A life

The one who is not in a hurry wins

We live in a fast-moving world and voluntarily or unwittingly obey its rhythm. Long reflections are not for us. We have no time. We are in a hurry. We all love to do quickly and look forward to immediate results.
But quickly does not mean good. Often, to make a more thoughtful, informed decision, you just need to stop and take a breath. And this hitch will save us from many wrong decisions. And in the future, from making decisions that correct our not fully considered decisions.

The standard of our life has become to do everything in a hurry. Procrastination is granted to us by weakness, especially at critical times.

There are five key decision points to avoid mistakes.

1. Take a step back.
When Albert Einstein was asked what he would do if he was given one hour to save the world, he replied: "I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and 5 minutes to find a solution."
When we are in a hurry, the best ideas and solutions rarely come to us. As a rule, they visit during a leisurely walk, when we are not cleansing in the bathroom or just lying on the sofa. That is, when we are calm and relaxed. In this state, the brain works more efficiently.
2. Accept responsibility.
Refusing to admit our mistakes, we make an even bigger mistake. First, by doing so, showing cowardice and cowardice. Secondly, it happens that a mistake can turn into our success.
For clarity, another historical example. The Nobel Prize winner Sir Alexander Fleming, leaving on leave, left a sample of bacteria in the laboratory. When he returned, he found that the sample was covered with mold. Instead of throwing this mud away, Fleming analyzed it and found that the mold contains a powerful antidote to infections. Today, this mold is known as penicillin.
3. Look at the problem from all sides.
The winners are those who can see the full picture of the problem. Therefore, when faced with a problem, take enough time to see all the pros and cons. Be sure to mark them on paper. And only then, taking into account all the variables, make a decision.
4. Go into details.
Thinking about trivia is very tiring, but necessary. In any business, you need to write down every idea, no matter how insignificant it may seem at first glance. After all, success, like life, consists of trifles.
History comes to the rescue again. Conrad Hilton, founder of the world Hilton hotel system, was asked to advise aspiring entrepreneurs. After a long reflection, he replied: "Do not forget to put the curtains in the bathroom."
5. Learn to live with insoluble disagreements.
In life there are complex problems that can not be solved. For example, most conflicts between spouses stem from problems that really cannot be fixed. These are the features of the psychology of men and women. Therefore, the key to creating a strong marriage is the ability to live with these insoluble disagreements.
This can be done by focusing on what is important in life. Instead of trivial concerns that darken our lives like "where are my keys? Socks? - you need to start to solve more important issues, such as" what is my goal? Or "what world will I leave behind?"
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Watch the video: ONE MINUTE WORD: Not in a hurry. .battles won. . (May 2024).