dialogue - communication takes place between two or more people. Information is not only transmitted, but also receives a reverse response, which allows you to work on it more carefully - to supplement, modify, criticize, deny.

Writing they will be applied when it is impossible to clarify the problem orally or, if necessary, a detailed disclosure of the topic, which requires a lot of thought. The recorded text has a number of features:

  • can be read by an unlimited number of people;
  • can be read at any time, even a few years later;
  • has other means of expressing thoughts. If during a conversation accents are placed in intonations, then in the letter - punctuation marks.

Non-verbal communication is all that does not apply to spoken words: gestures, smile, winks, posture. More than 50% of the data complementing the main informational message is transmitted nonverbally.

Structure and components

In psychology, communication classified into three components:

  1. Communicative. It is directed on purposeful interaction, dialogue, information interchange.
  2. Interactive. Arises in the process of joint activities, not always aware of and focused.
  3. Perceptual. It consists in evaluating, forming judgments about other people.

Structure can be divided into several components:

  1. Thing. Interlocutor, the one to whom the transfer of information.
  2. Need. The need to initiate contact. Depends on two factors - the need as such (corresponds to the nature of the individual - an introvert, an extrovert), and the need for a specific interlocutor.
  3. The motive. The purpose with which the contact is initiated.
  4. Act. The process of communication itself.


Simple communication is decomposed into 4 stages:

  1. Involvement. The person switches from activity to conversation.
  2. Making contact. At this stage, the interlocutors analyze the environment, personality and character of each other.
  3. Communication. The conversation itself, the reception and transmission of information.
  4. Contact break. The final stage, at which people either came to general conclusions, or remained unconvinced.


In psychology, there are three mechanisms:

  1. Empathy. It consists in the ability to put oneself in the place of the interlocutor, to feel his emotional state, the feelings he experiences. Empathy allows a person to consider the problem more comprehensively, since not only rational arguments and facts are taken into account, but also an attitude to the situation. Since everyone has their own level of stress tolerance, universal advice is impossible to give. A person with advanced empathy can give the most appropriate solution for the interlocutor, based on his psychotype.
  2. Identification. The mechanism is similar, at first glance, with empathy. The difference is that the identification does not take into account the identity of the interlocutor. You put yourself in the place of another person, imagining in your mind what you would do yourself. The mechanism allows you to simulate your potential behavior in a similar situation.

    However, without empathy, it may be useless. Since the proposed solution may not be suitable for the interlocutor due to differences in his character, lack of accumulated experience, complexes.

  3. Reflection. Ability to analyze acquired experience, as well as emotional experiences. Unlike animals, people can not only predict the future, but also visualize, summarize the past. Reflection allows, after a while, to understand the motives of the committed actions, to work on the mistakes.


The main functions of communication realize a certain line, the context with which you can use speech in everyday life.

  1. Expressive. With lively, verbal communication, gestures and emotional state plays a role no less than the spoken words. This function allows you to understand the mood of the interlocutor, the correspondence said to his expressive background. For example, a person tries to build a monologue logically, but at the same time he twitches, scratches his ear or nose, his head and head are down - with a high probability he lies. The task of the function is in the search for discrepancies in behavior, exposure of lies, insincerity of motives.
  2. Formative. Refers to the upbringing and development, improvement of the person. Through interaction with others through the language, a person receives information that can influence his values, principles, worldview.
  3. Regulatory. Necessary to coordinate joint action. In order to act together, a person must be focused on the overall result for the group, to maintain a stable emotional background. The task of the function is to regulate a person’s behavior in order to maximize its effectiveness and efforts.
  4. Emotive the function of communication is manifested in a person's understanding of the attitude towards him by other people. Behavior depends on the level of relationships between people. If the interlocutor understands that he is treated well, he is accepted in the group and attentively listens - the motivation increases.

    On the contrary, if the emotional connection is weak, or completely negative, hostile - the motivation is reduced or absent altogether.

  5. Instrumental. This function considers information as a tool for the interaction of people in work. Information is valuable and serves to successfully achieve the goals of a group of people. For example, the chief calls the sales manager and reports, "The client is depressed and may be irritable." Thereby, setting up the manager to choose a specific communication format. Often on this, as well as on the regulatory function, the psychology of communication in a team is based.
  6. Informational. The task is to exchange and process incoming data, as well as send your own. Based on the available information, a person makes decisions, sets goals and collects information on their successful achievement.

E.V. Andrienko identifies 3 functions of communication in groups:

  1. Psychological the function of communication, thanks to which the personality as a whole develops: thinking, will, world view, ability to empathize.
  2. Socialaimed at communication and interaction of the individual in everyday life.
  3. Instrumentalconsidering information as a whole tool for achieving goals.


The model is chosen depending on the goals of communication that the individual wants to achieve:

  1. Informational. The task is to convey data, transfer all the necessary information.
  2. Persuasive. The goal is to persuade a person to do the right thing, to change his behavior or attitudes. Involves in practice the psychology of impact in communication.
  3. Expressive. Needed to transfer emotions, the mood of the listeners to the desired wave.

    Widely used in motivational speeches and oratorical speeches in principle.

  4. Suggestive. Used for suggestion. If beliefs act in a straightforward way, resorting to facts, then the suggestion is aimed at the subconscious.


In order for the communication to be constructive, it is necessary to choose the right strategy. There are several of them:

  1. Open. If the purpose of the conversation is to share thoughts, to hear the interlocutor's opinion, then this strategy is the best in efficiency. It allows you to find a common language between people, to agree with each other. Its essence is in a detailed open statement of its position on the one hand, and in attentive listening to the point of view of the interlocutor on the other.
  2. Closed. It consists in the absence of a desire to argue your own opinion, since the other person does not want to hear anything - he is confident in his own right and will not change his point of view on principle.

    A closed strategy is used to save time, quickly folding the dialogue.

  3. Half closed. Reminds interrogation, where they are interested only in information of the interlocutor, without disclosing their position on the topic of conversation.
  4. Monologue. The strategy is diametrically opposite to the previous one. It sets out its own thoughts, without taking into account the views of another person.
  5. Role playing. It proceeds from the classification of relations between interlocutors. For example: a child-parent, boy-girl, grandfather-grandson, chief executive. It has specificity, due to the well-established relations between communicating (for example, when the older generation speaks with the younger, subordination, etiquette and respect for the older person are considered as more experienced and competent).
  6. Personal. Used for intimate, trusting contact. In the people - "talk heart to heart". This strategy is the most open and honest with respect to the interlocutor, subject to close mutually respectful ties.

Techniques and techniques

To create a more stable and trusting relationship, it is recommended to use a list of effective techniques:

  1. Eye contact. If you rarely look into your eyes, then a person may take it with suspicion of insecurity, secrecy, shyness.
  2. Smile. Easy, not smiled smile attracts the interlocutor and adjusts to the relaxed, quiet communication.
  3. Nodding his head. And other gestures expressing agreement with the thoughts and point of view in the monologue of the interlocutor.
  4. Clarifying questions. Make sure you listened carefully and pondered the information. Important feedback in communication, comments to be heard.
  5. Body contact. Starts with a handshake. If trust is established, socially-approved touches are allowed, for example, tapping on the shoulder.


In the process of communication, the personality of the interlocutor affects the person in various ways, among which the following effects are distinguished:

  1. First impression. It is believed that it significantly affects the subsequent nature of the interaction. Formed by external signs: clothes (and her grooming), shoes, the appearance of the person himself and his facial expressions, gestures that convey the emotional background and mood.
  2. Stereotyping. The effect in which a person relates the appearance and internal qualities of the person. For example, a square jaw binds with a courageous character, a wide forehead - with high intelligence.
  3. Projection. The transfer of their own qualities and character traits to the interlocutor.

    For example, if a person is envious, he sees this trait in others, while trying to find confirmation in the prevailing opinion.

  4. Halo effect. It consists in transferring the qualities and behavior of one individual to the entire social group to which he belongs. For example: “all Russians drink”, “all young people are stupid”, “all men are goats”.

Hearing rules

The more attentively you listen and analyze the speaker’s speech, the better you will understand its content and the more you will be credible.

A number of rules that will help in the dialogue:

  1. Signs of consent. Nodding his head, the phrases "I agree," "I also think," etc., inserted in place, with a sustained pause after the end of the interlocutor's speech.
  2. Questions. It is useful to ask a few questions that can clarify incomprehensible moments and better open the topic. Plus, the person will understand that you listened carefully.
  3. Record. Outlining the main theses helps to improve the understanding of information, to structure it.

    It also demonstrates a responsible approach to communication and giving importance to the words of the interlocutor.

Knowing the patterns of interpersonal communication can effectively build communication and qualitatively perceive data from other people.

Concept, functions, 3 main types of communication:

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