Personal growth

How to improve your self-esteem? - 11 most relevant techniques

Do you constantly criticize yourself and compare with others? It seems to you that you are not good enough in many things? You suffer from self-doubt and low self-esteem, and this greatly hinders your life? After reading this article, you will learn how to apply the most effective and relevant methods to increase your self-esteem.

But I hasten to note that the phrase "increase self-esteem" is not entirely correct. I'll explain why.

You could already read in books or articles on popular psychology that in order to raise self-esteem, you need to learn positive thinking, focus on your successes and positive qualities, replace negative attitudes ("I am a loser") with more realistic ones ("I sometimes make mistakes and I have failures, but that does not make me a loser ").

Perhaps many of you have tried to apply these tips intuitively: convince yourself that you are not such a bad person and deserve your own respect, to “argue” with an inner critic. But it led nowhere.

Why doesn't “positive thinking” not always work? ”Then I will tell about it. Psychology is a dynamic field of knowledge. And everything is constantly changing in it. In this article I will not give outdated advice, and consider the most relevant and advanced methods of working with low self-esteem.

"The game of self-esteem"

American psychologist Joseph Tsiarrochi leads research according to which the so-called "high self-esteem" does not lead to good academic performance. Other studies show that trying to directly “improve your self-esteem” often leads to the opposite of the expected result.

Cyarrochi calls this "self-esteeming". The peculiarity of this game is that the attempts to think about oneself “positively” lead many people to the fact that they, on the contrary, return to negative thoughts about themselves.

Here is a simple exercise that will help make sure that it will take at least a minute, try it.

Exercise 1

Close your eyes and make the following statements in your mind:

  1. I'm an ordinary person
  2. I'm good at what I do
  3. I perfectly do what I do!
  4. Almost everyone loves me
  5. I am perfect!

Many people say that such statements provoke them to think about something unpleasant. For example, when I myself did this exercise, on the phrase “almost everyone loves me,” I suddenly began to recall people who treat me badly, and on the phrase “I am perfect,” I began to recall my shortcomings.

This is a feature of human thinking: sometimes, giving ourselves the setting to think about the good and not think about the bad, we automatically begin to think about the negative.

Even if you did not show such an effect, anyway, attempts to raise your self-esteem can take a lot of energy. Often, your mind simply does not want to “listen” to any positive attitudes, it will refute everything, simply because of the momentary mood.

What then to do when attempts to artificially raise self-esteem do not lead to the desired result? I'll tell you now.

Technique 1. Do not wait for self-esteem to increase - act with low self-esteem

Surely you want to raise self-esteem not to love yourself quietly and silently admire yourself. Probably, you decided that “low self-esteem” does not allow you to achieve something in life: high wages, relationships with the opposite sex, success in work and work, etc.

And you think that in order to achieve this, you need high self-esteem, right?

I hasten to tell you that you are mistaken. The conviction that in order to perform some actions we need some definite thoughts in the head (for example, it seems to you that in order to come up and make acquaintance with a girl, you absolutely must think about yourself well at this moment) is false. Here is a simple exercise that allows you to check it out.

Exercise 2

Close your eyes. And start thinking to yourself: “I can't get up,” “I can't get up,” “I won't get up,” and now, stand up straight with these thoughts! After all, despite thoughts? Yes!

  • In the same way, you will be able to make acquaintances with interesting people, even when you think: "I am not interesting to anyone."
  • You can ask for a high salary while thinking: "I am not worthy of this money."
  • You can do a lot while thinking “I can’t” and “I’ll fail.”

Our thoughts are certain mental constructs, fragments of information, sometimes they reflect reality, but sometimes they express simply abstract expectations and ideas about the future, often quite fantastic ones.

Our thoughts are just like a running line in the head.

We can't always stop her. Often, our attempts to accomplish this turn deplorably: we become even more agitated and nervous, and our thoughts are in no hurry to leave our head.

Therefore, the correct advice would be to allow this "running line" to flash in your head, but at the same time act. Of course, when we feel self-confident, our actions look more natural and more confident. But the thing is that not only our thoughts and emotions affect our behavior, but our behavior affects our thoughts and emotions.

"Man is such a creature that even his most global ideas can change after a hearty lunch."

That is, until we learn to behave as if we have high self-esteem, this “high self-esteem” will not appear! Judge for yourself what will give a greater influx of self-confidence: an action implemented without any internal resistance or an action in conditions when you had to overcome yourself and your emotions? Of course, the last!

Technique 2. Let the "i'm shit" period

I often give this advice in my articles, since this principle serves me very well in service almost every day. Our emotions, our ideas are a non-permanent thing, depending on many factors: our mood, the state of the body, etc.

Man is such a creature that even his most global ideas can change after a hearty lunch. This is normal and natural. This must be borne in mind.

For example, when I am tired, the most negative thoughts about myself come to my mind. I call this the “period I am shit", meaning the time when for some reason my tendency to think of myself is growing worse. My self-esteem plummets by many points. Self-criticism becomes especially caustic, I begin to doubt myself and my actions.

I know this peculiarity and note it when it manifests itself: "well, again these thoughts came, well, hello."

If I start arguing with myself in these moments, convincing myself that these thoughts are wrong or irrational, then I will come to the conclusion that I’m getting even deeper into them. If I try to force them out of my head, I will spend a lot of energy and come to nothing.

Therefore, knowing that this is just a temporary period, I do not pay any attention to these thoughts. I allow them to appear and disappear, while at the same time, quietly doing my own thing.

I do not want to say that I never listen to these phrases at all, I just make a big amendment to the fact that now I am tired and my mind wants to think negatively right now. If he wants so, then please let him think. But without me: I will not talk with him.

Criticizing yourself, doubting yourself is normal, this is how our mind works. He is always engaged in the search for errors, inconsistencies with the reality desired.
We are all humans.

Inside each of us sits an elusive critic, whose “work” is simply to criticize. Or an internal perfectionist who cuts us for everything that we do is not perfect. These "guys" will not listen to your arguments. They can't just shut up. They can simply not listen.

"Oh, critic! Hello! You say how much you fit." "Well, hello, perfectionist! Thank you for reminding me that I am not a perfect creature! But as long as I am not up to you, I'm sorry!"

You can communicate with your mind in such a manner, instead of arguing or agreeing with these thoughts. Just do not listen to your critic!

Technique 3. Do not evaluate judgments about yourself on the basis of "truth" and "false"

You may have read this far and thought: “Nikolai suggests simply allowing these thoughts to come, not paying attention to them, but what if they express the truth about me?”

What I want to say to this. As I wrote above, our opinion of ourselves is a very dynamic and changeable thing. It is subject not only to a momentary emotional state, but also to public attitudes, stereotypes, standards and is not always “adequate”.

For example, if all the people in your environment work hard for 10 hours a day, then it may seem like against your background that you are not hard-working enough. Although this is not necessarily the case.

Evaluation is always just "evaluation", adopted on the basis of a multitude of factors; therefore, it is always relative, abstract, is a rough generalization and does not take into account volatile, dynamic factors. In the evening it seems to you that you are no good at all, and in the morning you feel like the king of the world! What is the truth of this?

Here I want to present a purely practical look at the problem. It does not make much difference whether your judgments about yourself are "true" thoughts or "false." What matters is whether or not it helps you. Let's say someone might be thinking “I'm fat, it's the same!” But let's consider how the same installation can affect different people differently.

For example, for one person, the “I'm fat” thought helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle, burn cholesterol and excess calories, give up fast food and, in general, live a healthier and more vibrant life.

To another person, such a thought leads to despondency and anxiety. To drown out these feelings, he begins to eat more and suffers from it even more. These thoughts do not help him in any way, but serve only as a constant unpleasant background in the head.

The third person began to treat himself harshly because of such an assessment, limited himself to food, acquired an eating disorder, began to suffer from anorexia.

But, the fourth person decided that being fat was pleasant to him, that he liked himself so and accepted himself.

We see that for the first and fourth person such self-esteem "works", but for the second and third - not.

That's what matters. Not that you have a "bad" self-image or a "good", "true" it or "false". And then, it works or not. It helps you to live, to achieve their own, or only hinders. By the way, “high” self-esteem does not always work. If someone considers himself unsurpassed in something, then he feels acute frustration, when someone in something ahead of him and all his energy invests in maintaining in himself the self-worth of "unsurpassed master."

Does your self-esteem work for you? Does it help you grow, become better and happier, or does it only demoralize you, drain power from you and at the same time not contribute to any development?

If not, then maybe it's time to let her go?

I write this because it is sometimes difficult for people to let go of negative thoughts about themselves, because they think: “well, it's true.” It becomes much easier for them to do this when they realize that it does not matter much.

Technique 4. Take yourself! No matter how trite it may sound

“Accept yourself” - it sounds either very trite, or very abstract. However, this statement relates to a very real problem. Many people live to old age, but never learn to treat themselves with understanding and acceptance.

As a result, they have unsatisfied ambitions, unrealistic expectations, frustration, heartache and low self-esteem.

As I have already said, our own assessment system is formed, also due to the pressure of society and the expectations of others. Many of us have been bombarded with norms since childhood: “you must be strong”, “you must be the best”, “you must be successful”.

Or we ourselves look at other people, begin to compare ourselves with them and think that we will not be able to respect ourselves and be happy until we become the same! “I’m not good enough,” “I could be better,” “I didn’t reach what people were about by my age.”

To accept oneself means to stop evaluating oneself according to foreign standards, in general, in principle, to abandon all standards. This means striving to ensure that our self-esteem does not depend on how much we earn, what we look like, how popular we are, etc.

Acceptance is a state in which, for self-esteem, the mere fact that you are a living, feeling being is enough! And that's it!

“If you cannot love and appreciate yourself now, then your erosive inner critic will always find something to scold you for!”

Imagine that no other opinion can shake your self-confidence anymore, no standard, ideals and expectations can plunge you into the abyss of self-criticism, because you have learned to accept yourself as you are.

This is an excellent skill that is very necessary in life, but it requires development. Acceptance is not just a bare principle or an abstract idea, but a skill that needs to be built up in yourself day after day.

Acceptance can be developed by conscious breathing or loving-kindness meditation.

These practices are not religious, they are widely used in the most advanced psychotherapeutic areas, for a long time helping people to get rid of anxiety, panic attacks, depression and excessive self-criticism.

It is also important to understand that accepting oneself is not an excuse, not a reason to give up: "they say, I accept myself as I am, therefore I will not change at all!"

Acceptance does not preclude changing yourself, moving towards your goals. Acceptance is just an attempt to abandon the tactics of self-sufficiency and self-criticism as not effective!

Think for a minute, did you ever help self-sufficiency to achieve your goals? Most likely not, you just scolded yourself, thought about how bad you are, but it only demoralized you even more and didn’t contribute to your positive changes.

Even if, as a result of self-criticism, you still forced yourself to change, eradicate your shortcomings and weaknesses, then this could take a lot of time and effort. Think how much you could do, instead of constantly scolding and evaluating yourself? Is it productive?

Unfortunately, not everything in ourselves can be changed. And therefore it is correct to accept such an order of things, than to complain about this. And if positive changes are possible, then we move towards them. But you can also move, change yourself with acceptance!

How is this possible?

In our culture, it is accepted that if we strive for something, we must do it with inhuman tension, constant anxiety for the result, panic because of mistakes. But this is not the most effective way to achieve results.

Moving toward your goal with acceptance is to do it without pressure, without undue stress, forgiving yourself mistakes, but at the same time, following the intended trajectory with a healthy stubbornness. It means getting rid of the illusion that you can only love yourself when you achieve this result, get closer to your ideal.

If you cannot love and appreciate yourself now, then your elusive inner critic will always find something to scold you for!

You can set a goal to become more organized and disciplined. And choose one of the options to move to it.

The first option is to start working hard, not sparing yourself, scolding and criticizing for each shortcoming, disappointed that the result is not achieved instantly and in the end to deplete yourself in order to slip into the abyss of laziness and lack of will again.

Another option is to strive for a goal easily, freely and without tension. Without too much samoyedt, rise after the fall and move on. Do not allow your own mistakes to demoralize yourself, but draw conclusions from them, learn from them. Have you had a training session? Do not worry, work out another day. Are you tired? We rested so that we could begin to act with new forces tomorrow, and did not begin to bring ourselves to exhaustion. Missed the practice, lazy? Nothing! We made conclusions from this and outlined a new lesson plan for ourselves, thought about how to improve your schedule and your discipline for the future so that there would be less reason for laziness.

Why blame yourself when it is not effective and does not serve the result?

Technique 5. Praise yourself

It is important to understand that self-criticism is a habit. And we can get rid of it. We get used to noticing the shortcomings, but we lose sight of the dignity, it develops into a well-established pattern of thinking. Our self-image is distorted, becomes negative.

Therefore, notice your local victories, the smallest successes. And mark it about yourself, praise yourself: "I'm done!" Earlier, I wrote that it is better not to argue with my inner critic. But this does not mean that you cannot try to redirect your attention to your positive aspects, if that helps you.

This method and the following several techniques lie in the framework of a slightly different paradigm of working with self-esteem than the methods discussed earlier. However, it can all be equally effective. Эспериментируйте и берите из этого то, что лучше работает для вас.

Лично я стал использовать этот способ, когда понял, что привык постоянно себя критиковать, перестав замечать то, сколько я всего успеваю делать, как часто мне приходится преодолевать самого себя не без успеха.

Техника 6. Составьте список своих сильных и слабых сторон

Возьмите лист бумаги. И напишите свои сильные стороны и слабые стороны. Это способствует более реалистичной самооценке и вообще помогает начать лучше разбираться в себе, взглянуть на себя более трезвым взглядом.

Техника 7. Избавьтесь от нереалистичных ожиданий

Старайтесь не ставить перед собой нереалистичные цели и ожидания: "Я должен быть лучшим во всем!", "Все должны меня любить!", "Я всегда все делаю хорошо", "Я способен овладеть любым умением быстро, потому что я талантлив", "Я не должен ошибаться" и т.д.

Все мы люди: никто из нас не идеален и мы делаем ошибки. Очень часто получается так, что проблема не в людях, а в их собственных ожиданиях. Они постоянно сравнивают себя в уме с некой абстрактной картиной, недостижимым идеальном и, подмечая все несоответствия с ней, ругают себя и критикуют. И этому нет конца, потому что таких идеалов невозможно достичь никому из нас.

Вы можете составить список своих негативных установок и ожиданий. Если вы о них знаете, то с ними легче будет работать.

Есть два способа работы с ними.

Первый способ - это просто отмечать появление этих установок в уме и никак на них не реагировать, не вовлекаться, не обращать внимания (так же как мы учились не обращать внимания на внутреннего критика).

Второй способ - это заменять в уме негативные установки на более реалистичные: "Все делают ошибки", "Невозможно всем нравится, всегда будут люди, которые меня не любят", "Я хорошо делаю многие вещи, но овладение новыми навыками всегда требует времени и усилий", "Я не должен все делать идеально", "Мне не обязательно сравнивать себя во всем с окружающими".

Просто проговаривайте про себя эти установки, когда замечаете, что опять стали себя ругать.

И смотрите, какой из этих способов больше вам подходит. Если вы замечаете, что реалистичные установки только усугубляют тревожный внутренний диалог, способствует тому, что вы в него еще сильнее вовлекаетесь, тогда просто не слушайте эти мысли и не пытайтесь спорить с ними.

Техника 8. Относитесь к ошибкам как к урокам

Воспринимайте собственные ошибки не как доказательства вашей несостоятельности, а как ценные жизненные уроки. Спрашивайте себя: "Что я могу из этого вывести?", "Какие еще возможности есть в этой ситуации?", вместо того, чтобы зацикливаться на самом факте ошибки. Относитесь к себе с терпением и любовью так, как к вам бы относился ваш лучший друг или любящий родитель.

Кому-то может испытывать убеждение в том, что ругать себя за ошибки и промахи - это очень продуктивно и помогает их не допускать. Но это чаще всего приводит к обратному результату: мы ругаем себя, испытываем стресс и в таком состоянии допускаем новые ошибки.

Техника 9. Учитесь говорить «нет»

Полная безотказность, неумение стоять на собственных интересах идет рука об руку с низкой самооценкой. Говоря людям «нет» в тех ситуациях, когда затрагиваются ваши интересы вовсе не сделает вас «врагом людей».

Наоборот, уверенность в себе, умение быть твердым и напористым там, где это нужно, вызывает уважение. Подробнее об этом я писал в статье «как научиться говорить нет».

Техника 10. Не стройте из себя…

Люди пытаются казаться теми, кем они не являются, когда находятся в обществе (например, демонстрируя всем: «я идеальный отец», «я лучший работник»), в основном, с одной целью. Они формируют ложное мнение о себе в умах других людей, чтобы потом самим поверить в это мнение!

А это они делают, потому что они себя стыдятся. Такой стыд и самообман не совместимы с реалистичной, адекватной самооценкой. Поэтому, когда находитесь в обществе:

Будьте самими собой

Учитесь говорить прямо о своих успехах и неудачах. Будьте чуть более откровенны, там где это уместно. Рассказывая о себе честно и без преувеличения вы учитесь преодолевать вашего главного внутреннего врага - стыд!

Если кто-то в рамках дружеской беседы «подкалывает» вас, не необязательно сразу же сокрушенно признавать свои слабости и недостатки, но в то же время, не следует тут же оправдываться. Некоторые дружеские «подколки» (если они приняты в компании), принимайте легко с улыбкой. Не боритесь за то, чтобы создать какое-то особое мнение о себе самом.

Не натягивайте каждый раз серьезную мину при этом, перестаньте к себе слишком серьезно относиться и не требуйте этого от своих друзей.

Ваши друзья примут вас таким, какой вы есть, на то они и друзья, а не коллеги и не бизнес-партнеры.

Техника 11. Признавайте своего внутреннего ребенка

Часто жизнь демонстрирует несоответствие наших представлений о самих себе нашим ожиданиям. Может выяснится, что вы вовсе не такие умные, как думали о себе ранее или не настолько харизматичные. Что ж, будьте готовы принять новую информацию о себе самих и гибко менять свои убеждения.

Лично я заметил, что самые ценные плоды для моего развития вырастали из дискомфорта, диссонанса, когда почва рушилась под ногами, и менялось мое представление о себе. Когда я наиболее остро осознавал собственные недостатки и понимал, что я не такой, каким я себя всегда представлял. И это может быть больно поначалу.

Старайтесь принять это с любовью, с чувством заботы о самих себе. Никто из нас не идеален. В каждом из нас сидит капризное дитя, объединяющее в себе все наши качества, которые мы боимся или стесняемся в себе признать. Некоторые психологи называют это тенью. Другие «внутренним ребенком». Этот ребенок требует нашего внимания, нашей заботы. Но этот ребенок - часть нас самих, сколько бы мы ее ни отрицали!

Порой, мы так сильно напрягаемся для того, чтобы соответствовать чужим ожиданиям, что забываем об этом ребенке. И это рождает глубокие, скрытые неудовлетворенность, напряжением и фрустрацию. Есть много способов уделить внимание этому капризному, игривому существу, которое сидит в каждом из нас. Американский психолог Эдмунд Борн говорит о следующих методах работы с «внутренним ребенком». Приведу некоторые из них и сам к этому кое-что добавлю:

  • Проведите целый день или хотя бы часть дня, ничего не делая, без забот
  • Посмотрите глупую, но смешную комедию
  • Съездите в увлекательное путешествие в одиночку, поспите под звездами, искупайтесь
  • Купите новую одежду, которая вам нравится
  • Пойте! Танцуйте под музыку
  • Медитируйте
  • Совершайте длительные прогулки наедине с собой
  • Примите длительную ванну со свечами под музыку, которую вы любите
  • Встретьтесь с друзьями и просто проведите время
  • В середине рабочего дня отпроситесь с работы и съездите… на пляж!
  • и т.д и т.п.

Я привел эти действия в качестве примера. Вы можете составить собственный список действий для заботы о вашем внутреннем ребенке, если уясните принцип. Тень или внутренний ребенок - это те качества или состояния, которые мы в себе не признаем. Например, мы постоянно в делах и не даем себе право на отдых.

Или нас сковывает роль серьезного, делового человека, поэтому мы чрезмерно сдержаны в развлечениях, так как боимся выглядеть «глупо». Или же мы лелеем в себе образ «сильной» и «независимой» личности и никогда не позволяем себе маленьких слабостей.

Но, принимая внутреннего ребенка, мы выходим на время за рамки своей привычной роли, даем себе небольшую, но позволительную разрядку. И самое главное, таким образом мы учимся избавляться от «прожектора общественного мнения!» Мы на время перестаем думать «что о нас подумают окружающие». Мы пускаем это время на то, чтобы побыть самими собой. Нет ничего более полезного для вашей самооценки!

Уделите вашему внутреннему дитя немного внимания. Если вы перестанете прятать его за ширмой идеалов, также как иные люди, стыдясь, прячут от гостей неприглядную часть собственного жилища. Если откроетесь на встречу ему и сможете полюбить этого ребенка, признать его право на существование, то научитесь принимать себя с большей любовью, с большей теплотой и с большим вниманием.

Watch the video: How to Be More Confident Than Anyone You Know: 5 Effective Tips (December 2024).