Stress and Depression

Psychological aspects of frigidity in women and men

Frigidity - decrease in sexual desire - A common problem that women face for the most part.

In men, a similar situation, although it occurs less frequently, but still occurs.

According to statistics, the first manifestations of decreased libido occur in the younger generation. under the age of 25 years.

The most common cause is psychological factorassociated with unsuccessful sexual experiences in the past, problems in relationships with the opposite sex and other psychological causes.

In most cases over time, the problem in humans is resolved by itself: With age, sensuality accumulates, the desire for intimacy increases.

If this does not happen, for example, if any pathology was the cause of the frigidity, the person needs the help of a specialist.

What it is?

Frigidity they call a violation of sexual behavior in which a person has indifference to the intimate side of life, a decrease in sexual attraction to members of the opposite sex, and the impossibility of reaching orgasm at the time of intercourse.

It is known that certain zones in the human body are responsible for the excitation process, but in a frigid person they are less sensitive, and sometimes completely inactive. This explains the decrease in sexual desire.

Frigidity has several different manifestations:

  1. Lack of interest in sexual intercourse. In this case, a person, for example, being married, takes sexual intercourse as his duty, which does not give him pleasant emotions.
  2. A man shows interest in sex, but in the process of intercourse he can not reach orgasm. The reasons for this are many: from the psychological aspects to the wrong behavior of the partner during sexual intercourse.
  3. Fear of the opposite sex and intimate relationships with them.

Also isolated true or imaginary frigidity.

The true form develops with anomalies of the structure of the genital organs, various diseases of the genitourinary system. Imaginary decrease in libido occurs under the influence of adverse psychological factors.

Who is a frigid man?

What does frigid mean? What does frigid girl mean?

Frigid is a person who has there are signs such as:

  • hostility and negative attitudes towards the opposite sex;
  • fear of the act of intercourse;
  • indifference to sex, lack of any emotions and pleasant sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • painful feelings and unpleasant emotions during sexual intercourse;
  • the inability to experience orgasm during sexual contact, even if it is accompanied by arousal and some pleasant sensations (both emotional and physiological).

Frigidity and alibidemia: It is the same? In many ways, these concepts are similar, however, there are differences.

For example, in the case of alibidemia, a person has no sexual desire, sex does not cause any interest. However, in some cases, possible short-term libido enhancement.

With frigidity sexual desire may be present, however, sexual intercourse itself does not end with an orgasm, as it should be normal.

The reasons

Why does this problem occur?

Reduced sexual desire and other signs of a problem result in numerous negative factors.

Most often, this is a psychological aspect, however, frigidity can develop as a result pathological processesoccurring in the body.

To the absence of sexual desire among women give the following adverse reasons:

  1. Incompetent actions of the sexual partner.
  2. Ignorance of one's own body, those zones, the active stimulation of which leads to the achievement of orgasm.
  3. Pathological fear of negative consequences (pregnancy or infection with sexually transmitted diseases).
  4. Psychological traumas associated with past sexual experiences (pain during first sex, rape, early pregnancy and abortion).
  5. Changes in the hormonal balance in the body.

    For example, during pregnancy, menopause, diseases of the endocrine system, long-term use of hormonal drugs.

  6. Anomalies of the structure of the reproductive organs, resulting in a woman feels pain during intercourse).
  7. Untreated venereal diseases, pathologies of the genitourinary system.
  8. The postpartum period, during which a woman engaged in constant care of a newborn is in a state of chronic fatigue.
  9. Lactation period, when an excess amount of the hormone prolactin is produced in a woman’s body (it is necessary to increase the amount of breast milk). Such changes often lead to temporary frigidity.
  10. Lack of emotional intimacy with a partner, or his physical rejection.
  11. Painful sensations in the vagina (vaginismus), in which even a slight touch can hurt a woman.
  12. Long-term use of psychotropic drugs, addiction to drugs, alcohol.
  13. Lack of love and parental attention in childhood.
  14. Errors in education (for example, if a girl was brought up in a family that adheres to very strict moral principles).
  15. Frequent stress and emotional stress in situations not related to intimate life.

    For example, failures at work, problems in communicating with relatives or friends, material problems.

  16. Long absence of a sexual life.
  17. An excessive amount of complexes, dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance (when a woman believes that she is ugly, which means that she cannot cause sexual desire in men).

In men, frigidity often develops against such adverse factors as:

  1. Stresses and problems in the professional field.
  2. Constant fatigue associated with heavy physical work.
  3. Various diseases that are not always associated with the urogenital sphere (for example, pathologies of the digestive system, the heart).
  4. Negative relationships with women in the past (for example, if a boy was raised in an incomplete family, he was forced to obey a strict mother, and then his boss at work).
  5. Unsuccessful first sexual experience, after which the man begins to experience insecurity in his own male wealth.
  6. Wrong lifestyle, in particular, drug use, alcohol abuse, smoking.
  7. Pathology of the reproductive system associated with age-related changes (for example, prostatitis, age-related decrease in erection).

Of course, these reasons do not always lead to the appearance of signs of frigidity, but significantly increase the risk of developing a problem.

Psychological aspects

Most often lead to a decrease in libido exactly psychological problems.

In women, in most cases, it first negative sexual experiencewhen the girl experienced pain during intercourse, or was subjected to violent acts.

In this case, she may for a long time experience not only the fear of, directly, sexual intercourse, but also show negative attitudes towards men in other aspects of life.

Often, frigidity in women wears temporarythat in most cases is associated with stress and constant fatigue, for example, after childbirth, when the need for constant care for the newborn is accompanied not only physical but also emotional fatigue.

Another common psychological problem is excessive complexing.

For example, if a girl in adolescence constantly inspired that she is not beautiful enough, she did not have any relations with peers of the opposite sex, this can lead to the appearance of problems in adult life, when a woman is sure that she is not attractive enough and cannot be liked by men.

If we talk about psychological problems in men, then At the forefront, you can put stresswhich is most often associated with problems in the professional field.

A man is very susceptible to various kinds of failures at work, they give him a lot of experience, which adversely affects other aspects of his life, including intimate.

How to overcome: the main directions of therapy

If a decrease in sexual desire manifested on an ongoing basis, it is necessary to take appropriate measures.

There are several methods of therapy, the choice of one (or several) is carried out depending on the reasons that led to the development of the problem:

  1. Treatment of the main pathologywhich caused the violation of sexual desire.
  2. Correction of drug treatment.

    If frigidity is a result of long-term use of certain drugs, they must be canceled or replaced with analogues.

  3. Hormone therapy. Often, patients are prescribed drugs based on estrogen — the female sex hormone (if it is deficient) or androgen — the male hormone (to normalize the activity of brain areas responsible for sexual arousal).
  4. Receiving drugs that increase erection in men.
  5. Sedatives and drugs - antidepressants with severe stress, tendency to depression, emotional overload.
  6. PhysiotherapyFor example, mineral baths, thalassotherapy, exercise therapy - methods that increase blood flow to the organs of the reproductive system.
  7. Work with a psychologist to eliminate the psychological causes of the problem.

What to do: advice from a psychologist

I am frigid: what to do? To cope with this situation, you must comply with the following recommendations of a psychologist:

  1. Acceptance of the problem and the realization that it can and must be fought. Many women tend to regard frigidity as a congenital defect, however, in most cases this is not the case.
  2. Do not hide the problem from the partner. Many women are embarrassed to talk about this situation, they are afraid to offend their partner, or to lose him.

    This is wrong, if a man experiences emotional affection and love for a woman, he will always understand her and help to cope with the situation.

  3. You can not ignore the existence of the problem. Many women believe that sex is not the main area of ​​life, of course it is. There are many other aspects, but intimate life is considered important in interpersonal relationships.
  4. Do not prescribe treatment yourself. Often, problems in the sexual sphere are associated with psychological causes, and if you try to resolve them yourself (for example, with the use of antidepressants), you can only aggravate the situation.
  5. Time to contact a specialist. Many women are embarrassed to talk about such a delicate problem to a stranger, however, only a doctor can correctly determine the cause of the disorder and select the appropriate treatment.

Frigidity considered to be a female problemHowever, it is often found in men. The main causes of the development of the problem are psychological.

It can be stress, the presence of complexes, errors in education, unsuccessful sexual experience.

Regardless of such reasons, the problem must be dealt with, and for this it is necessary not to hush up the existence of the problem and to consult a specialist in time.

Myths and facts about frigidity in this video:

Watch the video: Sexual Rejection (May 2024).