Love and relationship

Your complex, sir! A little bit about male complexes

Complexes torment not only women and children. A strong half of humanity is also subject to their destructive influence. Today we will try to find out what is tormenting a sensitive male soul and not allowing you to quietly enjoy all the pleasures of life.

You probably know that there is some kind of male complexeswhich are most often perceived as character traits. However, do not hide the hide, but they still crawl out and make it very difficult to communicate with the fair sex and even with yourself.

Types of male complexes.

Fantastic size.

One of his worst complexes, men earned many years ago during the sexual revolution of the 20th century. It turned out that penises (judging by porn movies and magazines) are simply gigantic. And own dignity in comparison with such dignity seems oh, very mediocre. There is practically no one with whom to discuss this "fact", except with a psychologist, be in doubtwhich then develop into Armageddon.

According to statistics, every third man considers the size of his “little friend” insufficient, and even girls sometimes tactless and stupid come across who cannot resist the question: “Where is he?”. Fortunately for the female half of the population, this complex is most often found in young and not very experienced men. Those who are older often understand that size is not always the most important thing, but the skill, skill and desire to give pleasure to a woman and even when meeting a girl is more important, it does not matter.

In wealth and in poverty ...

The gap between rich and poor widens every day. And if, in principle, no one demands from a woman responsibility for the welfare of a married couple, then they expect much more from a man. Since childhood, the boy is inspired: he must be the breadwinner, the farrower and the dresser of his future family. And if he can not be realized in these positions, it can be fraught with serious consequences.

This was the reason for all the new and new psychological traumas and injuries of the modern average man, who has a complex of extreme poverty. Most poor men suffer because of the impossibility of presenting their cute little diamond ring, mink coat, and similar "little things" for the next anniversary. This is one of the most difficult to overcome complexes, with which it is almost impossible to fight. The only way out is to work sparingly or rob a bank (joke).

Bald head is not a vice.

A man, unlike a woman, sometimes willingly forgives his beloved flaccid muscles (or rather their complete absence), not too white teeth, a small beer belly, they say, love me for who you are. The only flaw in appearance that causes panic to the majority of donjuanas is baldness. It would seem that there is such a terrible, but to overcome ripened complex not everyone can.

And here the man begins to take urgent measures: he buys drugs that cost a lot of money, stops washing his head, simultaneously registers to psychics, daughters, removing damage, and to the beauty salon, and his hair still continues to thin. If baldness still does not lose ground, you can choose two ways to solve the problem. The first prefers the majority: they shave their heads and stock up with all sorts of baseball caps.

The second path leads to the clinic of modern plastic surgery, where hair transplantation awaits you. Is it worth it to dwell on the bald patch? After all, bald head has long been in fashion and, by the way, many women find the tanned shaved skull very sexy. Remember, with what trepidation they look at Bruce Willis and Fyodor Bondarchuk. Just never mind all nonsense, and life will become much easier!

Meter with a cap.

Short stature is a real tragedy for men. But in most cases, this “flaw” compensates for huge vanity and absolutely crazy ambitions, which very often help to achieve success. Remember at least Napoleon (157 cm) and our contemporaries - Prince (158 cm), Dustin Hoffman (163 cm) and Diego Maradona (167 cm). They certainly can give odds to any subject of basketball growth. Here the principle is valid: "small spool, yes roads", and believe me, women perfectly understand this!

Beauty is a terrible power.

And, finally, one of the strangest male complexes - the fear of smart, beautiful or just attractive women. American sexologist Morrie recently published a work about what women are afraid of men. From the point of view of male logic, the most terrible quality of women turned out to be female quality.

In most cases, a man wants a less attractive person than himself, because he, you see, it seems that such a lady would appreciate him more and be faithful. This greatest delusion becomes the reason that a ridiculous, unattractive woman appears next to a tall, handsome and smart guy. And bewildering beauties and clever girls meanwhile have to be content with less attractive, but more self-confident men.

So you doom yourself and the one you like to a complete fiasco! If you are really interested in a woman, do not pay attention to such trifles! Admit that everyone, deep down, considers himself the best. So take advantage of this! Do not be afraid of dating with a spectacular person, because even the most glamorous and very sexy beauty is just an ordinary woman, to whom you just need to pick up your key. More confidence - and you will succeed, because even Quasimodo tried to conquer Esmeralda. Remember: the one who does not risk does not drink champagne!

Watch the video: 27. Introduction to Transition Metals (January 2025).