Love and relationship

What kind of guys most like girls?

The emergence of sympathy or antipathy between a man and a woman occurs at the level of natural instincts.

But even taking into account the fact that each lady has her own taste, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity still like certain male types.

Understanding which guys love girls will help the stronger sex. correct your behavior and make a good first impression already at the first meeting.

Myths about men's qualities, like girls

  1. Absolutely all women are crazy about bad guys. This myth is based on a variety of films with almost the same storyline: the beautiful shy young lady is waiting, can not wait for her betrothed. Suddenly, trouble falls on her, and when there is no hope for a brighter future, He appears — a kind of cheeky lone wolf who saves a poor girl and he never lets himself go again. In real life, such a “hero” turns out to be an infantile youth, for whom thrills and adventures are much more important than “quiet family happiness.”

    That is why girls who are prone to romantic dreams fall in love with the “bad guys”, while women who are ready to start a family prefer more mundane and stable men.

  2. The main thing - the physical data. Namely: tall, broad shoulders and pumped muscles. And everything else - sparkling mind, erudition and a sense of humor - no one unnecessary "surplus". In fact, external data play a role only when meeting, and very quickly fade into the background, giving up an important place to completely different qualities: the ability to care, listen, empathize. If a man is able to do everything so that his woman feels the most beloved and the happiest, it doesn’t matter to her how he is tall and fit.
  3. Women are attracted to "experienced lovers". For some reason, many men sincerely believe that a long “track record” of those whom they managed to bestow with their love should undoubtedly raise them in the eyes of the girl they liked. In fact, this state of affairs of women is more frightening than admiring, because very few people want to be “No. 81”, whose face will not even be remembered over time.

What kind of guys do girls really like? Find out from this video:

Is it true?

What will tell the psychology of women?

Choose not good, but bad

Is it true that girls love bad guys, and why? The situation when a decent girl “from a good family” falls head over heels in love with a neighbor's bully is not uncommon. The reason for this misalliance can be one of the following factors:

  1. Excessive dreaminess. As a rule, if a girl loves women's novels and “tearful” love series - she will certainly look for similar adventures with a persistent, domineering and uncompromising hero in real life.
  2. The desire to "tame" a guy with a snapand feel like a real conqueror of men's hearts.
  3. Subconscious following instincts. In nature, the female has the desire to choose a strong and powerful partner who will be a worthy successor of the genus. These are the bad guys that girls sometimes seem to be.
  4. Psychological trauma (more often - childish), the consequence of which is a pronounced desire to comprehensively obey the strength and pressure from the man.
  5. Desire to feel protected mature, strong-willed and strong partner, which is often the image of the "bad guy".
  6. Excessive maternal instinctexpressed by the desire to "save" and "re-educate" the naughty bad boy.
  7. The similarity with the father of the girl (external, behavioral) and subconscious desire to endorse their choice of daughter.

Is it true that girls don't like good guys, and why? There are situations when a young man is ready to do literally everything for his beloved: gifts, poems, complete agreement in all matters.

But in response, the young lady openly ignores him, or throws after several dates, leaving the fan in bewilderment. And this happens because:

  1. Most girls are quickly bored with predictability, which often "suffer" good guys who are characterized by thrift, correctness, consistency, forethought. Girls (especially at a young age) often want spontaneity, which runs counter to accepted rules and public opinion.
  2. Often under the definition of "good guy" hides softness and lack of character a young man who has no personal opinion. It is they who repel girls who seek to see “support” and “protection” next to them.

Do not like thin

Why girls do not like thin men? it absolutely not true, because the taste and color, as they say, no friends. Of course, girls pay attention to the external data of the guys, but this is only at the stage of dating.

And - yes, some tend to be more sympathetic to the athletic build of young men.

But then, when the relationship is already beginning to start, the completely different “parameters” play the main role: the ability to make laugh, understanding, attentiveness and gallantry.

And this is already does not depend from growth, thinness, or "mountains of muscle."

What body like girls? Find out from the video:

What does it mean: women love their ears?

To attract the attention of women, it is important impress them, standing out from the crowd of other "conquerors".

And no matter what the adherents of feminism say, women wait for the first step at the very beginning of the relationship from men.

The well-known truth that women love with their ears, more than half of men, unfortunately, does not take into account. Or else limited to standard compliments repeating them like a schedule "twice a day."

In fact, you need to talk as often as possible and as long as possible, but the main thing is what it is.

As a rule, all men (actually, as well as women), first of all, are interested in their own affairs and problems. Coming home after work, or meeting in a cafe, the representatives of the stronger sex most often begin to tell the lady about their affairs and plans.

The woman listens patiently all this time, but waits for something completely different: so that you can talk about her, in particular about what worries and disturbs her:

  • appearance and figure;
  • relationships with parents, friends;
  • future plans (trip, repair, shopping trip);
  • various nuances in the behavior of men.

Main mistake the overwhelming majority of men - the lack of attention expected by a woman in relation to her "problems", accompanied by the phrases "Trivia - I will decide everything", "Calm down, sort out", etc.

Even if a man is 100% sure that the question is trivial - in no case do not voice it lady

If he wants to make her happy and make her feel that in this exciting situation she is not alone, and he is ready to help and support in every possible way - you need to talk.

A lot and for a long time. Ask clarifying questions, speculate, propose solutions to the problem. It is important to understand that women love to discuss and pronounce the situation, even if the way out is obvious.

In addition, it is important to notice any, even the most insignificant, changes in appearance and image as a whole.

The phrase about a new hairstyle, lipstick, or the fact that her eyes today are particularly burning will not be ignored and will significantly raise the "rating" of a man.

What can you love?

What kind of men love women?

  1. Romantic. Few women do not dream of "beautiful" feelings, courtship and romantic acts of a man for her. Coffee in her favorite cup in the morning, a lovely sms at lunchtime, remembering (or writing down) significant dates for her and cute surprises for them - all this beloved will certainly appreciate, will be immensely happy and grateful for your attention.
  2. Gallant. Despite the fact that in modern society, the rules of etiquette in relations with women gradually lose their relevance, their value increases a hundredfold.
  3. Reliable. Deep down, even self-sufficient women, accustomed to relying only on themselves, dream of having a strong male shoulder next to them - protection and support, with which each could relax and “enjoy” their own helplessness.
  4. Honest. Women are better not to lie. Possessing a flair for the investigator, they “get to the bottom of” the entwined cavalier on “one”, and then no excuses will help.
  5. Manly and strong. Those who do not complain all night long on the fate of the villain, the idiot chief, and the situation in the country. If something does not suit him - he takes and acts, changing his life in accordance with his desires.

What can you love a guy for? Often girls, especially at the candy-bouquet period, love their boyfriends. just for being around.

This is such a high feeling, when, perhaps, all the flaws have not yet opened, the lovers are under the influence of the hormonal surge, the "rose-colored glasses" and are filled with inspiring feeling.

They love for what:

  • you can trust him by telling about problems with parents, a quarrel with a girlfriend, a “failed” exam. In this case, the mood is adjusted from only one kiss on the cheek;
  • he will meet after study or work, will help bring bags with products, taking care that the girl was comfortable;
  • he writes touching sms and even letters, makes surprises for no reason,
  • he feels the mood of the girl, trying in every way to smooth the "sharp corners" when she is "not in the spirit";
  • He knows how to laugh and cheer up a girl.

What kind of men do women like? About this in the video:

What qualities and what appearance should have the perfect young man?

Thanks to the opinion polls among women of different ages, portrait of the "perfect man" acquired such mandatory features:

  • the presence of the inner core (strength, confidence), so that the woman next to him can be fragile and defenseless;
  • skill (and desire!) to take care. About myself, about my beloved, about future children;
  • high intelligence and ingenuity, ability to listen and be a good interlocutor;
  • possessing a sense of humor.

With regard to appearance, for women, it does not play a dominant role in the presence of most of the traits of the "ideal man".

In the same time, ladies do not mind having a loved one:

  • beautiful smile (women pay attention to her first of all);
  • athletic physique (broad shoulders, narrow pelvis, relief muscles);
  • a certain eye color (preferred for a particular lady);
  • bass voice.

But be that as it may, loved one is always perfect, regardless of the presence or absence of "statistical" parameters.

What husbands don't leave wives?

Speaking the coveted "Yes", a woman, as a rule, clearly understands the awareness of the prospect of living with her chosen one a long and happy life.

It would be naive to think that marrying a man absolutely not consistent with the ideas of the "ideal husband", after the wedding, he miraculously turned into him.

And yet, what should a husband be like so that even after long years of marriage, a woman should continue to have deep feelings for him?

  1. Loving. This means giving your wife first place in her rating of values ​​and daily reinforcing her confidence that she is the best.
  2. Caring. He who, in a difficult moment, will not run away to his friends, but will maximally facilitate his housework and support for his wife.
  3. Understanding. Approving any women's initiative, passion, and even adventure. Able to listen and hear.
  4. Manly. Simply put - "stone wall", behind which you can hide from all adversity.
  5. Fun. Able sparkling phrase to cheer up "from scratch."
  6. Faithful. One who can be fully trusted, saving himself from a destructive feeling of jealousy.

Before building illusions about her chosen one, it is important for every woman to realize that there are no perfect people.

But true love allows everyone to become better discovering new qualities and as close as possible to that very “ideal”.

Watch the video: WHAT KIND OF GUYS DO GIRLS WANT?! (December 2024).