Personal growth

Take the “How much are you bored” test

Exposure to the feeling of boredom can be both a cause and a consequence of deep personal problems, irrational life choices, apathy and satiety. According to Victor Frankl, an eminent Austrian psychologist, “boredom today confronts us — with both patients and psychiatrists — more problems than desires and even so-called sexual desires.”

There is nothing unnatural about a moderate need for new impressions and a desire to receive information and be active. But this does not constitute a problem only until the escape from boredom becomes painful depending on information, from constant irritation of the senses, from work, does not take on some form of internal anxiety, haste and pursuit of sensations.

In order to find out how bored you are, whether it’s time to sound the alarm or relax, take the following test, which I made up specifically for this.

A little test for you

Only two options a) or b). If you can not choose either one or the other option, then take what is closer to you.

  1. How much work do you like every day?
    a) I love when a lot of work and business tear me apart.
    b) I like when there is little work or it is not: I like to do nothing
  2. Do you often make unnecessary expensive purchases?
    a) I love shopping, I like the process itself
    b) I rarely or never do this
  3. How can you characterize your leisure
    a) I like to actively pursue recreation: constantly traveling from place to place, I can not live without entertainment: clubs, restaurants.
    b) Basically I spend time in a relaxed atmosphere: I read, I rest in the country, I just walk.
  4. Do you smoke?
    a) yes
    b) No
  5. Imagine that you have some trifling disease, but nevertheless you need a hospital. You are put in the hospital for two weeks (no shots and torments, just a comfortable hospital, which the truth will not be able to leave at the named time). Your reaction.
    a) Horror! How can I stand this forced conclusion! What am I going to do there for WHOLE for two weeks?
    b) Hooray! Rest as it should! Or a two-week hospital will not bring me a special feeling of discomfort.
  6. Do you drink alcohol more than once every two weeks?
    a) yes
    b) No
  7. Imagine that you lost your job. On the way home, we bought a lottery ticket and suddenly won $ 1 million. This should be enough for a lifetime somewhere on the ocean, but life without excitement and chic, although quite decent and without special needs. Will you still look for a new job?
    a) yes. I can not sit at home without work.
    b) No. Are you kidding? I have a million!
  8. You will have a long train ride to rest (several days) in a comfortable compartment, but alone. What do you think?
    a) It would soon end. I will do everything so that this tedious wait flew by as soon as possible.
    b) Oh well! I will look out the window, read and enjoy the beautiful views!
  9. On this train, you came to rest, which was mainly spent on the beach and hiking, watching the natural beauty. After two or three weeks rest comes to an end. How are you feeling?
    a) Well, finally, at least I liked everything, but I can't wait to return to my usual business, as I managed to get bored here.
    b) How do not want to leave! Would stay here again!

So, if you have option a) in the sum of answers, then you should think about it in time, you are bored, you are most likely subject to internal anxiety and do not know how to relax. So I strongly recommend that you read the text by reference. How not to feel bored? Even if, until now, you do not see this as a big problem: over time this can turn into something more serious ...

And if you answered all the questions or almost all of them b), then I congratulate you, you most likely do not experience discomfort from loneliness, you are at ease with yourself, mostly calm and relaxed. You do not need to read the article on the link. Although it also does not hurt to find out what you have avoided, but what should still be wary.

Watch the video: How Much Heat Can It Take? (May 2024).