Love and relationship

How painless to part with the guy you love, or with the girl?

There are different situations in life. And not always everything is as we draw in our dreams.

Life experience to resolve the issue may not be enough.

In this case, you need to listen to the advice of psychologiststhat tell me how to break up with the guy you love.

I love, but I want to leave: psychology and reasons

When we are in love, we often overlook many moments.

We close our eyes on some little things, do not pay attention to details. But this period passes, rationality gradually returns.

First one bell, another, the third ... And at some point you realize that you absolutely sincerely love your partner, but cannot continue like this. The reasons may be the following:

  1. Your freedom is limited. “And with whom do you correspond there?”, “There’s nothing to go with your friends, they always give you a crap head,” “Where are you going? I won't let you go. And if you go, then you can not return to me "," Why do you have a password on your phone? Are you hiding something from me? ”- all this sooner or later begins to annoy. And understand, you don't have to tolerate that. Relationships must be built on trust.

    And jealousy and suspiciousness is not a sign of great love. Every person deserves personal space.

  2. You are being used. Perhaps you have your own apartment or a round amount in the account. And at some point you begin to see that without this the partner would not pay attention to you.
  3. You are unhappy. It seems to love, but something is wrong. Do not feel enough attention, constantly quarrel. In any case, to feel unhappy in a relationship is wrong.
  4. Ignore you. A partner may not wish a happy birthday, disappear for a few weeks, go to another city without warning. Analyze your relationship: are you sure that this is mutual love, and not your dependence on your partner?
  5. You have problems in intimate life. Sex is an important part of a relationship. And if it does not suit you, you do not get enough pleasure, or you are forced to do something, then this may well be the reason for parting, even if everything else is fine.
  6. You see the future differently. Do you dream of a big and strong family, and he is set for career growth? Would you like to move to another city, and she wants to continue to live closer to her parents? Understand that these are quite important things and partners are not always ready to make concessions. Therefore, if you have very different views on the future, then it is worth thinking.
  7. Your partner is not ready to work on relationships. All the problems described above can be resolved if you sit down together, discuss important issues and come to some kind of solution or compromise. But if a partner rests and doesn’t even want to discuss anything or everything is good in words, and things don’t move on, then there’s no point in hoping and waiting that someday everything will change and you will heal happily.

    Without constructive dialogue and the desire to work on relationships there are no happy couples.

Is parting possible without pain? Opinion psychologist:

Stages of parting

Stages of parting with your beloved:

  1. Negation. When you still do not fully understand what happened. And do not believe that this is all, the end of a relationship. At this stage, you are not sad and not bad. There are no emotions at all, they are “paused”.
  2. Expression of feelings. It may be anger, resentment, frustration or pain. Or even all at once. You can express them or experience them within yourself. But it is extremely important that this stage does not drag on for a long time. Try not to blame anyone in this situation. If you need to speak out - meet up with a friend or contact a psychologist. Do you feel that emotions are overwhelming?

    Let them out: weep well or scream. This is the only way to proceed to the next stage.

  3. Bargaining or dialogue. What if not all? Suddenly you can return your partner? Maybe he misses you too? Such thoughts usually arise at this stage. The main thing they do not give in. Do not entertain your hopes and unrealizable dreams.
  4. Depression. You no longer deny the separation and do not hope for reconciliation. Finally, there comes the realization that the relationship is finally completed and there is no going back. You can mourn the gap, miss the partner. Now, most likely, you have no idea how to continue to live. During this period, it is also important to have the support of friends or loved ones, and also not to give negative thoughts to take over you.
  5. Adoption. Sadness and pain finally receded, and you suddenly realize that life goes on. There are quite a lot of people of the opposite sex, and without relationships there is something to do. You may still remember the past, but these thoughts no longer make you sad. Now you can move on.

5 Stage of experiencing loss after parting in this video:

Tips for girls psychologist

How to break off a relationship with a man you love painlessly?

You finally realized that the relationship needs to end, but still love your partner? Then listen to the advice of psychologists and the separation will be more or less painless:

  1. You need to understand yourself that it's time to break this relationship.. Since you love this man, you may not decide on parting for a long time and look for an excuse for all his actions. So first ask yourself: are you happy? Are you comfortable in this relationship? For clarity, make a list of all the positive and negative points in your pair.

    Approach this question critically: do not regret neither yourself nor the guy. If you are not firmly confident in your desire to disperse, then nothing happens.

    Even if you start a conversation about this with your partner, most likely he will dissuade you. So weigh everything and think carefully.

  2. Start a relaxed conversation with your man. Tell him how you like him, what you like and don't like. Explain why you want to break up. Just ask your partner to listen to the end. And do not raise your voice, do not insult him.
  3. At the end of the conversation be sure to thank him for those joint moments that are nice to remember. And let him speak too. But do not go on disputes and cries: for yourself you have already decided everything. Your task is to bring this decision to the partner.
  4. After parting it is better to avoid meetings if possible. with a former lover. So it will be easier for you and him.
  5. Do not indulge in nostalgic memories. It’s better to be distracted by something: go on a journey, pursue a career or self-improvement.
  6. Do not let the thought that you will not meet anyone and now all your life you will be alone. Do not lock yourself in! It will take some time and everything will work out.

How to part with a lover, if you have feelings?

Perhaps, at some point in your family life, family discord ensued, and you got yourself a lover. But now you have realized that this cannot continue, and it is necessary to break the connection with him. What if you have sincere feelings for him?

  1. Understand what is more important to you. Family or some man on the side? If you have such a love for him, then why not go to him? Conduct a detailed self-analysis and decide for yourself what you want.
  2. Meet your lover and calmly explain to him that you are no longer on the way.

    Be prepared for the fact that he can flare up and even begin to threaten and blackmail.

  3. After the conversation, in no case return to this person. He can write, call - break any connection. So it will be better for both and easier to survive the separation. You should now switch to family relationships and concentrate on them.

How to part with a married man you love?

Maybe he did not immediately tell you about his marital status.

Perhaps you yourself decided to close your eyes in a fit of love.

But now everything has gone too far. How to end a relationship with a man who has a wife?

  1. Put yourself in his wife's place. You would be very painful and unpleasant if some woman had fun with your husband.
  2. Think about the fact that this relationship has no development. You will remain for him the girl with whom he sleeps. And that's all. Even if a man tells you that he is about to leave his wife, you should not believe. You can even put the question squarely: tell me that you will return as soon as you see the certificate of divorce.
  3. All these reflections should ease your thoughts about parting. After you finally decide, meet a man and inform him about the decision.

    Do not rush into tears, do not make a tantrum, do not belittle him to leave the family. Save your dignity.

  4. Evolve. Start going on dates, meet friends, get a hobby. Fill all your free time.
  5. Stop any contact with him. Even the seemingly innocent correspondence in social networks greatly complicates the process of parting.

How to quit the guy you love?

You love your boyfriend, but you objectively understand that it's time to end the relationship? Then you should consult the advice of psychologists:

  1. Understand that this will not be easy. And it will hurt both of you. Just decide for yourself that you want to end the relationship and get ready for a serious conversation.
  2. Be sure to meet him. Do not write a message and do not call. This should be a one-on-one conversation.
  3. Tell us what you thought about it for a long time, but nevertheless you decided to part. Explain the reason. Try not to hurt his feelings. Speak calmly and confidently. Do not go to the insults.
  4. Do not give him false hopes. Make it clear that your relationship is over. Thank him for the time spent together. Wish happiness, just do it sincerely, and not with sarcasm.
  5. Do not offer him to remain friends. This is only possible if both partners have faded feelings. Otherwise, it will be a mockery. Therefore, it is better, if possible, to break all ties.

How painless to part with a guy? Find out from this video:

Farewell words to the beloved

Parting is a rather complicated and unpleasant procedure for both parties. Sometimes it is very difficult to express the words correctly. Here are general tips:

  • Do not look for template phrases. Say better is not very beautiful, but sincerely. Who will be pleased to hear when saying goodbye hackneyed phrase from the Internet?
  • tell me how good you were together. But do not indulge in memories. Just emphasize that he is a good person and gave you many pleasant moments;
  • tell the reason for separation, what his negative qualities you did not like. He has the right to know. Do not leave it with understatement and constant thoughts of "what went wrong";
  • sincerely wish happiness. After all, you still love him, which means that you want only good things. Let not with you.

Farewell poems to the beloved man at parting.

How to behave when parting? The main mistakes of women:

Practical advice for men

How to throw a girl who loves you?

If you part by mutual desire, this is one thing. But if you have to quit a girl who still loves you, then this is not an easy task. Here are some tips on how to do it correctly:

  1. Try first to suggest a break in the relationship. On this option, the girl will most likely respond more calmly. So tell me you need time to think about it. Discuss that in a couple of weeks you will meet again and discuss the situation.
  2. After such a conversation, you must gradually move away from the girl. So it will be easier for her to get used to the thought of parting. She will withdraw from you and it will be easier for her to overcome the gap.
  3. If this method does not suit you, then There is nothing better than a calm honest conversation. You need to make it clear that the feelings are gone and you do not see the future together.

How to part with a wife who loves you?

Especially difficult situation when you want to part with his wife. Most likely, you have a lot in common, starting from years lived together and ending with children.

  1. Prepare for a serious conversation. You must be steadfast, otherwise your wife will not understand the seriousness of your intentions. Speak essentially as is.

    Do not insult or blame her for all sins. Now it is harder than you, treat with understanding.

  2. Discuss the next steps in detail. Who will stay in the apartment? What to do with mutual friends? Who will the children stay with? These topics may well reduce the intensity of emotions and transfer the conversation to another direction.
  3. Be sure to explain the reason for your departure. Do not leave your wife in ignorance. It would be better if you honestly say, than if she thinks out and scrolls in his head the likely options for parting.

How beautiful to part with a girl who you love very much?

It also happens that you love a girl very much, but for some reason you cannot continue the relationship. How to behave in this situation?

  1. You even think about it very painfully.. But if you analyze everything thoroughly, then you need to make a final decision.
  2. Try to simplify the process of parting as much as possible.. Do not stretch. Gathered things and left.
  3. In your interest to chop off all contacts with a girl. Otherwise, you just can not move on.
  4. Try to get distracted. Relax with friends, go on a trip, find a hobby. So it will be easier for you to forget it.

I can not part with his mistress. How to part with his beloved?

If you have a woman on the side, then most likely, sooner or later there will be a choice: a wife or a lover. How to part with his mistress, if you have feelings for her?

  1. Understand what is more important to you. Once you choose a wife, family values ​​are not an empty sound for you. Then family and navigate!

    Immerse yourself in these relationships, try to establish communication and spend more time together.

  2. With mistress you have to meet again. But not for love pleasures, but for conversation. Tell her about your decision and warn that there will be no more meetings.
  3. Chop off all the ends. Delete the number, erase all messages from it. Best of all, if nothing reminds you of it.

Parting is always hard. But if you approach this process consciously and trust the advice of psychologists, the gap and the emotions from it can be simplified.

What to say to the girl at parting? Useful tips: