
What is the uniqueness of the hypnosis of the "magician of communication" - Milton Erickson?

“Every person is an individual. Consequently, psychotherapy should be formulated in such a way as to satisfy the uniqueness of a person’s needs, and not fit a person into the Procrustean bed of the hypothetical theory of human behavior ”(Milton H. Erickson).

Milton Highland Erickson - american psychiatristwho specialized in medical hypnosis.

He was one of Founders of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and noted his approach to the unconscious, as a creative and generating solutions.

History of

Dr. Erickson suffered huge physical disabilities most of your life.

At the age of 17, he fell ill with polio and was so paralyzed that doctors believed he would die.

Getting well in bed almost completely lame and unable to speakHe became well aware of the meaning of nonverbal communication — body language, tone of voice, and how these nonverbal expressions often directly contradicted verbal.

He discovered "Body memory"that is, the muscular activity of your own body. Focusing on these memories, he slowly began to regain control of parts of the body to such an extent that, in the end, he was able to speak and use his hands again.

Dr. Erickson's career spans over 50 years. He conducted extensive research on suggestion and hypnosis, first as a student at the University of Wisconsin, and then throughout his medical training and during his initial professional assignments in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Michigan.

By the end of the 1930s, Dr. Erickson was known for his research on hypnosis and became a prominent figure in psychiatric circles.

In 1957, he and a number of his colleagues founded the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and Dr. Erickson served as inaugural president. He also created an American magazine on the subject and served as editor for 10 years.

In the 1950s and 60s, Dr. Erickson published a lot, traveled and lectured both domestically and abroad, continued to conduct research, and was in demand as a practicing psychiatrist.

In the 1970s, bounded by the walls of his house due to his physical condition, Dr. Erickson continued to conduct training workshops for professionals almost daily and continued to attend some patients.

When he died on March 25, 1980, at the age of 78, his seminars were booked before the end of this year, and requests exceeded another year's schedule.

Dr. Erickson left a written legacy in the form of more than 140 scientific articles and five books on hypnosis, of which he is a co-author.

What is different from the classic hypnosis?

Erickson position differs from ordinary hypnosis in some other ways..

While the hypnosis process is usually conceptualized as a therapist's questions issuing standard instructions to a passive patient, Erickson hypnosis stresses the importance of interactive therapeutic relationships and the focused involvement of internal resources and the empirical life of the subject.

Dr. Erickson revolutionized the practice of hypnotherapy.

His psychotherapy is the provision of access to the internal resources of a person to eliminate both psychological problems and pain problems.

This scheme is based on contact and teamwork psychotherapist and client.

New psychotherapeutic strategies that Dr. Erickson used in his treatment of individuals, couples, and families stem from his hypnotic orientation.

Although he was known as the world's leading hypnotherapist, Dr. Erickson used formal hypnosis only in one fifth of cases in clinical practice.

Dr. Erickson made a fundamental shift in modern psychotherapy. Many elements of Erickson's perspective, which were once considered extreme, are now included in the mainstream of modern practice.

The principle of operation, methods and techniques

What are the fundamentals of Erickson's hypnosis?

Erickson model of psychotherapy involves widespread use of multi-level speech. Each phrase may have more than one meaning. At the conscious level, the brain processes only one meaning of the word, and on the unconscious - all its meanings.

Erickson hypnosis techniques Gypsies, annoying sales assistants use entrepreneurially.

If a person is familiar with this technique, you can catch the manipulation of other people and provide moral resistance.

Again, in retreating from traditional psychotherapy, Erickson dissuaded the authoritative use of “tell me about ...”

Instead, he encouraged the patient hide information and discuss only what they wanted. This passive method helped clients share more information with it.

The client was authorized, not a therapist. They felt that they needed to retain this special ability to hold information for something important later. By the end of the conversation, they all told him.

Erickson sometimes hypnotized himself during client sessions in order to raise his awareness and better listen to clients. Self-hypnosis by the therapist during the session was and remains highly controversial.

Famous example of using resistance and "Double bond" happened when Erickson was a boy. One day Erickson helped his father persuade an obstinate calf to get into the family barn.

No matter how they tried to drag the calf to the barn, he did not budge. He realized that the calf wanted to resist, and pulled the tail, in the opposite direction - away from the barn.

The new move of the boy calf denied, therefore performed the initial action and entered the barn.

He used this as a classic psychological example of a double bond when the subject overloaded and emotionally.

Thus, an entangled individual successfully takes one form of resistance and does not respond to another.

One of the most famous hypnosis methods is handshake induction. As the first customer interaction and everyday occurrence, Erickson proved that this is a subtle way to change the accepted behavior of the mind.

When someone performs a handshake, their minds are practically on autopilot. No one even realizes that he is in a trance.

This is the most common social norm in the world - to shake hands at the beginning of the meeting, we do not even think about it. Interrupting this subconscious process, Erickson could open mind for suggestion.

This is a classic example of the “pattern interruption”. Erickson's handshake technique is well described in his books and those who met him.

He started with a strong, normal shake to start induction. Then he interrupted the process, weakening the grip strength and touching certain subjects to the subject's hand.

Working process

Erickson always found a good side in disability.

After all, he was color blind, dyslexic, deaf and dumb, and partially paralyzed.

However, these seemingly negative flaws were precisely the things that allowed him to become an expert in reading body language.

But this concerns not only disabled people. A more common example would be baby who refuses to go to bed. Here, a parent can combine two methods of Erickson therapy - emphasizing positive and stimulating resistance.

First, they can praise the child for his energy, and then encourage him not to sleep. It would put end of resistance in a child, since they no longer need to prove that they can stay late.

If they accept the offer and do not sleep, the next day they will be even more tired and will go to bed early.

Technique Confusion. Distracting the mind, Erickson was able to open the subconscious of the hypnotic language. According to Erikson, almost every one of his methods uses confusion in one form or another.

For example, he deliberately used vague language patterns, complex themes, tangled words, metaphors, and jokes to divert the conscious train of thought of your patient.

In some cases, Erickson used psychological shock therapyto help the client face fear.

For example, once he shocked a man fear of going on the elevatorby convincing the attendant elevator to try to kiss the man in the stopped elevator (he was married).

The man refused to kiss and asked to turn on the elevator and bring it to the lobby! He overcame his fear of moving elevators.

In another case, he actually stepped on a woman's legwho refused to leave her home because she thought she had small legs!

Shock made her open her mind to the induction that followed. He exclaimed: "How can a man marry a woman with such big legs?" Thereafter she was healed.


Erickson's hypnosis consists of the following steps:

  1. Joining. Under the timbre of the voice, the tempo of the interlocutor's speech, the use of the nuances of his speech (visual, auditory, kinesthetic).

    In the pose, movement - copying the pose and movement of the interlocutor, you evoke a feeling of sympathy in him, subconsciously the interlocutor begins to trust you and open up in the conversation.

  2. Conducting. As you establish the location of the interlocutor, the introduction of their own predicates, timbre and rate of speech.
  3. Trance induction. Trance is a semi-conscious state, characterized by a lack of response to external stimuli, as a rule, induced by hypnosis or introduced by the medium. Many people are afraid of the word "trance", associating it with cruel manipulation. The word itself causes a person to associate with something unlawful and dangerous. But this is not entirely correct. People can go into a trance, listening to a certain music, or swimming in the pool, or during a massage, getting a pleasant relaxation.

Indications for use

The use of shock therapy has not been approved by therapists and is a controversial issue.

This is his only technique that is not taught. Hypnosis can help people with mental addictions, disorders and psychological problems.

Here is a list of some results:

  • weight loss;
  • addiction;
  • relations;
  • OCD;
  • phobias;
  • anxiety;
  • anesthesia;
  • control habits.

There are a wide range of professionals who use aspects of hypnosis in their work, such as: psychologists, psychiatrists, family therapists, medical staff.

Erickson methods are often used successfully in clinical settings by psychoanalyststhey are not limited to this strictly. Nurses, business leaders, politicians and even yoga instructors benefited from the incorporation of hypnosis into their work.

Meditation and even leisure are forms. self hypnosis. Stage and street hypnosis is a view solely for entertainment purposes.

The general image of the hypnosis stage is shown as the hypnotist wears a stupid hat, waving a pocket watch, gives the subject an order to fall asleep by snapping his fingers. It is believed that hypnosis is also present here, but in fact it is veiled fake.

Principles of learning

Dr. Erickson was known not only for his simple philosophy of hypnosis therapy, but also because used laconic language and patternsthat could attract the attention of others.

This was told by the majority of his personal students.

To start learning on software courses A basic understanding of hypnosis is recommended.. With the program you will learn the way of thinking of Milton Erickson.

Learn how to use the seed method of his secrets, which he used before each induction, how to strategically adjust unconscious markers for full hypnotic validation, how to use an advanced metaphoric structure without having to remember the ideal, how to adapt your own mind to a hypnotic level of skill.

Learn how a renegade psychiatrist created a secret form of therapywhich still shocks the best in the industry and has created the foundation for all forms of therapy today. And much more!

It is important to understand the principles of the hypnotic language and how to present ideas. By the end of his career, Milton even admitted that he had never relied on his hypnotic skills, it just became a part of him.

The courses will show you how learn to reveal the internal mechanisms and formats of the person himself.

It can be concluded that the techniques of Erickson hypnosis are productive and productive. But it is not recommended to use them for direct suggestion or personality change, because such actions are most often unsuccessful or give a temporary effect.

It is wiser to use it for the acquisition of skills and stimulation to the natural desired personal changes that are created not as a result of hypnosis, but as a result of the practice of learning.

How does eriksonian hypnosis work? Find out from the video:

Watch the video: Conversational Hypnosis Master Class PT 1 (May 2024).