Love and relationship

“I'll get a star from the sky ...” or how to make my wife happy?

Happiness - a set of external and internal factors, and it is achievable.

If you want to know how to make a happy wife, read the advice of psychologists.

Women's happiness: the concept and psychology

Every person understands happiness in his own way, but happy man can be seen from afar.

This is a special state of harmony, independence, independence from external factors.

No absolute happiness, but there is a feeling that you are needed, that there are a number of people with whom you feel good, that everything in life is going as planned.

Happiness is first of all. state of souland it does not depend strongly on external factors, but rather on the internal attitude and attitude towards oneself and the surrounding reality.

A happy woman does not blame the world for her failures, she is looking for a way to improve herself first of all and give happiness to other people.

If you put several people in front of you, and you just chat with him, you will immediately see which of them is more satisfied with life and with yourself. Happiness is always expressed outward - around a happy person. special aurawhich is noticed by people around.

From the sad and pessimistic person I want to leave, run and more on talking to her. For happy people all are drawn.

Signs of

What is a happy woman different from less happy?

How to understand if your wife is really satisfied with life?

  1. She is pleased with her appearance. Of course, a woman understands that she has flaws, but she does not attach such importance to them, but takes, as a given, a part of herself. If necessary, a woman knows how to hide them, and her virtues are much more valuable. She loves herself, her body, looks in the mirror with pleasure, even a few extra kilos will not spoil her mood.
  2. Smiles. A happy person will not look gloomy. Every morning he wakes up with pleasure. In conversation with other people he smiles, and this smile is natural, coming from within.
  3. Overcomes difficulties, understands that they are part of life, it is easy for them to dwell on failures.

    For her, any obstacles are an opportunity to grow, develop.

  4. Always looks good, pays attention to his hairstyle, clothes, makeup. She understands that her appearance is her calling card.
  5. She has no envy. There are people who achieve more, and a happy woman rejoices for them, adopts experience.
  6. She can thank: people, circumstances, even if they are associated with negative experiences. The feeling of gratitude helps to maintain harmony in the soul, forgive, if necessary, and move on.
  7. She prefers not to gossipbecause everything in her life is good, and she respects the privacy of other people.
  8. A happy woman has a special look - deep, piercing, soft, she seems to be smiling at the eyes, showing the world how good she is.
  9. It attracts others with its inner light. I want to communicate with a happy woman, to be near, to enjoy her presence, because she gladly gives a good mood to other people.
  10. She doesn't prove anything to anyone.. Why does she need it? She is confident in her life position, the correctness of the committed acts.
  11. She does not care what others think about her. She lives her life, enjoying every moment, not looking at the evil and envious people.

Why is it important?

In a relationship, a lot depends on does a woman feel happy. Why is that?

If she is happy, she will give this happiness to a man. And the better her mood, the more she can do for others.

A happy woman wakes up in the morning with pleasure and makes breakfast. In her house the atmosphere is benevolent, which means that it’s good for her family.

Children of such a woman grow up surrounded by positive emotions.

Well, and her man, because she is able to surround him with care and love, support, cheer up already only by your presence.

Moreover, if a woman is satisfied with her life, then it is noticed that children grow up more developed, activefilled with optimism.

An unhappy woman throws a family, a house, stops raising children.

Why is it important for a woman to be happy? So she could make others happy her people, first of all relatives and friends.

What makes a woman happy?

Since people understand happiness differently, each woman has her own ideas about what she needs. Although there are common moments that close people need to pay attention to.

Make her happy:

  • loving man, able to show attention, support, experience with her;
  • the health of her and loved ones;
  • children, if she feels the need to leave behind offspring;
  • interesting work, where she can realize her potential;
  • a comfortable house or a cozy apartment - despite the fact that these values ​​are material, but housing often becomes a cause of worries, especially if the family is large;
  • the opportunity to devote time to yourself - to be alone, to engage in your favorite hobby, to visit salons - that gives you the opportunity to relax and forget about problems for a while.

Contrary to popular belief money does not make a person happy.

Yes, it is pleasant for a woman to receive presents, to be financially secure, but at the same time she can still feel unsatisfied with life.

Happiness primarily comes from within, from the ability to independently create a positive within oneself and transfer it to the outside. That is why people even with a small income can live with a sense of happiness and enjoy life.

Psychological advice for men

How to make a woman happy in marriage? A man can help to make a woman happy, although a lot she must do herself.

You can not be happy, if the peculiarity of your character - a pessimistic attitude towards life. It is necessary to change the view of the surrounding reality.

How to help a woman:

  1. Show her that every difficulty is an experience, and that to overcome obstacles is actually interesting.
  2. Hug her more often - tactile sensations are very important for a woman, a man needs this less, but for a woman, a hug is an indicator of closeness. If she worries, just take her hand, show that you are near.
  3. Keep her choice. She decided to change jobs - it is quite possible that she will finally find what she likes.
  4. Less critics. There is a belief that if you criticize a person, then, in spite of everything, he will begin to act correctly. This does not always work.

    Moreover, criticism reduces self-esteem, and as a result, instead of acting, you will get what the person will give up aspirations altogether.

  5. Consider the features of the nervous system - how strong is the character, strong impressionability, how it reacts to life difficulties, criticism.
  6. Make surprisesbut they should not become a habit. Best of all - unexpected gifts that lift your spirits, dilute boring everyday life. Long been nowhere? Call in after your lady after work, take her to a restaurant, take a ride on a plane, or go to lunch in a nearby town. These little things diversify life and raise your spirits.
  7. Respect her space, let's be alone if she needs it.
  8. Do not make interrogationsBased on your suspicions, trust in the family is gradually lost.
  9. Try hard yourself be in a good mood.
  10. Appreciatewhat a woman does for you, and in turn do something for her. The big mistake of many men is to think that the spouse should - keep an eye on the house, work, pay attention to the man, while the partner himself does not do anything in return. This creates disharmony, a woman gets more tired, and more and more often she is experiencing discontent.

    Do not take her actions for granted, give something in return, and then your partner will do more for you.

  11. Don't be a burden to her, the second child, show independence, activity, work and develop. A happy woman should have a decent man next to her.
  12. Fidelity - one of the important foundations of happiness. Betrayal destroys everything, and even if you are forgiven, the sediment will remain forever. The soul remembers pain, so do not go to treason for the sake of fleeting entertainment.
  13. If you can't make her happy, make room for someone who can. Some men do not let go of their partner from a sense of ownership, personal convenience, selfish motives. But every woman deserves happiness. If you can't give her what she wants, do not hold.
  14. Be a friendpartner, those you can always rely on. A happy woman is confident in her partner, she feels support in him, trusts him, he is part of her.
  15. Don't push, do not force to obey your will. A happy woman feels that she is free in her choice. She is independent, then at the same time with a partner. This is a fine line when it obeys and maintains the distance it needs, allowing itself to make decisions.

    In totalitarian families, where everything is decided solely by a man, rarely one of the wives feels happy.

    This requires a certain character trait, brought up since childhood. But even in this situation, a woman wants to feel free, and not to be in slavery.

  16. Make compliments - a girl likes to pay attention to her new hairstyle, dress, success at work, smile. Compliments should be natural, because the falsehood is felt. If you have nothing to say, better keep silent, although the dignity can be found in any lady.
  17. Pay attention to the intimate life - if she has become monotonous long ago and has become a duty, diversify her, just do not scare your partner. If she is not so relaxed, approach this question carefully.
  18. Let her be who she wants, give her opportunity to develop, reach, make mistakes.
  19. Trust. Distrust, jealousy destroy relationships.
  20. Do not roll up scandals for nothing.
  21. If you have a bad mood, don't carry it around.

Remember that the ability to feel and radiate happiness comes from within, is a feature of the psyche of a particular person.

You can't be happy, but you can help, show how to achieve this. However, the person must want it herself.

How to make a woman happy? Find out about this from the video: