Personal growth

What is luck and what are its symbols

Throughout the conscious history, a person tries to attract luck to his side. Once he was worried about a good harvest, protection from enemies or natural disasters. Nowadays, the majority has the financial component in the first place. And then, and now all these desires are united by good luck, which "goes hand in hand" with someone, and "bypasses the others". What is it? What place does it take in a person's life? Is it possible to attract her? What is needed for this? Which luck symbols are the most effective?

What is luck?

Luck is a confluence of circumstances that determines the favorable outcome of a particular action or event. Many are trying to attract her, but she "smiles" not to everyone.

In the ancient period of human existence, luck was deified, endowing it with a certain character and behavior. Ancient romans worshiped goddess of fortuneidentified with Ancient Greek Tyuhe. Also, ideas about Kairos - God of a happy moment, lucky coincidence. That just did not try people to achieve their location. They devoted poems and stories, sculptures and paintings to them, held magnificent celebrations and ceremonies.

The rather harmless cult of luck in the Hellenistic world turned out to be in contrast with the human sacrifices of some Semitic peoples of that period. This is about bloody cult of Moloch (one of the incarnations of Baal), who sacrificed children. The priests promised a good year to those families who would give them a baby. This practice was forbidden by the Mosaic Law under the penalty of the death penalty.

But the prejudices of the past are long gone. Now the wish of good luck bears in itself exclusively positive power. The very mention of it has a beneficial effect on the human psyche, strengthens his faith in success. The same goals are pursued by various symbols of good luck, through which people try to attract its location. We will talk about them further.

Good luck characters

Since luck is a mental concept, it does not need a concrete physical incarnation. Yet people, in trying to get it, invented a number of superstitions aimed at achieving success. The most famous characters of luck:

  • Four-leaf clover;
  • Acorns;
  • Horseshoe;
  • Chimney sweep;
  • Dolphin;
  • Ladybug;
  • Scarab beetle;
  • Rainbow;
  • Turtle;
  • Gold fish;
  • Red lanterns;
  • "The cat of happiness."

It is impossible to choose a universal symbol, because every nation has its own preferences. It makes no sense and "hang up" yourself all at once. It is better to choose a talisman that is most like. Consider them in more detail.

Four-leaf clover

One of the most popular symbols of luck among Europeans, which has its roots in Irish traditions. Closely associated with the celebration of St. Patrick's Day.

A very rare phenomenon, which, however, occurs in the plant world. According to some estimates, a four-leaf clover is found once from 10,000 plants of this species. So finding him is already luck in life.

It is believed that each of his records represents a specific benefit: good luck, faith, hope, love. According to one of the legends, it was the four-leaf clover that Eve took with her, leaving the Garden of Eden.

A number of ways have been invented to attract luck with the help of clover:

  • First of all, you can put it under the insole of the shoes to meet your love;
  • SecondlyIt is recommended to wear clover in your wallet, to increase finances;
  • Thirdly, it can be hung in front of the front door to protect the house and fill it with happiness.


Another good luck symbol from the plant world. Presented by the Scandinavian mythology. Since the Vikings associated the oak with the power of Thor, they perceived the fruits of this tree as a "lightning rod" from its lightning, in the literal and figurative sense of the word. The famous symbol of success, wealth and fulfillment of desires.


Probably the most common symbol of luck. Since before the horse was an attribute of wealth, the horseshoe found was associated with success. This is about how to find a disk from Maserati now.

According to beliefs, in order for the talisman to work, it must be hung above the door. By the way, we are talking about a horseshoe, and not the above-mentioned element of the automobile wheel.

The tradition of hanging a horseshoe for good luck has its roots in the tenth century. According to legend, the holy Dunstan caught evil spirits with the help of this device. Since then, the scum has developed a phobia in front of a horseshoe.

Different nations had their own "recipes", forcing the horseshoe to "act":

  • The British and the Irish broadcast horseshoe horns up, as if symbolizing this "full bowl";
  • Latinos and many Europeans turn it down so that happiness flows into the house;
  • Italians place the horseshoe so that anyone entering it touches, and the Mexicans, on the contrary, raise as high as possible, decorating with coins and ribbons.

Chimney sweep

Very original symbol of good luck in the countries of Scandinavia and central Europe. They are still made to give figures of the chimney sweep. This tradition originated in Germany. The fact is that the chimney sweep tool was made from birch. This tree in pagan times was considered a symbol of fertility.

Also in the formation of this talisman played the role and danger of the profession. Chimney sweeps did their job without insurance. Therefore, it was believed that they are lucky.


Dolphins are considered symbols of good luck for many peoples associated with the sea. These friendly creatures are associated with protection, support, and good news. When navigation was still at a primitive level and the ships could wander for months in the ocean, the encounter with dolphins foreshadowed an approach to the earth, thus being considered a great success.


According to popular belief, one ladybug can save a person from one problem. She has long been respected, as a symbol of good luck and happiness.

This insect has become popular in fortune telling and omens. For example, if a ladybug sits on the palm of a girl who has recently got married, then the number of spots on her back can be used to predict the number of children from marriage. If you catch a ladybird in a house, you will soon be able to find as much money as there are spots of an insect. Apparently in those days, people still did not know the word inflation.

Scarab beetle

Since the ancient Egyptians found in the simple work of the beetle beetle echoes of the movement of the sun across the sky, they treated it with all respect. The scarab became for them a sacred symbol, personified good luck, the rising of the heavenly body.

Every night, the god Ra fought with the monstrous Apophis, the personification of chaos and destruction. Every morning, Ra triumphed in this battle, bringing the Sun to the sky. It was an extraordinary good fortune for all living things. Accordingly, the Scarab reminded the Egyptians of this in miniature.


A very beautiful heavenly phenomenon has inspired people for centuries, filled them with joy and positive. Long-time Irish people believed that the foundation of the rainbow was the path to the leprechaun's treasures. Finding them was real luck for the lucky one.

Even more grandiose role of the rainbow in the Old Testament legends. Thanks to her, people realized that there would be no more Floods.


According to the Taoist teachings of Feng Shui, the turtle symbolizes good luck, scaring off evil spirits. She also personifies wisdom, health, longevity. The turtle is one of four sacred animals, including the dragon, the phoenix and the unicorn. Its powerful shell symbolizes the sky. Bringing luck, this talisman contributes to the achievement of goals, growth of welfare, gives support in all matters.

gold fish

Another good luck symbol from the philosophy of Feng Shui. Golden fish has always been associated with wealth and wish fulfillment. It is believed that this talisman does not bring instant success, but it helps hardworking people in the implementation of their ideas.

Since fish are associated with the energy of water, it is recommended to place their figurines in the northern part of the house. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is the North that personifies the water element.

Red lanterns

Continuing the theme of the symbols of the Chinese people can not fail to mention the red lanterns. The inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom believe that this symbol attracts good luck, wealth, happiness and harmony.

Initially, red lanterns performed a purely lighting function, but later they began to be regarded as protection against wild animals. Those villages that were hung with them were less frequently visited by animals from the surrounding forests.

"Cat of happiness"

And this is already a Japanese symbol of happiness, prosperity and good luck. Maneki Neko - this is the original name of this talisman. There are many of his translations. In addition to the "cat of happiness", you can find interpretations such as "Inviting Cat", "Calling Cat" or "Money Cat".

It is a small ceramic figure of a cat with a vertically raised foot. It is believed that the right paw attracts money and luck, and the left - customers. Especially enterprising Japanese buy their own figures with two raised legs.

Maneki Neko are considered traditional, made in white color with colored spots. Also, the figures can be supplemented with Coban coins belonging to the Edo era.

This symbol is widely distributed in Japanese bars, restaurants, shop windows, gaming halls and other establishments related to financial flows.

For all the time of its existence, mankind has invented all sorts of symbols of good luck. You can list them in the tens and hundreds. If variations are also considered, then, most likely, by thousands. The main thing in all this one thing - the psychological effect that they have. If a person believes that luck depends on a particular amulet, then it will work. Thus, each of us can choose our own symbol of luck. And even better is to seek inner strength in yourself, in your skills and abilities. And all the rest is better to bear only an aesthetic role, like a beautiful statuette or a natural phenomenon.

Watch the video: How to Decorate Your Home with Good Luck Symbols (December 2024).