Personal growth

Art of the word: how to learn to speak beautifully

Is the knowledge of grammar alone enough to be a good storyteller? You can notch a thousand rules, but still remain an amateur in oral speech. Then what is the secret of an interesting interlocutor? How to learn to speak beautifully? This article presents psychological, linguistic and ethical advice. In the complex, they will help to become a master of the word, impress the listeners and even increase self-esteem, because correct speech strengthens self-confidence.

What does “beautiful speech” mean?

Beautiful speech is a method of verbal communication, including the richness and literacy of the language. Clear, logical reproduction is the “technical” side of speech, while diversity, richness is artistic. A monologue in which the balance of these parts is observed is doomed to success. The features of this language also include:

  • semantic fullness, completeness;
  • the presence of vivid images, speed;
  • purity - the absence of slang, obscene language, linguistic tracing;
  • availability, simplicity;
  • correct pronunciation.

A narrator with a similar speech easily attracts attention and disposes to himself. He is able to persuade, inspire, make you think. No matter where - in the business sphere or in the household - beautiful speech opens up many new opportunities.

How to get the key from thousands of doors? How to start expressing so that listeners admire every word?

How to speak beautifully - 6 steps

Expand words knowledge

Vocabulary is the basis of any language. The more diverse it is, the more interesting the story is. That is why working on increasing your vocabulary is so important. To do this, you can:

  • reading classical literature is a wealth of rich vocabulary;
  • look into the dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms, idioms;
  • independently write essays, especially in the artistic, conversational and journalistic style.

A good exercise for expanding vocabulary will be association game. It will require any word, phrase or sentence. First, the chosen phrase is comprehended, then an associative continuation is written to it. If the task seems too complicated, you can simply try to rewrite the source text fragment in your own words.

Improve logic and sequence of speech

Even the richest lexicon will be useless if there is no logical connection. The correct order and relevance of words, semantic completeness, the absence of an overabundance or lack of specific parts of speech are an indispensable part of a beautiful story. What happens if you ignore it?

“The hunter noticed a big beast on the edge of the forest - it was an elk. He slowly took the gun off his shoulder and aimed ... ”.

Logic tells the reader that the gun is in the hands of the hunter. But the grammatical construction indicates that the aim is still the elk.

To continue to avoid such incidents, You can practice writing texts with one exercise. Procedure:

  1. randomly pick up 5-10 different nouns, adjectives and / or verbs - think up by yourself, choose from a book or ask someone to voice them;
  2. write all the words in a row so that they are clearly visible, easy to read;
  3. begin to make one coherent text with all lexical units, eliminating in parallel the options already used.

At the beginning of these steps will be enough. In the future, the complexity of the exercise increases. To do this, you can increase the number of words, include other parts of speech, phrases, or use all the lexemes strictly in the order in which they are written.

Do articulation gymnastics

Clear diction is an integral part of beautiful oral speech. In order to make sounds easy and not to “chew”, it is advisable to do gymnastics for the muscles of the face every day. Some examples of such training:

  • smile broadly, trying to show the front teeth, and then bring the lips into a tube;
  • open mouth, make several circular movements of the lower jaw;
  • with the mouth closed, hold the tongue in a hollow between the teeth and lips in a circle;
  • close the lips into a tube and make several circular movements. If performed correctly, the muscles of the cheeks, chin and neck will be felt;
  • slightly bite the tongue in several places, gently pulling it out of the mouth;
  • Slowly lick the upper lip, and then the lower lip, feeling the bridle stretching under the tongue.

In no case should not move the jaw, lips or tongue too quickly or sharply. All movements are repeated 10 times, and circular movements are performed 10 times in both directions.

After each exercise, the speech apparatus is given a break. For this, the muscles are completely relaxed, a smooth exhalation is made through the lips so that they vibrate (it looks like a horse sniffing).

Retell texts in your own words

Retelling is very useful for improving speech. They help to memorize stable expressions, to recreate the coherence of text, to adopt images. Both written and oral retellings will do. To do this, perform a series of actions:

  1. a text is chosen, preferably artistic, with a predominance of descriptions over actions;
  2. article is read 2-3 times (you can listen to audio recordings);
  3. during the last reading (listening) brief notes are made - an approximate outline of the story;
  4. retelling begins. If during the process the missed is suddenly remembered, there is no need to return to it - it is important to continue further, even if the errors are obvious;
  5. after the first retelling, the second one begins, taking into account the omissions and omissions of the previous one;
  6. source text is last viewed;
  7. The exercise ends with a final retelling.

An additional benefit of such activities is that they help train mindfulness, memory, and also visual or auditory susceptibility.

Do not forget about the skill of improvisation

Spontaneous reasoning is useful for the development of speech skills. For them, you can use any excuse - a conversation with a friend, a phrase from a TV show, a randomly heard fact. The main thing is to start talking, trying to logically develop your thought.

Over time, this practice will allow you to speak more freely, at ease in any situation. The necessary words will come to their own heads, quickness will be accelerated.

Read etiquette books

Another important part of communication, which many for some reason forget, is etiquette. Even a clear diction with rich vocabulary and high literacy will not save if the narrator does not have basic knowledge of good manners. Polite companion:

  • expressed briefly, but not monosyllabic, selects clear simple expressions;
  • does not dispel rumors and indicates that information is doubtful if it is not confirmed;
  • does not ignore the questions asked. If they are too intimate, it indicates directly or asks to change the subject;
  • keeps calm even if the opponent switches to rudeness or insists on an obviously false opinion;
  • receiving a compliment does not respond simply “thank you” or does not immediately begin to give compliments in return. This is similar to flattery or mercantile barter. Better to say “Thank you, very nice of you”;
  • walking with the interlocutor and meeting unfamiliar friends, it will be polite to introduce everyone to each other first, even if the conversation lasts only a minute.

These rules are only recommendations for how to learn to speak beautifully. However, each case is individual. One will also need a speech therapist or a psychologist to improve his speech. Others will cost the six described tips. And for some, it is quite possible that only one of the proposed methods is useful for great success. But in the mastery of the word there is one rule that is common to all: to begin to speak beautifully, you will have to work hard.

Watch the video: How to speak so that people want to listen. Julian Treasure (May 2024).