Personal growth

How to change the character for the better?

There are no ideal people, everyone is unique and unique in nature, as is the nature of man. It is known that a person’s happiness, quality of life, his success directly depends on his character, so many people think about how to change their character for the better. It happens that people have the same opportunities, for example, in education, business, career, but each person as a result achieves his own result and these results may be completely opposite.

Many people confuse such concepts as "character" and "temperament", considering that it is one and the same. But temperament is an innate ability, a kind of foundation on which character is superimposed. The main difference between temperaments is the speed of reaction, as well as the development of positive and negative features. For example, there are four types of temperament: phlegmatic, choleric, sanguine, melancholic. In life, most often there are mixed temperaments that combine the combination of types.
Character - a set of stable, basic personality traits that manifest themselves in human behavior. Character is formed throughout life. Also, the character is particularly influenced by the upbringing that a person received in childhood, the skills and qualities that he acquired under the influence of parents and the environment. The tendency of a person to anything that can be transmitted by genes is also related to the formation of character.
If you start to feel emotional discomfort, internal anxiety, the quality of your life does not suit you, and you understand that the whole thing is in your behavior and perception, then you should think about how to change your character
After working on yourself and your character, your perception of yourself, the external world will change, you will learn to respond differently to situations and people. Accordingly, we can conclude that by changing your character, you risk becoming a happy, successful, successful and contented person with your life. And risk, as you know, is a noble cause that pays off in the form of a positive result.

How to change your character for the better

Examine yourself and your character.
The first thing you need to start with is to understand yourself and what type of character you have. To do this, you can perform a practical exercise. During the week, try to keep a kind of diary, or write down what you did, what you liked, what didn't, how you responded, how you behaved and in what situation. Nothing to hide, write everything as it is, because you do it for yourself. After all the week you have “watched” yourself and you have specific notes, it will be easier for you to analyze your character and deal with your positive and negative traits.
Often, people are sure that the cause of all failures and troubles in life is nature and nothing more. This is not to say that this opinion is wrong, because the presence of complexes that affect your life negatively is also part of your character. Write down all your fears and anxieties on a sheet of paper, they are complexes, then think about how to overcome them.
Appreciate what you have.
Even answering the question "How to change the character for the better?" Therefore, from this day on, learn to live in the present and appreciate every moment in your life, thank God for what you already have today.
What do you want to get?
Think about what kind of character you would like to have, what character traits you would like to develop. You must clearly understand what you need. Write on a piece of paper all the features that you would like to have and all the features that you do not want to see in your character. Now that you clearly know what you want, you can begin to work on yourself and your character.
Do what you love.
Thanks to your favorite work, you will be able to open up on the other side and maybe you do not need to develop and work on qualities, and you will have them, as inspiration and favorite work will appear.
Self development.
Engage in hard work on yourself, self-development. At first, you can be driven by fear and laziness, but with the desire and powerful motivation, you can change not only your character, but your habits, qualities, become better and more successful.
Changing yourself and your character will require a lot of effort from you, but the result for you will be not only unexpected, but also pleasantly surprised. Since, by changing your character, you conclude with you a kind of deal, that from now on your life is full of joy, happiness and satisfaction.

Watch the video: RED DEAD ONLINE - How To Create Beautiful Characters. RDR2 ONLINE In Depth Character Creation (December 2024).