Sometimes things are not going well, and the person gets depressed. The only thing that starts to bother him is how to attract luck and become successful faster. For some reason, these thoughts only scare success, not a step closer to him. What to do in this case? How to attract luck and luck? Are there universal tricks, or everyone should choose the right ones for him? Why is Fortune not smiling to everyone? What rules must be followed to attract good luck? What do people most often try to be successful? Let's discuss this in more detail.
How to attract money luck?
Since in our world, the main measure of success is money, then we will start acquainting ourselves with success in this very plane. Even in the times of ancient Sumer and Egypt, people tried to understand what rules and rituals can make them rich.
Esoterics claim that there is a certain energy that determines human well-being. How to become lucky, given this information? - Learn to connect to the energy flow. This will help the basic rules of wealth:
- Respect for money;
- Optimism and self-reliance;
- Communication with people who are wealthy and successful;
- The ability to appreciate their work and time;
- Transformation from employee to self-employed person;
- Surround yourself with money symbols;
- Regular counting of your assets.
Bringing good luck in financial matters is a subtle science. You should not count on success if you don't care about the process itself. Given the responsibility of this issue, we will focus on the rules for attracting monetary success in more detail.
Respect for money
Financial success depends on the perception of money. For one they are evil, for the other - good. Of course, money should not become the meaning of life. But contempt for them is not acceptable. If a person adjusts himself to think that being rich is bad, then he is unlikely to become one. There is nothing wrong with financial success. So, one of the tips on how to attract money luck is to learn to respect money.
Optimism and self-reliance
In addition to respecting financial resources, you should learn to believe in yourself. After all, thoughts are material, and the person who sets himself up for victory has a much better chance of achieving it. What he thinks about, is gradually embodied in his actions, attracts suitable people and events. In the complex all this changes his life for the better. How to attract luck? - To believe that she will certainly be.
Communicating with wealthy and successful people
"Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are." In the validity of this winged utterance no doubt. The personality of a person is formed under the influence of many factors, including the social circle. The individual becomes, as it were, a part of the collective subconscious, which permeates his psyche, instilling certain value orientations. Of course, if you follow the stops of successful friends, it will be much clearer how to become lucky.
Ability to value your work and time
Many clearly understand when they have to pay for a standard service more than it costs. For example, it will be much more expensive to catch a private taxi driver than to call a car through an operator. Buy ice cream in a kiosk on the river, is also less economical than in the store. Urgent call wizard, will likewise be costly.
It is clear that this causes negative emotions and resentment. Why work for a penny is not so insulting? An employee likewise loses money. Just do not give them to another, but simply underpaid. A good trick to attracting financial success is to learn to value your working time and demand adequate pay.
Transformation from employee to self-employed person
Even a good employer will never value his employee as he really deserves. A reliable way to attract money luck is to learn how to work for yourself. Only in this case, a person becomes the full owner of his finances, not depending on the decision of his leadership. The world opens up opportunities for self-realization: from freelancing to starting a business.
Surrounding yourself with money symbols
In addition to the esoteric meaning, surrounding yourself with symbols of money and wealth also has a beneficial effect on the human psyche. The owner of the talisman strengthens confidence in their abilities and tomorrow. Thoughts come to my head faster, how to attract luck, and the money themselves go into the hands. To the most famous and popular money charms relate:
- Aquarium with goldfish;
- Money Tree;
- Statuette of a three-legged toad with a coin in the mouth;
- Figure of Hotei - one of the seven gods of happiness;
- Three Chinese coins with holes;
- Model sailboat, or a picture with him;
- Circulating water fountain.
These symbols will help attract luck only if you believe in their effectiveness.
Regular counting of your assets
Since childhood, we have heard the saying that "money loves an account." This does not mean that they should be recounted all the time, not letting go of them. Although, psychologists say that regular recalculation of money has a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional background.
It is about something else - about controlling your costs and revenues. If you learn to spend less than you earn, it helps to bring good luck into the financial sphere of your life.
How to attract luck in your life?
Money is certainly an important part of our life, but not the only one. A very important question, especially for young people, is "How to attract luck in love?"
On this occasion there is also a whole list of practical recommendations:
- Start every day with a smile;
- Believe in your uniqueness;
- Become interesting first of all for yourself;
- Release into the past all negative emotions;
- Listen to the "voice" of your heart;
- To perceive the world around us as friendly and beautiful;
- Learn to dream.
How to attract luck and happy love? First of all - to open for her the “doors” of her soul and heart. To believe that there is a person in the world who will be happy next. Wait to meet him / her.
As in the case of attracting good luck in financial matters, romantic relationships also depend on a positive attitude and self-reliance. The more a person believes in himself and his future, the more likely he is to become truly successful and happy.
If someone still needs to feel the support of higher powers, you can familiarize yourself with powerful talismans of love and happiness:
- Pair statuettes of dolphins, birds (pigeons, swans, cranes) or people;
- Moon fairy;
- Vase yellow or red;
- Yellow Selenite candlestick;
- Peonies, violets, bright red roses;
- A bag of love with herbs and incense;
- Bunnies in love;
- Hearts;
- Cupids (Cupids);
- Precious stones (turquoise, ruby, garnet, emerald, amethyst).
How to bring good luck to the house?
Couples think more about how to fill their home with wealth and well-being. For this, many rituals, talismans and rules of conduct were also invented:
- The house must be clean and tidy;
- Water leaks are not allowed, since it is this element that is associated with monetary prosperity;
- To attract wealth, it is best to keep money in the kitchen;
- After the guests leave, it is recommended to shake out the tablecloth in the street, which symbolizes protection from gossip;
- It is undesirable to take the garbage out of the house in bad weather, because it scares good luck;
- Care should be taken of the positive "weather" in the house, maintaining a healthy emotional background in the family;
- The premises should be well ventilated and always be with fresh air.
Some of these tips, how to attract good luck, carry more spiritual meaning. But the bulk relies on absolutely objective judgments. If you keep the house clean and tidy, and in the relations between tenants peace and understanding, it is much easier to become successful in all aspects of life.
Asking the question "How to attract luck?", It should be understood that it is not a gift. Good luck and luck come to those who make efforts to achieve them. Do not think that in this way a person should rely purely on their inner capabilities. There are a number of talismans and symbols that help let luck into their lives. But only amulets will not work. Also, you need to adjust your thinking in a positive way, to behave accordingly, thereby attracting luck.