Personal growth

Diagnostics of value orientations according to Rokich and Fantalova

Rokic's value orientations are aimed at personality research.

The technique proved in practice high efficiency, helped to understand the key motives of actions, perception of the world.

It consists of several important aspects, after familiarization with which a person will be able to start applying the technique.

Concept of value

Value is a type of sustainable belief.

Implied certain purpose or way of beingwhich is more preferable to personality than another.

Values ​​are shaped by the society in which the person grew up, as well as by culture.

All people have values, but they have there are some differences. For example: one person will call family well-being his main value, and the other - finance.

It is worth noting that the influence of values ​​is found in almost all social phenomena that deserve in-depth study. Values ​​have a significant impact on the personality, life path.

In structure personal worldview includes values, attitudes, beliefs, ideals and a system of a person’s views on the world and its place in it.

Value orientations of the individual - what is it?

This definition means the way differentiation of objects by personality in the process of obtaining social experience.

This is the ideological, moral basis of assessments of the surrounding reality by an individual. They find their expression in ideals, interests, play a huge role in the formation of personality.

By the degree of formation of value orientations can be judged on level of personal development. If these components are developed, stable, it is a sign of maturity, social experience.

Of great importance are value orientations on the behavior of people in a group.

If they are similar, the same group friendly and united.

Conversely, with the difference of these components there are differences in the group, quarrels and misunderstandings.

Value Installations

This term is understood personality readiness for activity in relation to a particular object. They can be formed on the basis of social situations, vital needs.

We must not forget that the installation begins to be laid in childhood. The child is influenced by his inner circle: family, relatives, friends.

Baby trying imitate close people. They copy the behavior, try to be like those they like.

In adolescence, a person is greatly influenced by famous personalities, actors and singers who like it. The teenager adopts behavior, attitudes, tries to be like an idol, thereby dividing his attitudes.

Each individual can have thousand installations. Some have more, others less important. Making important decisions, a person turns to his installations, focusing on them.

How is the orientation system?

Value orientations are formed in the process of development of the individual.

A huge influence on their formation has intellectual growth.

Interacting with mental structures, developing morally, gaining social experience, the personality develops certain value orientations.

From a very early age the child studies the world, contacts with people, learns to live in society.

Due to the influence of important people for him, communication in them, it changes internally. Unconsciously laid value orientation.

Experts highlight two main groups of effectsthat lead to the formation of value orientations:

  • external conditions - the level of cultural development, natural factors;
  • internal conditions - his desires, values, preferences.

Thus, many external and internal moments influence the personality, its development and formation. It is necessary to take into account all the mentioned features.

Examples on characters

Character, a certain person always have certain value orientations.

However, it should be understood that the character is fictional personwhich is endowed with character traits, one way or another behavior.

He has the features of real people, is a reflection of reality.

In the process of character action certain actionswho talk about those or other orientations. For example, in fairy tales the prince tries to conquer the princess, overcomes various obstacles.

His main goal is to conquer the princess. Of great importance in this case are family, love orientation.

For a character, a huge role is played by such attitudes as honor, courage, the desire to protect the weaker, to win the heart of his beloved. He pays attention to spiritual needs, on the basis of them and feats are accomplished.

There are very strong spiritual value orientations of such characters as Goethe's Faust, the Demon from the work of Lermontov. These are wanderers who trying to find their place, pay attention to spiritual attitudes.

Heroes of ancient Greek myths also have a love value orientation. Vivid examples are Philemon and Baucis. For their kindness, love and friendliness, they were very generously rewarded by the gods. Every character focused on achieving certain values.

In reality, a similar situation occurs: under the influence of external and internal factors, certain value orientations are developed, a person seeks to get what he wants.

Value orientation group unity - what does it mean?

Each group member has certain views on life, attitudes and beliefs.

They add up to value orientations. If the group are people with similar value orientationsYou can talk about their unity.

In this case, their positions, views, assessments of what is happening will coincide. All group members will share the views of each other, thus avoiding conflicts and misunderstandings.

According to psychologists, it is very important to achieve this unitybecause it leads to a significant increase in the efficiency of the work performed in the group.

The set common goals are achieved much faster, the group is friendly, and the work is carried out smoothly.


The purpose of such a diagnosis is to identify the level of moral and aesthetic development of adolescents. In the process of diagnosis, it is possible to reveal the main values ​​of the individual, his views on life and aspirations. Sets the state of interpersonal communication between adolescents.

This procedure is also necessary in order to identify what goals does an individual havewhat he wants to achieve first.

Practice shows that most of the subjects determine the main value material well-being.

Family and fun are also among the core values.

There are several methods developed by psychologists who help diagnose and effectively achieve the goal.

Most popular diagnostics of value orientations of adolescents is the application of the method of M. Rokich.

This technique allows you to identify the core values, beliefs of a teenager. It is possible to carry out this diagnosis both individually and in groups.


The most popular in the era of modernity are the techniques of such specialists as Fantalov and Rokich.

E. Fantalova

The purpose of this technique is study value orientations and internal conflicts of personality. The basis of this method is scaling. This is a pair-wise comparison, in the form are presented the vital areas, an instruction is attached to the implementation.

In each column are the spheres of life, you need to choose the most attractivemost important. As a result, the results are counted, the answers of the subject acquire numerical values.

It turns out a certain preference ratio.

You can easily determine which areas of life are most important to a person.

The technique is widespread due to high degree of efficiency, fast execution.

The structure of the diagnosis is clear and simple for teenagers. It is possible to reveal not only their values, but also certain personality conflicts.

Download the value-oriented system of Fantalova techniques.

M. Rokicha

This technique is aimed at definition of perception of the world by the individualrelated to the world. It reveals the values ​​and attitudes of the subjects.

Rokich considered instrumental and terminal values. The former imply a course of action (honesty, rationalism), and the latter are convictions, the meaning of individual existence.

According to the instructions, the individual is offered 18 values. They must be ranked from the most important to the less important.

The number "1" indicates something most important, and "18" is what is least important for the subject.

After processing the result, the person receives list of values.

Those that stand at the very beginning are the main ones, and those that at the end have almost no meaning for the individual.

Due to the compactness of the test, the simplicity of its execution, high efficiency, it gained great popularity. This technique is used not only when working with adolescents, but also with adults.

Rokic technique "Value Orientations".

Value orientations play a huge role in human lifehelping him determine what is most or least important to him. Orientations are laid under the influence of many factors, are formed in the process of maturation and human development.

Contacting different people, facing certain situations, a person internally grows, changes, develops his own vision of the world, goals and attitudes.

Modern youth and its value orientations:

Watch the video: Social value orientations (December 2024).