
Asthenic syndrome: causes, diagnosis and treatment

In medicine, there are clear criteria for what is asthenia in person.

This pathological condition is characterized by fatigue, deterioration of working ability, short temper or indifference to what is happening, emotional lability, various somatic disorders (rapid pulse, blood pressure jumps, excessive sweating, etc.).

What it is?

Asthenia, or asthenic syndrome, asthenic condition - a psychopathological disorder that occurs with a variety of somatic and mental diseases.

It may occur before the first symptoms of the disease appear, in its full swing or near the end, in the recovery process.

Most infections, including influenza, acute respiratory infections, chicken pox, tuberculosis, pneumonia, are accompanied by symptoms, characteristic of asthenic syndrome.

It is also observed with many diseases of internal organs and systems (for example, such as arterial hypertension, Alzheimer's syndrome, ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, coronary insufficiency, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer, almost all cancers, and so on).

Virtually any somatic disease can cause symptoms of asthenic syndrome.

Important do not confuse asthenia with physical and mental fatigue: it passes quickly enough if you give a person the opportunity to fully relax.

Symptoms inherent in asthenia, can persist for a very long time Regardless of how long the patient is resting, how often he sleeps.


How is pathology manifested in children and adults? The main clinical manifestations of asthenic syndrome:

  1. Fatigue, increased fatigue. This is a key symptom of asthenia. Patients report that they constantly feel tired, and rest practically does not bring relief. It becomes difficult for them to engage in habitual activities, they are often forced to take breaks in the process of fulfilling their labor and daily duties. Often there is a reluctance to work, because any physical and mental stress exhausts patients.
  2. Cognitive impairment (usually mild). Patients have difficulty remembering information; it’s harder for them than healthy people to maintain concentration for a long time, make vital decisions and engage in intellectual activity.

    There are also slight difficulties when trying to formulate your own reasoning, experiences. Patients are scattered, they need more time to perform many actions.

    Cognitive disorders are aggravated by increasing the feeling of fatigue and worsen the mental well-being of patients, because they feel inferior.

  3. Sleep disorders They can manifest themselves in different ways and depend on the disease, against which the asthenia originated, on its form and on the patient’s general health. Asthenic syndrome, related to the hypersthenic type, manifests insomnia, anxious, vivid dreams. Patients periodically wake up during the night and have difficulty trying to sleep again. They also wake up too early and do not feel properly rested. The following sleep disorders are characteristic of the hyposthenic type: difficulty in trying to sleep, drowsiness during the waking period, poor-quality, unstable sleep.
  4. Somatic abnormalities. The most common disorders are: rapid pulse, arrhythmia, pain in the heart, blood pressure jumps, excessive sweating, loss or loss of appetite, feeling hot or cold, abdominal pain, delayed bowel movements, pain and a feeling of heaviness in the head. Somatic disorders are present in almost all cases, but their set and severity vary, depending on the characteristics of the underlying disease. For example, asthenia on the background of arterial hypertension is often manifested by headaches (astheno-cephalgic syndrome).
  5. Psycho-emotional disorders. Largely due to the constant feeling of fatigue, problems with sleep and cognitive impairment. Patients often develop irritability, anxiety, and their emotional state is unstable: any trifle can greatly affect their mental well-being. It becomes more difficult for them to control their emotions and actions.

    As the progression of asthenia can cause depressive disorders, neurosis.

Symptoms of asthenia manifests differently during the day: The patient feels best in the morning (signs of impairment are either not observed or insignificant), but gradually his condition worsens, and in the evening he feels empty and exhausted.


Asthenic manifestations occur on the background of a pronounced overwork of the nervous system, which may be due to such adverse factors as:

  • vitamin deficiency, minerals (malnutrition, starvation, prolonged adherence to extreme diets, metabolic disorders associated with certain diseases);
  • significant physical and / or intellectual stress, a large number of stressful situations, prolonged stress;
  • various somatic diseases and disorders;
  • poisoning poisonous substances (usually chronic);
  • psycho-emotional abnormalities.

Some people have a higher risk of developing asthenic syndrome than others. Factors that increase the likelihood of asthenia:

  • the presence of an astheno-neurotic personality type (such people from an early age are characterized by increased sensitivity, tearfulness, irritability, anxiety);
  • other features of character (excessive sensitivity, vulnerability, hypochondria);
  • hypotension;
  • weak immunity, the presence of allergies;
  • features of education (overly demanding parents, ignoring the needs and abilities of the child in an effort to see his success).

People who are too demanding of themselves, are prone to perfectionism, often overwork, and therefore also at risk.


Depending on the cause, asthenia is divided into:

  1. Organic. It develops against the background of one or several diseases that are present in the patient, especially those that affect the brain (acute cerebral circulation, the consequences of TBI, Parkinson’s disease, neoplasms, etc.). It occurs in 45% of cases.
  2. Functional. This form of asthenia can completely disappear with time. It develops on the background of chronic stress, somatic treatable diseases, after psycho-emotional upheaval. Accordingly, 55% of cases of asthenia are functional.

Depending on the disease or pathological condition, against which the violation occurred, the following types of asthenia are distinguished:

  1. Somatogenic. It occurs on the background of a long-lasting somatic illness (usually observed in chronic).
  2. Post-infectious. Develops after diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

    Often observed after influenza, acute respiratory infections and other common infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

  3. Posttraumatic. Observed after traumatic head injuries.
  4. Postpartum. Often occurring condition associated with hormonal changes, blood loss due to surgical interventions (for example, in the process of cesarean section), experiences associated with the child.

Asthenic syndrome manifests itself in different ways, and experts distinguish two types of asthenia, depending on the symptoms:

  1. Hypersthenic. It is characterized by excessive excitability. Patients complain of increased irritability, too much sensitivity to everything that surrounds them (for example, they can be extremely disturbed by bright light, loud sounds).
  2. Hypostenic. Patients are apathetic, their reaction to what is happening is delayed, they complain of continuous sleepiness. This form of pathology is more severe than hypersthenic. Over time, the first form can be transformed into the second.

Also isolated acute (passes rather quickly, is usually reactive) and chronic forms of asthenia, which accompanies chronic diseases.

Mental disorders with asthenia

There are a number of mental disorders and pathological conditions, part of which is asthenic syndrome:

  1. Asthenic psychopathy. People with this disorder are shy and hypersensitive. The process of adapting to everything new is going on with visible difficulties. Usually they have low self-esteem, long experience grievances.
  2. Asthenic neurosisor, in other words, astheno-neurotic syndrome. Widely known to the majority of people under the name "neurasthenia". It develops against the background of excessively strong psycho-emotional and physical exertion, difficult life circumstances, chronic stress. Severe astheno-neurotic syndrome is treated with the use of antidepressants.
  3. Organic Asthenic Disorder. It is observed on the background of somatic disorders, complications. Patients are quick-tempered, any trifle can offend them. Extremely sensitive to external stimuli (for example, the patient may feel quiet sounds as very loud).
  4. Psychasthenic psychopathyoften called psychasthenia or psychasthenic syndrome. Partially reminiscent of asthenic psychopathy: patients are also often shy, not sufficiently confident in their abilities. But their anxiety is expressed very strongly. They are tied to the habitual way of life, and any change is extremely traumatic for them. Usually suffer from a variety of fears, experiences.
  5. Astheno-neurotic states. These are conditions that occur during the course of the asthenic syndrome. In adolescents, astheno-neurotic states can manifest as thoughts of suicide, feelings of hopelessness.

Psychasthenic accentuation not a pathology, but located on the border between the norm and the deviation.

Extremely like psychasthenic psychopathybut expressed much softer. Psychasthenes tend to worry, they carefully weigh everything before making a decision, they are careful and self-critical.


Qualified professionals can easily diagnose asthenia, especially when it is functionalbecause its symptoms are clearly expressed.

Organic asthenic syndrome is a little more difficult to identify, since it occurs against the background of fairly severe chronic diseases, the symptoms of which come to the fore.

In such cases, the doctor carefully examines the patient's complaints and determines which of the symptoms may be a manifestation of asthenia.

When the patient is diagnosed with asthenia, he is referred to a series of examinations that will determine the disease that caused the violation. A set of diagnostic measures varies depending on the symptoms observed in the patient, and can be very extensive.

Treatment of Asthenic Syndrome

How to treat asthenia?

The treatment of asthenia includes many components. such as dieting, correction of the day and workloads, an increase in the level of physical activity.

Drug support may be absent if the attending physician does not see the need for it.

If drugs are prescribed, it is usually adaptogens on the basis of medicinal herbs: tincture of ginseng, Eleutherococcus. Can be assigned nootropics (for example, Piracetam, Picamelon), but there is no sufficient evidence of their effectiveness.

When asthenic syndrome can be assigned vitamins and trace elements (zinc, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B group and others).

At the heart of the treatment of asthenia is work with the disease, against which it arose. If it can be cured or controlled, asthenic symptoms will weaken or disappear completely.

If necessary, to treat asthenic syndrome should connect a psychologist or a psychotherapist, especially if standard treatment methods did not show efficacy. The specialist will select antidepressants and antipsychotics, taking into account the patient's symptoms.

Usually, asthenia does not require inpatient treatment, except as part of the treatment of the underlying disease.

Her treatment can take place at home, but it is important that the doctor supervises the process, and the patient clearly knows how to behave, what drugs to take, what diet to follow and what to avoid.

How to deal with asthenia yourself? Self-diagnose “asthenia” and treat yourself at home - extremely unwise decision.

Helpful for home treatment, drink black and green tea (however, it is important to consult your doctor before increasing the intake of these drinks).

Also, patients need to abandon alcoholic beverages, eat fresh fruits and vegetables more often, observe the daily regimen (go to bed at the same time and sleep at least 7-8 hours a day).

May I help holiday trip: for example, you can go to a sanatorium.

Prognosis and prevention

Most cases of functional asthenia are successfully cured.

It is possible to achieve good improvements in the organic form of asthenic syndrome, if the underlying disease is taken under control, brought into remission or eliminated completely.

Basic recommendations for the prevention of asthenia:

  • it is important to eat fully and variedly, to include in the diet a large amount of vegetables and fruits, especially during periods of illness;
  • if possible, avoid stressful situations, learn to relieve stress after a working day or school day (relaxation, meditation, physical activity, bathing, walking);
  • promptly start the treatment of any diseases and regularly undergo preventive examinations;
  • it is important to observe the daily regimen (sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, lie down and get up at the same time), give yourself enough time to rest;
  • in the presence of chronic diseases, all medical recommendations should be followed and medicines should be taken on time.

Helpful exercise regularly, take walks and generally engage in physical activity, temper, strengthen the immune system.

Asthenic syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome:

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