Periodically, you can hear about the genius of a person. Sometimes this is an exaggeration, but sometimes it is true. Are there any criteria that define what genius is? How to recognize that this is a real genius? Is it possible to develop this quality, or they become geniuses only from birth? Generally, genius - is it good or bad? Perhaps its importance to society is greatly exaggerated? Is it easy for such people? Are there brilliant children or does this quality develop only in adults? Let's look for answers to these questions.
What is genius?
Genius is the highest degree of manifestation of creative or intellectual potential. Unlike talent, genius is narrowly focused and develops mainly in only one direction. Very often, the compensatory effect is triggered. According to the principle, if there is a lot somewhere, then something else is not enough. Geniuses are not adapted to real life by people. If you put talent and genius on the scales, it is better to choose the first one. It is better to be a versatile person.
On the other hand, geniuses think in completely different ways, as is customary in society, because something that could upset an ordinary person will not cause them negative emotions. They will be so passionate about success in their field that they may not notice anything else. Receiving moral satisfaction from the fact that they were able to create another brilliant invention, they do not even think about why it is so difficult to find a common language with ordinary people, especially with people of the opposite sex.
Talent and genius are different degrees of human potential development. Both of these qualities are laid at the genetic level. Talent - in the form of inclinations or abilities, and genius - as the only development strategy.
As history shows, if the development of talent requires certain conditions, then geniuses become anywhere. That is, a talented person will be due to someone or something. Genius, he will be against all odds. But at what age it will happen, it is not possible to predict.
Who are these brilliant children?
Many parents praise their child for good grades, calling him "you are our little genius." If they thought about what was said, they would have taken their words back. Brilliant children very often grow into unlucky adults, with regular depression, a whole army of “cockroaches” in their heads.
Genius is a complex burden, even for an adult, not to mention the psyche of a child. After all, such people, except superhuman abilities, are very often with very vulnerable kind.
In childhood, it is much harder to cope with the "star disease", and even more difficult to survive a sudden "fall." Brilliant children are a great challenge for their families, as less ingenious parents find it difficult to understand their geeks. And misunderstanding in the family postpones its imprint for life. Although there are happy stories that inspire.
How to recognize a genius?
Clear criteria that show genius do not exist, but still you can talk about certain patterns inherent in such people. Geniuses with a unique perception of the world, a peculiar attitude to the usual things. They may not even notice what at the household level will unbalance the other person. But something unusual will make them fall into a real depression.
For example, brilliant children will not be completely upset if they do not buy some kind of toy, but for a long time they lose the meaning of life, having learned that Einstein's theory has been refuted.
The main signs of genius:
- Comprehensive consideration of any issue and depth of thought;
- Visualization of thinking;
- Propensity for constant experimentation;
- The combination of the incompatible;
- The ability to see analogies and metaphors;
- Developed intuition;
- Specific sense of humor;
- Do not stop in a deadlock, always looking for a way out.
But at once we will make a reservation that this applies only to the chosen activity. In ordinary life, such people may not notice the obvious. Therefore, correctly distinguish several types of genius.
Types of genius
To make it easier to recognize the genius, it should be understood what forms it can take:
- Practical - "golden hands", the ability to tinker, repair, design, create something new;
- Academic - "bright mind", academic excellence, research activities;
- Household - a rare kind of genius, helping to navigate in life;
- Physical-physical - a high level of strength, coordination, balance, agility, flexibility, endurance;
- Creative - developed imagination and the ability to embody it, the implementation in the creative process;
- Emotional - the ability to understand others, to feel and sympathize, developed empathy;
- Entrepreneurial - the most interesting for many kind of genius, allowing you to literally attract money to yourself.
There are also two types of genius associated with the scale of its implementation. In the first case, we are talking about people who very quickly switch from one search to another, all the while remaining open to something new. In the second case, the life of a genius is closely connected with one work, which he will sharpen and perfect until his last days.
Is it possible to develop genius?
The question of the development of genius in himself or his child is in doubt, but still, if someone needs it, consider how to do it. Although genius is laid genetically, it is also not worth denying the role of the environment in its development. The main thing is to do it voluntarily, without violence against the person. After all, brilliant children should appear by their choice, not by the whims of their parents. Otherwise, you can break the child's life and take away the future.
Good ways to develop genius - enhanced improvement in their own direction, a constant exit from the comfort zone and communication with other talented colleagues "in the shop." The tricks are simple, but very effective.
It is difficult to say what genius is. For some, it becomes a gift, and for others it is a curse. Especially when it comes to geeks. Therefore, brilliant children evoke opposing emotions, from delight to feelings of pity. But, at times, the choice is made for a person, and genius becomes someone's purpose, independent of his true desires. Is it good or bad? Who knows. If the stars are lit, it means - someone needs it.