
How to remember what I forgot: effective ways

Every person at least once in his life forgot an event, the name of an old acquaintance or the location of a particular thing. Doctors who study the physiology of the body, explain this by saying that the brain retains in its assets only those memories that are constantly used or turned out to be the most vivid, significant for a person. All the others are sent to storage in a kind of "database" of the brain: you can get to them if you wish, but on the way to this a person may encounter unexpected failures. How does a person remember what he forgot, and is it possible to do it yourself?

Effective ways to resurrect memories

Psychologists say that most often a person forgets some small, insignificant information that may come in handy in the future. In such situations, the best way to resurrect memories is to focus on the event. It is necessary to remember how, under what conditions the necessary information was communicated to the person. Next, remember the details of the conversation, their location. According to these associative connections, the brain will be able to resurrect all the other details.

What other ways to play forgotten memories exist?

  1. Psychologists are advised to stop thinking about the forgotten for a while. It is necessary to devote time to performing everyday tasks or to distract yourself by reading a book. The brain will continue to work on the forgotten fragments, soon giving the person the necessary answer.
  2. In such situations, it is recommended to meditate: you need to relax, close your eyes and try to free your mind. Meditation helps to get rid of the influence of factors from the outside, distracting from the necessary information.
  3. Another way to resurrect memories is to recreate the original setting. A person needs to include the same music or the same film that he watched during a forgotten piece. The restored associative series will surely help to revive that day in details.

If a person cannot remember a specific event, but knows what preceded it, it is necessary to move step by step. It should be remembered how the desired conversation began or the day when the forgotten event occurred. Next, a person needs to gradually resurrect the minor events of that day in order to gradually come to the answer. As a result, a solution to the problem will be found in a short time.

An effective way to deal with such failures is meditation. Calm, relaxing music, closed eyes and the release of your brain from a variety of memories - all this helps a person to escape from disturbing his emotions and events. Such meditation may not help in the resurrection of memories, but in only 10-15 minutes it will relieve stress.

Some people are helped by a completely different way, namely playing active sports or dancing. While jogging or boxing, a person focuses on the work of his body, but the brain continues to think about an unresolved task. As a result, after a grueling workout, the decision is on its own, as if by a wave of a magic wand.

How to remember in detail what I forgot, if it is haunted? Quite often, forgotten information so tortures a person that he literally cannot find a place for himself. In such situations it is necessary to distract, for a while to leave from a solution of a question, paying attention to extraneous things. Such a distraction of the brain works almost always, and after a couple of minutes, the person gets the right word, the lost memory.

How to memorize information in order not to lose it in the future

If a person often encounters sudden lapses in memory, he needs to work on the process of correct memorization. Here psychologists give the following tips:

  • one should always associate a memory with a specific place, for example, with a cafe or a cinema where it was received, because then it would be easier to resurrect it;
  • important information that needs to be remembered should be repeated immediately after receiving it;
  • information must be associated with the information that already exists in a person, using an associative array.

Many psychologists advise to train your memory, creating the so-called "chambers of reason". This technique of reproducing the necessary information was used by Sherlock Holmes in famous detective novels. The detective linked all the facts, even small details into a single outline, ensuring that one memory flowed from another.

In order to learn the technique of the "palaces of the mind", a person needs to pay attention to all the details surrounding him, to any trivia occurring with him. Further, these memories need to be fixed with the help of associations, every day remembering them in detail. Psychologists say that this technique helps to develop intellectual and analytical skills. However, it will take several years to learn and comprehend it with all the nuances.

We must not forget about the purely physiological needs of the body. So, for the normal processing of information, and its preservation are the neurons. If a person sleeps little or rarely rests, the neurons of his brain slow down their work or die at all. That is why, it becomes almost impossible to remember the forgotten. In such situations, psychologists advise to rest for several hours, after which the lost information will definitely appear.

In a state of severe stress, you can not even try to remember the lost information. With an unstable emotional state, new memories are fixed poorly, and the old ones are not reproduced. In this case, the person needs to calm down and relax. As soon as the work of his nervous system returns to normal, the necessary information will also be announced.

The human brain is a complex mechanism that sometimes fails. As a result, a person simply cannot reproduce the information that is stored in his long-term memory. However, being distracted by other events, devoting time to meditation and sport, a person will be able to reproduce even the smallest details seen or heard once.

Watch the video: 11 Secrets to Memorize Things Quicker Than Others (December 2024).