Personal growth

7 tips on how to become an interesting person

How to become interesting

Scientists claim that all people were brought from a single ancestor. If this is allowed, it is not entirely clear why some are considered to be interesting people, while others are annoying, suggesting boredom and despondency. What should be undertaken, what qualities in yourself should be brought up in order to join the cohort of representatives of "homo interests"?

What do we need it for?
Asking yourself the question: how to become an interesting person, it would be nice to decide: why is it necessary? Alas, not all are born to become the soul of society or to be a beacon of originality for others.
Someone, having read an adventure novel, ignites a desire to surpass the hero, who is striking in his attractiveness. There is a desire to do crazy things that everyone will definitely pay attention to. But such an interest in a person will be short-lived, and this interest will not be, but ordinary curiosity.
And yet, you can make a change in yourself. But for this it is necessary to realize that you can interest someone only with your spontaneity, talents, or wide spiritual qualities.
Erudition and Emotion
Almost all of us have a common sin — we like to talk about ourselves very much. But for turning into an interesting person this is clearly not enough. The main thing in communication is the ability to listen and hear others. And for this purpose only one thing is required: sincere interest in the interlocutor.
Listening carefully to the person and maintaining the conversation, you will win his sympathy and respect. But to maintain the conversation you need to be in the subject. This can be achieved by expanding your horizons and a lively interest in everything new and unusual.
Interlocutors perceive only a small part of the information directly from words. Emotional coloring, intonation, gestures and body language are what attract attention. The story told by an interesting person can capture no worse than the coolest thriller. To do this, keep in a stash several proven fascinating stories.
Expansion of the circle of communication
A person is unlikely to become interesting if his circle of communication is limited. The expansion of this circle will undoubtedly contribute to such a reincarnation. And you should not limit yourself only to your social group. Do not be afraid to overstep its boundaries - there can be no more experience in communication.
To impress a certain person, it's a good idea to go through an emotional adventure with him. This may be a joint journey, extreme entertainment, or at least watching a cult film.
External attributes
People are attracted by the interest not only through charm, erudition and emotionality. It is enough for some to bring something extraordinary into their appearance, and they immediately find themselves at the peak of attention.
Some prefer unusual clothing, experimenting with styles and colors. Others emphasize hairstyles, dyeing hair in incredible colors and making real pieces of it. Someone simply removes all vegetation without a shadow of regret.
All kinds of piercing and tattoos also can not help but attract the attention of others. We are so excited, but what does this man want to express, decorated like an Indian priest and having more iron than the knight's breastplate weighed?
Probably, such interest will not be long-term. This is confirmed by folk wisdom, in which the effect of the meeting depends on the clothes, but the main interest is still associated with the mind. Although, there are many examples when both of them safely coincide.

Favorite activities and work
Interest in a person can be generated by his work or his hobby. Can a cosmonaut be an uninteresting person? Or an actress, easily moving into the most unusual images? The most striking example is our president. He is interesting not only to those who respect him, but also to those who hate him - also.
A hobby may well make a person interesting. And if it is still original, then interest is guaranteed. But for this you can not hide their hobbies, otherwise they will forever remain a mystery to others.
Finding and developing talents
There are no people who are mediocre; the main thing is to find this talent in oneself and constantly develop it. Gifted and persistent people are always interesting. For example, a fitter of your housing department, a masterly repair crane, isn’t it interesting? And if at the same time he still has a sense of humor, you will definitely remember him.
Even famous criminals are always interesting, but not by the crimes themselves, but by the way they committed them. Of course, this does not apply to those who have stained their hands with blood. But the actions of other fraudsters simply fascinate. But it’s still not worth following their examples, because where they usually turn out to be, it’s not cool to be an interesting person.
Sense of humor and ease of behavior
Ease of behavior and communication also attracts the attention of others. It is always more pleasant to deal with a person who is not obsessed with any problems and easily applies to life. His very behavior is interested and causes the desire to communicate.
By developing a sense of humor, one can become an interesting person most naturally. A couple of jokes, abandoned when meeting with a stranger, in most cases will cause interest to you. And to the place and skillfully told anecdote in any society will cause you at least curiosity.
A sense of humor itself is a very powerful stimulus. Possessing them, you should not particularly think about how to become interesting to others. Their interest will manifest itself, because such people are not boring and gloomy.
Let the problems or troubles attack you shamelessly, do not show this to those who are near. Of course, people can sympathize with you, but this will no longer be the interest that attracts.
Be yourself
Genuine interest is precisely those who always remain themselves. A person who is constantly trying to imitate someone is unlikely to be very interesting. Also, those who easily fall under the influence of others, losing their individuality.
You need to resist everything that is unacceptable to you, showing the hardness of character. It is the nature and principles that make a person the most interesting. It is not scary if you sometimes need to break out of the general flow in order not to break out of your rut.
If you surrender to rumor and are afraid of gossip about yourself, you can, on the demand of the majority, lose your dignity. And such people will no longer be interesting for anyone. In order not to become similar, it is necessary to drop doubts about the correctness of your actions.
Will not be superfluous and the right attitude towards yourself. Do not extol their talents and other qualities. But you can not treat yourself without respect. If you are not in love with yourself, then there is little chance that someone will love you.
It is very good to understand yourself by finding all the good and bad. After analyzing this, you need to try to add pros and reduce cons. But, having found and identifying your strengths, you should not constantly push them out, trying to emphasize your own importance.
To become a really interesting person, it is enough to sincerely respect yourself and those around you. And then they will not fail to repay you the same. And for this you need only one thing: a clear desire to achieve the goal.

Watch the video: How To Not Be Boring. 7 Tips To Become More Interesting TODAY (January 2025).