In psychology, there is a special approach, called the principle of determinism.
This scientific position has allowed the development of a whole complex of exercises.
What is the principle of determinism in psychology? Scientific principle based on a number of concepts which scientists operate on.
Determinism in psychology
Allot three key methodological principles psychology: determinism, systemic and development.
The principles of consistency and development are unambiguous for understanding.
Under systematic it is understood that there are connections between different manifestations of the psyche, and under development - change of stages, types of processes.
Concept determinism not so simple. This is a recognition of a direct relationship between the phenomena and the factors generating them.
That is, when studying any mental phenomenon, it is necessary to analyze the conditions of its occurrence. Only in this case we can talk about creating a complete picture of the present. Not all scientists agree with this opinion.
Deterministic approach
This is a scientific approach, according to which all occurring processes are not random, but have some specific cause.
Determinism considers causality as the totality of circumstances that determines all processes. At the same time, it is recognized that it is impossible to explain all phenomena by causality alone.
Other forms of determinism that are key:
- systemic - individual elements of the system depend on the characteristics of the whole;
- feedback - the consequences have a direct impact on the cause that caused them;
- statistical - the same reasons can lead to various consequences, subject to statistical regularity;
- target - the task in view determines the result to be achieved in the course of the activity;
- self-determinism - demonstration of the ability to direct themselves and manage their actions in accordance with existing needs.
Behavior determination
What does behavior determination imply? Human behavior is determined not only his individual character traits and the situation, in which it functions, but also by the specifics of its surrounding social environment.
The immediate environment (family, friends, acquaintances) influence the formation of a system of values and attitudes.
It is in the process of socialization of the child in the family and in society that he acquires moral and ethical standards, comprehends the principles of behavior. His personal qualities are complemented by information coming from outside.
In addition to the immediate environment (microenvironment), society as a whole also influences people (macro environment). Political, economic, sociocultural and historical processes form social norms, rules of behavior, typical processes and phenomena.
This leads to the fact that in a particular society certain behavioral stereotypes, habitual attitudes and opinions are developed.
In order to become a full-fledged citizen and achieve social well-being, it is necessary to follow these stereotypes and rules.
Cultural determinism comes from the fact that all human behavior is explained purely socio-cultural reasons. It is the level of a person’s culture that determines his emotional reactions, behavior, etc.
Thus, internally, the “I” under the influence of life in society is complemented and transformed into an "I-image". Under the inner “I” I mean the whole set of individual personality traits - temperament, character, values, ideas about yourself and the world.
But quite often a person in the process of his social life is confronted with phenomena that conflict with his inner personality.
In this case, the “I-image” comes out on top - this is the social behavior that a person demonstrates. in order to effectively interact with others.
That is, he says and does exactly what is expected of him by the members of his social group. Even if it goes against its internal position.
Determinism and freedom of behavior are possible only if a person is able to adapt to the requirements of the environment and accept all existing rules without internal discomfort.
Mental development determinants
The study of the problem of the mental development of an individual implies the analysis of three main factors:
- Biological. This is a key factor influencing the course of mental processes in any individual. It is the properties laid by nature that become the foundation for the further development of the psyche. The influence of the biological factor is manifested in the following aspects: heredity, congenital features, level of maturation of the nervous system. Heredity is a set of qualities that are transmitted to a child from his parents. Congenital features are the signs inherent in a particular organism depending on the course of prenatal development, on the process of childbirth. The development of the nervous system depends on the growth and formation of connections between nerve cells.
- Social. A set of external conditions that surround the individual in his social environment. Under the influence of these conditions there is a process of socialization, which is of paramount importance.
It is as a result of socialization that all key skills develop, among which speech development is of paramount importance.
In parallel with socialization, individualization is also developing - the separation of oneself from society, the awareness of one’s own exclusiveness.
- Personality activity. As a result of the full-fledged mental development of the individual, the ability to carry out purposeful activity develops. This activity is manifested in building communications with other members of society, in joining social groups, in receiving education, mastering professional skills, etc. As a person grows older, his mental development is constantly reaching new levels. With the complication of consciousness is enrichment of activity. Positive activity allows you to socialize in society: take a certain position, build personal relationships, create a circle of friends, etc.
Determinist - who is it?
Determinists - These are adherents of the corresponding teaching.
Proponents of this scientific approach speak of a person’s lack of freedom of choice.
All our actions are determined by the motives that underlie the causality of phenomena.
These motives may be due to external circumstances or internal features of a particular individual.
Any act of a person depends not on his particular choice, but on what motive mainly influences him at the current time.
As a rule, determinists in practical life are not guided by their theory in their pure form. In modern social conditions it is not possible to fully function, showing complete apathy and lack of initiative.
But people successfully apply the principles of the approach when it becomes necessary to justify their own behavior. In this case, negative actions are explained by the influence of the environment, the biological characteristics of the psyche, the negative impact of the environment, etc.
Theory - briefly
The basis of the psychological approach lies in the philosophical theory, according to which there is a universal relationship and interdependence between the phenomena of the surrounding reality.
The first aspects of determinism have been formulated yet ancient greek materialists atomists.
Then the principle was considered by representatives of the classical school of philosophy.
In the 17th century, the causation of all phenomena in society is determined. With the development of science comes the understanding that any event or phenomenon is a regularity of any reasons.
At present, the theory is actively used to explain the development and functioning of various phenomena.
AT social sciences the approach allows to analyze the patterns of social development, the degree of the impact of social norms and principles on human behavior.
AT special sciences the principle is used to denote permanent bonds in various processes, mechanisms, equations, etc. That is, processes or mechanisms that lend themselves to a strictly unambiguous description and prediction, are deterministic.
The presence of the aspect of probability, variability, instability indicates the action of the opposite principle - indeterminism (lack of patterns and dependencies in nature, in society).
Problem of determinism occupies an important place in psychological science, as it directly affects questions of will, freedom of choice, and responsibility for one’s destiny.
Self-determination - is the ability of a person to choose and have their own opinion. It is this skill that distinguishes people from other living beings.
The complexity and paradox of the issue often leads to the fact that many scientists are moving away from indeterminism.
Among Russian and foreign scientists, however, there are representatives of a strictly deterministic approach that justify the relevance of this doctrine.
The authors
Outstanding psychologist and philosopher S.L. Rubinstein developed an activity approach in psychology based on a general philosophical principle: external causes have an impact through internal conditions.
So, according to the scientist, the brain activity of the individual develops under the influence of external environmental conditions. As a result of the human relationship with the outside world, the formation of the nervous system occurs.
L.S. Vygotsky argued that there is a certainty of mental processes based on causality. Nothing can happen at random, without any reason. Thus, the manifestation of human will is based on the principles of law and necessity.
According to K. Höfer, any event arises on the basis of previous phenomena and conditions, the laws of nature.
Determinism is manifested not only in our understanding of science and objective phenomena, but also in the formation of ideas about life: freedom of choice, manifestation of will.
The best example of determinism from a scientific point of view is a combination of the laws of mechanics and world widenessdesigned by Newton. You can apply these laws to planet Earth.
If our planet is launched from a given place at a certain speed, then we can predict its location at each time point in the future.
Another example actions of the psychological principle can often be observed in everyday life. A child who spends a lot of time studying and constantly improving his level of knowledge always learns for good grades.
A lazy person who does not want to engage in self-development turns out to be a Losers. The apparent causality of the phenomena is evident: I have mastered knowledge — I have received a good grade, I have not mastered knowledge — I have received a bad grade.
Explicit interaction of determining factors can be seen on the example of raising children in foster care and in government institutions.
Often, children from the same family, who initially have the same biological aspects of development (parental genes, pregnancy conditions, etc.), are influenced by various social factors.
One child is brought up in an orphanage, and the second is taken up by a family from an early age.
As a result, the conditions of socialization can lead to the formation of two individuals with completely different social attitudes, life values and mental characteristics.
So the principle of determinism is important philosophical and psychological concept. Causal patterns can be found in all aspects of social life and science.
Free will and determinism: