
How to get rid of stuttering: methods of psychological impact

The problem of stuttering is faced by both adults and children. Such a feature can turn into unnecessary complexes, difficulties in building a career and relationships. That is why people who are faced with a problem are struggling with the question of how to get rid of stuttering, and whether it can be done independently.

Experts believe that a speech defect can be defeated, but for this you need to work and train all the time.

Causes of speech impairment

Why do people stutter, and how does this relate to excitement? This question is considered incredibly popular, because the causes of a speech defect are not fully understood.

Most often, this pathology arises due to a strong nervous shock or fright. If the baby in the early childhood suffered something terrible or frightening, it can affect his speech skills. Doctors note that the size of the problem depends on the degree of shock.

Some people stutter only in moments of excitement, while others suffer from pathology on a daily basis, which prevents them from establishing verbal contact with others.

Among the causes of stuttering is called innate predisposition. If mom and dad suffer from such a speech defect, it is likely that it will be detected in the child.

Perhaps the main advice that can give any doctor and psychologist is that you need to deal with the problem at an early age. As the brain develops, the chances of successfully correcting the defect will decrease.

Exercises to eliminate stuttering

How can you get rid of stuttering if the problem progresses and prevents a person from living? Perhaps the most effective way to fight are special exercises. They can be used at home, but it is better to communicate with a speech therapist. The specialist will not only talk about the exercises, but also show exactly how they should be performed.

So, what exercises are most effective in dealing with a speech defect?

  1. It is necessary to pronounce the letters of the alphabet, gradually increasing the speed. At first, a person tries to simply reproduce the letters without stuttering. With each interruption, you need to start the exercise again. When all the letters are named, you need to increase the speed of pronunciation.
  2. On the chant should be pronounced vowels, while pulling the letters "A", "O", "U".
  3. In the course go and tongue twisters, which should be pronounced first slowly, and then faster and faster.
  4. You can perform breathing exercises. To do this, stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, the head looks forward. Next, a person takes a deep breath and turns his head to the right. When turning, it noisily exhales. It is necessary to repeat the exercise with turning the head to the right and left at least eight times.

Speech therapists often advise their patients to memorize poems and sing songs. In the first classes, the person will face constant stuttering, but gradually he will be able to better and better speak the words. In addition to the alphabet, you can play associations, call the speed of a word on a specific letter.

If the person still does not know how to get rid of stuttering, he may resort to using yoga. Thanks to an elaborate system of exercises, it is possible to relax the muscles and tone the body. Here are just the first classes should take place under the control of an experienced specialist, but otherwise there is a high probability of injury.

Drug treatment

Trying to learn how to stop stuttering, most patients do not even realize that this can be done with the help of drugs. Here it is important to remember one rule: you should take only those medicines that were prescribed by a doctor. Independent use of pills will not lead to anything good and can only worsen the general state of health.

Most often, when stuttering, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • anticonvulsant drug "Phenibut";
  • antispasmodic "Magnerot";
  • sedative drug "Afobazol";
  • drug "Novopassit";
  • You can also use Valerian and motherwort infusion for a calming effect.

Each such tool has its own nuances of effects on the body. So, "Phenibut" calms the nervous system, helps a person get rid of cramps and feelings of anxiety. However, this tool has a number of side effects. In particular, when taking it, weakness, dizziness, and general lethargy may occur.

That is why drugs should be taken only in a specific, pre-prescribed dosage and only after consulting with your doctor.

Folk remedies to combat stuttering

How to get rid of stuttering on your own at home is a very topical issue, because often people are ashamed of their peculiarities. They prefer to treat without the help of a psychologist or speech therapist.

In such cases, relevant methods of psychological impact, which will be discussed later, and folk remedies. What popular recipes are especially in demand and managed to prove their effectiveness?

  1. Broth on apple peel.

For its preparation, you need to pour the peel of apples with a liter of boiling water, then boil it over low heat for 5-6 minutes. Next, a pinch of sugar is added to the broth, after which it can be drunk daily at 100-200 ml.

  1. Broth to rinse on the basis of herbs fragrant.

30 grams of dried herbs need to pour 0.5 liters. boiling water. Then boil broth in a water bath for 7 minutes. This composition should gargle every morning for 40-50 seconds, but it is not recommended to swallow the broth.

  1. Broth to rinse on the basis of lemon balm.

This tool is very easy to prepare: you need to pour 20 grams of lemon balm with half a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for half an hour. Strained broth can gargle every 5-6 hours.

Folk remedies are best used in combination with medication and exercises. In this case, the probability of healing will be higher.

Ways of psychological impact on the disease

Psychologists believe that stuttering is directly related to the internal problems of a person. Complexity, self-doubt, timidity - all these problems give rise to speech defects. To get rid of them you need to adhere to the following tips:

  • a person must learn to relax, forget about problems and give up unnecessary stress;
  • it is always necessary to rehearse speech several times before a responsible event or interview, especially focusing on its difficult moments;
  • you need to learn how to pause during a conversation in those moments when stuttering creeps up. This will help the person to disguise his own shortcoming;
  • during communication, you need to think at a minimum about your own speech defects. A person should be distracted, pay attention to the behavior of others and their manner of conversation;
  • Every day a person must begin with praise himself. As soon as the complexes retreat, the problem with stuttering will also become less.

How to get rid of stuttering in the shortest possible time? To achieve the desired, a person needs to use all of the above methods. Speech therapists are advised to do speech exercises, constantly sing and learn how to breathe correctly. Doctors advise to take special drugs, but psychologists do not forget about self-hypnosis. However, the most effective way to deal with problems is to try to love yourself. As soon as a person gets rid of the complexes, he ceases to be nervous and relax, the problem will slowly begin to disappear.

Lisa, Omsk

Watch the video: The Real Reason People Stutter (December 2024).