
How to learn to communicate with men?

Women and men have completely different points of view regarding communication etiquette.

And the thinking of the weaker sex is fundamentally different from how the stronger sex thinks.

Therefore, girls who do not have certain communication skills it can be difficult to convey your thoughts, position and desires up to the man.

Psychology of communication with a man

Nature has long defined the purpose of men and women, endowing them with different views on life.

And in order to understand how the representative of the stronger sex thinks and feels, it is necessary to carefully analyze the level of instincts.

A man tends to climb the pedestal, conquer and conquer, transfer your genes to the maximum number of women to continue the race and get benefits for the family.

And to solve such global problems, men are endowed with a holistic and global perception of the world. They concentrate well on the task, while ignoring information that is not relevant to it.

The stronger sex also lacks the ability for the detailed and flexible perception inherent in women.

Therefore, when dealing with the male sex meaningless hint, pull phrases out of context, focus on sensual and emotional assessment of reality, try to build logical mazes with many variables in order to lead a man to the correct conclusion, etc.

It is best to directly voice your desires.

It is also necessary to adhere to the tactics of the "central issue" and discuss mainly one important topic / problem so that a man can concentrate as much as possible.

In the matter of communicating with men more effectively call not to the senses, but to the mind. It will be much easier to incline the representative of the stronger sex to the correct decision if he sees in this decision a logical and rational basis.

How to learn to communicate with guys?

The ability to communicate with men is not an innate, but an acquired skill. Thanks to the desire and some effort, every woman can master this art.

  1. Psychology. To better understand the nature and way of thinking of men, it is necessary to study the basics of psychology on this topic.

    Then the reactions and actions of the guys will be predictable and understandable for you. A build communication tactics will be taking into account male psychology.

  2. Observation. It is necessary to regularly monitor how men behave before intercourse, during dialogue and after. How do they react to different words and sayings? How effective are other women's behavior strategies? You can watch for colleagues, male relatives, friends, and even random strangers. It is thanks to the analysis and independent conclusions that you can quickly “pump over” your communication skills.
  3. Practice. The theoretical framework is useless without practice. You can test strategies and theses again on familiar men (colleagues, friends, brothers, etc.). It is important not only to constantly engage in interaction, but also to try to reach a new qualitative level of communication.

    Indicators of success will be the favor of men, recognition of your competence in various issues, interest in dialogue and initiative in providing assistance.


Several universal rules will help to reach a new level in dealing with men and avoid common mistakes.

  1. Do not abuse the position. Some girls use the position of the "weaker sex" and constantly give their gentlemen hysterics, take offense over trifles, regularly resolve controversial situations with tears and behave like naughty children. Such manipulations do work, but in the short term. Gradually, the guy will understand that communication with such a woman is unpleasant to him and gives only negative emotions.
  2. Do not talk to the forehead. Men do not understand the hints. But this does not mean that when talking with a guy you need to say everything that came to mind, not even trying to find the right words, place and time. Indeed, the lack of susceptibility to hints does not at all indicate a lack of feelings and an understanding of the rules of etiquette.
  3. Do not expect from a man pronounced emotions. Even if the news is truly worthy of a violent and emotional reaction, the man will suppress any hint of excitement. And the point is not that the representative of the stronger sex is indifferent to what is happening. Just boys from childhood learn the thesis "a real man does not cry." And over time, the guys absorb an incredible number of such limiting installations and try to match them.
  4. Be able to admire. A strong floor needs a positive assessment. Men love when their achievements are noticed and celebrated.

    Masterfully using compliments (and in some cases flattery) a woman can win over any man.

  5. Accept character traits. Guys act like boys. They compete with each other, they are sincerely upset about losing their favorite team, they love to play tricks on their colleagues, and in general, their behavior sometimes makes a woman angry. But to fight with nature is meaningless. It is easier and more efficient to accept the peculiarities of a male character and to treat them condescendingly. Thanks to this approach, communication will be easier and more enjoyable.

How to be interesting?

First need constantly expand your horizons, be interested in surrounding people and events.

Favorite hobby also makes any person an interesting interlocutor, because an enthusiastic and fulfilling individual can share emotions and positive things with other people.

It is very important to understand that a man it is not interesting to talk on "girlish" themes.

Therefore, you should not try to colorfully describe to him new shoes, talk about a new stellar romance, or gossip about familiar girls. These topics can be reserved for a bachelorette party, so as not to become boring in the eyes of a man.

But all the rules, recommendations and prohibitions in communicating with a man are only a general guideline. Do not give up your personality, and follow the tips like a programmed robot.

Indeed, in the process of communication, people are attracted to bright and original personalities with a “twist”.

Tips and tricks for girls

How to communicate with a man?

  1. What to ask the guy when communicating? It is best to communicate on the topic of interests, work, study and life plans. You can discuss your favorite movies and music bands, your favorite sport and pets. Do not overly aggressively impose the theme of love relationships, make hints and raise the traditionally “female themes”. You can try to translate the conversation into a plane that is interesting specifically to your interlocutor. In this case, you can only ask questions and show interest if you are not very well versed in the subject (for example, football, racing, construction, etc.). Inappropriate attempts to show his expertise to impress a guy can fail.
  2. How to talk a man silent? How to get a guy to talk?Try to find out what the guy is interested in, and then make a list of topics and read the relevant information on the Internet or books. You can identify hobbies and hobbies through social networks (a list of interesting pages and groups the guy is in), as well as through mutual friends (directly ask a person who knows how to keep secrets and will not give you away). Then, during the conversation, purposefully transfer the conversation to an interesting topic for the guy. He will be comfortable and pleasant to support the conversation, which will increase your chances of success.
  3. How to continue to maintain a conversation with a guy? In order to keep the conversation going, you need to ask the right questions. Try to avoid language that implies a yes or no answer. Otherwise, communication will quickly exhaust itself.

    But questions that imply a detailed answer will help identify new topics and interests.

    Interrupting the guy is also not worth it, even if the comment is asked to fly off the language. Cutting off the story is very impolite. In addition, this behavior will lead to the fact that you lose the thread of conversation (you will not be able to find in the process of communication a topic that you will develop when the previous topic has exhausted itself).

  4. What if the guy does not want to talk or abruptly stopped communicating? A man can disappear for many reasons (new woman, loss of interest, problems at work, reassessment of life guidelines, etc.). But since the representatives of the stronger sex are conquerors by nature, in most cases they refuse contact after they achieve the favor of a woman. Taking love as a victory, guys quickly lose interest and look for a new victim. Therefore, in the process of contact, it is necessary to keep the interlocutor at some distance and “tease” him with abrupt changes from sympathy to indifference.
  5. How to communicate with a guy? To establish communication with a guy, you need to carefully listen and delve into the essence of the dialogue. You should not try to show yourself from the best side due to long monologues and attempts to tell as much as possible about your skills, hobbies and hobbies. Men are looking for companionship lightness and warmth.

    Therefore, the best strategy for communicating with a guy is to reject the negative and discuss problems in favor of positive communication and sharing good news.

  6. How to talk to a guy about the future? The persistent desire to bring the guy into a frank conversation can scare away the representative of the stronger sex. But if you carefully withdraw the interlocutor on this topic, he will open up and become frank. It is better to start small, asking the guy about the plans for the summer, children's dreams or current goals for the year. After that, the topic can be gradually reduced to the desired topic, using leading questions.
  7. How to politely refuse a man to communicate? If a man is touchy enough, you should not tell him directly about the lack of desire to continue communication. It is better to keep communication to a minimum (responding in a polite manner, but not to show initiative). Monosyllabic and short answers will help to quickly complete the dialogue.
  8. How to communicate with a former guy? The main rule when communicating with a former lover is not to recall past grievances. Unpleasant and caustic remarks, attempts to sort things out and achieve an apology will lead to mutual dislike (or even provoke a quarrel).
  9. How to communicate with a married man? Communication with a married man requires subordination. You should not flirt, omit ambiguous jokes and discuss personal topic. Otherwise, the man may think that the interlocutor is counting on the role of a mistress and is not averse to enter into a relationship.

    You can not discuss / comment on the relationship of a married man, so as not to provoke a negative or resentment. Personal opinion about other people's relations is better not to advertise.

What you can never say?

Even if the husband / man is a congenial person to you, do not touch the "sharp" topics. These include:

  • male weaknesses (conviction for flaws and criticism);
  • competitive ability (representatives of the stronger sex do not tolerate comparisons with other men in favor of the latter);
  • professional and domestic failures / mistakes (if a man does not ask for advice, do not constantly remind him of an unpleasant incident and try to bring him to the conversation);
  • own shortcomings (some women are "asking for compliments", complaining about their shortcomings);
  • gossip (in most cases, gossip, especially related to female competition, is not interesting and even repels men).

Despite the different views and perception of the world, men and women are very similar, so you can always find a common point of contact.

The main thing in the process of communication is to be sincere and try to understand the feelings, motives and experiences of the interlocutor.

Secrets of relationships or how to communicate with a man correctly:

Watch the video: How To Communicate With Men (December 2024).