Love and relationship

How to understand that you love

All people are different, and they express the same feelings in completely different ways. Someone is ready to sing serenades under the window all night long, and someone hesitates to even give a flower to her beloved. But this does not mean that love is stronger for someone, but weaker for someone. If it really is love, then its power is not measured in this way.

The content of the article:
6 questions to ask yourself
Situations in which you can understand the relationship of a partner
Psychologist's comment

Suppose your partner is rather stingy with expressing his feelings, hesitates to talk about it. How to understand that he really loves you? There are some simple situations that can show you his true attitude. You just have to answer these questions:

  • How does he behave in the cinema?
  • How did he congratulate you on your birthday?
  • What is he in bed?
  • How does he feel about your friends?
  • How does he behave after a quarrel?
  • How does he behave in everyday life?

Pay attention to his behavior in the situations described below to make a conclusion about what he really feels for you.

Cinema Behavior

He invited you to the cinema, you stand at the box office with tickets and choose which movie to go to. There are men who don’t even ask their other half what movie they would like to see - they just buy tickets to the first film or tape of their choice. Talking about love here is hardly appropriate.

The person who loves you will definitely ask for your opinion. If you want a romantic comedy (which is so hateful to most men), then he will reluctantly endure this hour and a half torture, but will not deny you. A loving person thinks about his partner and tries to please him at all costs.

Happy Birthday

Is your birthday coming up soon? A good reason to evaluate the feelings of your partner. Tell him in advance that you do not want gifts and flowers, but want something unusual. Do not specify what exactly - give a person room for fantasy.

If you get a standard set on your birthday (flowers and perfumes, for example), it will mean that he was too lazy to think of something special. And there is no need to write off this act on the lack of creative abilities and imagination: if you wish, he could at least glance on the Internet or consult with friends.

A loving person is sure to come up with something interesting, even if he has limited means. Because he is not too lazy to spend a couple of hours or days thinking about his congratulations.

Intimate relationships

This area is very indicative of the feelings that partners have for each other. People who do not have warm feelings, of course, can make love passionately and with great imagination, but sensually and affectionately, looking partner in the eyes - no.

Sex without love is sharper. After him, they do not lie for a long time, embracing and talking about all sorts of nonsense. The behavior of the partner after intimacy also shows his true feelings.

Relationship with your friends

How does your partner communicate with your friends? It often happens that your surroundings do not like your boyfriend, and vice versa - his friends annoy you.

But at the same time, if you love your chosen one, you will still communicate with them in a friendly manner, you will not be discouraged from communicating with them (if they are, of course, adequate people) - that is, give him to be friends with those with he wants.

A loving person will not impose his convictions on you, or, worse, put an ultimatum - either I or your friends.

Conflict behavior

Suppose there was a little quarrel between you. This often happens, and often both are to blame. How does he behave after a quarrel? A loving guy, maybe he'll see a day, but then he will cool down and call, not wanting to suffer anymore.

If a person does not love you, he will not bother and take the first step towards reconciliation, even if he is guilty after all.

Behavior in everyday life

Regardless of whether you live together or he comes to visit you sometimes, you can pay attention to his behavior in everyday life in order to understand his attitude towards you. Standard situation: you laid the table, fed him. What's next?

A loving person will surely offer to help you clean the table and wash the dishes. If a person does not have deep feelings for you, then again, he will not bother himself with washing the dishes, thinking: "Let them wash themselves!"


A loving person will never give you ultimatums, take offense for several days, ignore your tastes and preferences, be lazy to help you or come up with an interesting greeting.

When a person is in love, it gives him happiness just to be near the object of his feelings, hold her hand, look into her eyes.

True love can be seen immediately, it does not doubt. And if you still have any doubts in your head about the feelings of your partner, do not rush to make hasty conclusions.

Pay attention to his behavior, analyze the situation and only then talk to him. Any problems can be solved if you talk calmly and frankly.

Vasilisa, Perm

Watch the video: 11 Ways To Show Your Cats Love That They Can Understand (April 2024).