
New Year's Eve post

In this post, I not only want to congratulate my readers on the upcoming New Year 2014, but also to thank them! To thank them for the attention they give to my work and for the comments they leave. Your comments mean much more to me than many of you might think.

This not only supports me and helps me to doubt myself and what I do less. It also helps me to enrich my own experience with the opinions of other people, to expand my limits of understanding many problems. Even some critical comments helped me a lot to understand something.

From this point of view - many of my articles are partly products of co-creation: they have a lot more readers than you can imagine!

I do not want to say that I rewrite other people's thoughts in my articles. I just try to draw on the experience of other people in order to understand their problems more deeply and, as a result, come to an understanding of how these problems can be solved.

I always believed that knowledge should be sought, first of all, in myself and in people, and only then in books and theories.

Therefore, I am grateful to my readers for helping me gain this knowledge. Thanks to this, my articles become better, have fewer weak points and become more universal, rather than subjective.

Thank you for helping me improve. I hope I helped you with that too! I wish you success and achievements in the New Year, the realization of my wildest hopes and plans! As I said a year ago, use the holidays as a way to shake off the routine that absorbed your thinking throughout the year, instead of turning rest into a new routine — a routine of celebration and drunkenness.

Give your head a break and process the impressions learned in a year. Be with yourself, and do not run away from yourself.

I hope my standard wishes of happiness will not be just wishes. I want to believe that my articles and recommendations brought you closer to the very happiness that everyone wishes for this holiday.

Happy New Year!