
What is the danger zone of comfort and how to get out of it

How to get out of the comfort zone

People usually tend to the new and unusual. But not everyone is ready for real change. Psychologists explain this by the fact that most of us have a fear of the new and the unknown, which prevents us from acting actively.
Each person has his own inner world, where the boundaries are clearly defined. He feels safe only if everything that happens fits into this framework. It is the inner attitudes that force him to adhere to relationships that have long since exhausted their customary thoughts and save work that is not enjoyable. The inner frame of man is his comfort zone. It represents the sphere of living space, creating the illusion of safety and comfort. It is determined by habitual cliches of behavior. Familiar, stable and predictable world - this is comfort zone. In this state, we feel ourselves in "at ease".

What is wrong with the comfort zone?

There is nothing bad here, except for a stop in development. Mastering a new one is more difficult if a person prefers to take a stable position in a safe area for him. Training is associated with overcoming the boundaries of this comfort zone. Beyond it, a person enters a zone where he is at risk. Reasonable risk is a must for someone who wants to grow.
Expansion of comfort zone - This is not a problem for young people. They readily accept everything new. If a person stayed for a long time in the comfort zone, without making attempts to get out of there, his development stops and the reverse process begins - degradation. It is enough to realize this fact in order to begin to overcome our own borders.

How to understand that we are stuck in our comfort zone?

This is evident from the reaction that occurs in the new situation. Thinking about something new, do you feel fear? So you are afraid to leave the comfort zone. The reaction to a new event may be different: surprise, joy, anxiety, interest. But fear is precisely the destructive quality that shows that a person has taken a strong position in the comfort zone. Based on such a reaction, a person may choose a further algorithm of behavior: ignoring, resistance, protest, a desire to hide, etc. This is an incorrect reaction. The road that leads to the expansion of the sphere of comfort and development implies the adoption of a new event and adaptation to it.

How to get out of the comfort zone

The most important condition is the awareness of the fact of being in this zone. As long as a person does not recognize that he is “stuck” at one point, he will not budge. Therefore, it is very important to understand and accept the idea that we are stuck in one position. To change your life, you have to break out of your comfort area. It includes work, established relationships that do not suit us, place of residence. They no longer satisfy us, but we are afraid of change.

To safely leave the comfort zone, use the following sequence of actions:

1. Set a global challenge. Decide what the result should be. For example, if you are afraid to make new acquaintances, set yourself the task of meeting as often as possible. As a result, the process will become familiar and comfortable.
2. Record specific steps towards achieving the goal. In your plan for new acquaintances include a certain number of people a day. After a month of such work, you will be able to overcome the boundaries. comfort zones.
3. Follow the plan, analyzing your progress.
Work on yourself is being done consistently. Increase the volume should be gradually. Jumping through the levels is not necessary, since you will be worried because of unusual situations. In the new area it is impossible to get comfortable instantly. To consolidate the new habit, you need to spend 21 days.

Watch the video: Why comfort will ruin your life. Bill Eckstrom. TEDxUniversityofNevada (October 2024).