Love and relationship

How to find love: practical and magical solutions

How to find love? A question that worries many modern women. For the sake of a successful career, you often have to sacrifice happiness in your personal life, because work, study, refresher courses leave no time for romantic acquaintances. How to find female happiness? Let's try to find a practical solution, and also turn to the modern magic of desires.

Where can I meet my future husband?

It is unlikely that a woman who wants to find true love, expects that it will be a non-binding, short relationship. Therefore, think about where you can meet a future husband. Consider the most popular places to explore:

  1. Cultural events (exhibitions, concerts, film premieres, performances, etc.).

Here you can meet a man whose interests coincide with yours. You can get acquainted by simply expressing your opinion about the film, a work of art, about a famous actor. The unobtrusive atmosphere of such events implies an exchange of views and pleasant communication. Do not miss the chance to meet an interesting person!

  1. Party with friends.

The great advantage of such dating is the opportunity to find out information about the guy who interests you from friends. They can also be asked and introduced to you. And then - act!

  1. Public places (cafes, night clubs, restaurants, libraries, gyms).

In public places they meet more often. But note that in a restaurant or club you can meet a scam artist or a guy who is looking for a girl for one night. Therefore, always remember about safety and do not abuse alcohol.

Another popular option is online dating. Not everyone has time to frequent cultural events and public places. In addition, from the correspondence you can get to know the person and decide whether to continue to continue communication.

Social networks and dating sites

The dynamic lifestyle of a modern person does not often leave time to visit public places and cultural events. After a busy day, most of us have time only for the journey home, dinner and hygiene. But go to the social networks and check the mail time is always there. Therefore, dating in Vk or Facebook has recently been the most popular with young people.

The advantages of communication in social networks are as follows:

  • from the profile, you can find out basic information about a person - education, place of work, hobbies, interests, preferences, whether he is married or free;
  • during the correspondence there is no feeling of awkwardness, as when meeting under normal circumstances;
  • from the correspondence you can determine whether you want to continue to communicate with this man, and if the answer is no, then you can simply stop responding to messages without explaining anything.

Cons dating online too:

  • people often embellish reality and spread false information about themselves;
  • No one can guarantee that the brutal beauty and even tanning of your chosen one were made not with the help of Photoshop;
  • the girl is not always easy to meet, write first.

If you like a guy and you find his page on the social network, do not write banal messages: "Hi, I know you." Leave a comment under his photo or records, attract his attention, and he will write to you. On dating sites is much easier, because the guys post their profiles on such resources in order to meet the girl for a romantic relationship. Therefore, you can immediately write a personal message.

The disadvantages of such sites are that many young people are looking for a girl for one night. Such a guy can say that he wants a family, meet his love, but in reality it’s just a game. But this is not the worst option. On dating sites there is a risk to get acquainted with a crook.

Online dating rules

If for you the most comfortable option is to get acquainted with the help of the Internet, observe the following safety rules:

  1. Do not settle for a date right away, first get to know the person better.
  2. No one and never send your erotic photos and videos of an intimate nature.
  3. If a guy often speaks on material topics, is interested in your income, car availability or real estate, it is worth thinking. Such information is important only to fraudsters, to know whether to spend your time on you.
  4. Appoint a date in public places, in neutral territory. Do not invite to your home, do not get in his car, do not come to him. A picnic in a deserted park is also a bad idea.
  5. Do not wear expensive jewelry to meet with a man, do not carry documents and large sums of money.
  6. Always carry a means of self-defense (for example, a gas or pepper spray).
  7. Before you date, tell your loved ones where you are going and when you return. Let them periodically call you and check that everything is in order.
  8. Do not drink alcoholic beverages.

Many girls in pursuit of women's happiness forget about basic precautions. This does not mean that you need to see a scam artist in every new man. On the contrary, the presumption of innocence applies to personal relationships. But do not lose common sense, always remember about their safety. Sometime following elementary rules can save your life!

How to attract love in your life

And now the fun part! How to attract love to yourself? After all, even if you are surrounded by hundreds of men, it does not guarantee that you will meet your only one. Many attractive and successful women are left alone, despite the fact that throughout their lives they were surrounded by hundreds of lovers. Therefore, before you go in search of a husband in a cafe, an exhibition, a gymnasium or a dating site, we will perform some simple rituals.

Clearing the space

To bring new things to life, you need to make room for it. In order for love to want to enter your life, it is necessary that it be "pure" and "light"! Therefore, we recommend taking a week off to completely change the atmosphere that surrounds you. Where to begin? Follow our recommendations:

  1. Clean the house of the following items:
  2. associated with negative experiences and frustrations;
  3. reminiscent of past relationships;
  4. broken, battered, obsolete.
  5. Throw away clothes that do not suit you. Also get rid of shoes, things and accessories that you have not worn for a year.
  6. Make a rearrangement of furniture, buy something new in the house. If there is an opportunity and desire to re-paste wallpaper or paint the walls in a new color - do it.
  7. Pets and plants. Living beings can "share" their energy with us when we need it. Choose a pet, taking into account their capabilities and preferences. If you have enough animals and plants, still bring a new cactus or hamster to the house! This is a must.
  8. Sign up for any group classes. Yoga, gym, dance or shaping - it does not matter. Physical activity contributes to a powerful release of the hormone of happiness, energized. And the presence of other people nearby enhances this effect.
  9. Nutrition. We are what we eat. Eat organic foods and drink plenty of water. No need to diet. Just give up food that has undergone additional processing in the form of smoking, salting, preservation. Do not fry food, do not overcook, do not use spices, do not eat semi-finished products.

All these tips are aimed at clearing your life of debris, negativity and old memories and letting in it new energy. One week after the implementation of our recommendations, you will feel the wave of change!

Attract love

Before starting any ritual to attract something, you need to set a clear goal and visualize it. Therefore, we offer to take a bath, relax and dream. Thank the Universe for the fact that somewhere the bridegroom is already waiting for you - smart, beautiful, kind, who will love you and carry you in his arms. You can even buy a notebook of red or pink color and write down everything you expect from a chosen one.

Then we will perform visualization-materialization according to one of the recipes of the magic of desires "Simoron". For the ceremony, we need a large transparent bank. In it you need to add items that symbolize the qualities that you want to see in a man’s dream. Here is an example so that you understand what it is about:

  • we want to attract an intelligent man - put a book in the jar;
  • romantic - "Valentine";
  • beautiful - comb, perfume, photo of your favorite actor;
  • sexual - shower gel;
  • wealthy - we put money, an even amount in dollars.

Principle you understand. Any number of association items can be placed in a jar. Also we put in it a sheet with qualities and new batteries (do not be surprised!). We write the intention: "I, (name), attract a man into my life ..." and list the desired qualities. You need to say the intention as many times as your loved one should be. Leave the bank in a prominent place.

Before starting a relationship, also write a list of what you can give to your beloved, describe your qualities: "I, (name), are beautiful, sexy, clever, ready for my husband to cook and please him in every way." Keep this sheet under the pillow and reread before bedtime. The magic of desire works! Miracles happen, the main thing to believe in them!

Watch the video: How to Get Rich in 2019 - Start Your Own Business - Law of Attraction (May 2024).