Personal growth

The benefits of reading books

The benefits of reading books

Even in childhood, everyone tried to instill a love for books and the process of reading, but not many parents and teachers explained what actually is the use of reading books and is it really necessary? In the modern world, the value of a book is no longer so high, and it is difficult to meet a person who reads regularly. Most often you can hear many excuses. For example, a person refers to the lack of time, workload of domestic problems, work, or simply not aware of the importance of this useful activity.
Interestingly, British scientists relatively recently found out that reading in its importance and usefulness is equivalent to playing sports, because during reading brain activity is activated and significant brain training takes place. Almost the same thing happens with the brain as with the body when training in the gym, when all muscle groups are involved.

But, even once the most reading country in the world, today it has slowed down its positions, and sad statistics provide not entirely positive numbers - 48% of the population have never taken a book in their hands for a year. Strictly speaking, this does not need to be so surprised, with such a variety of leisure options, which only costs the Internet and television. The choice in favor of reading the book, if it is made, then last.
One can hope that the younger generation has simply forgotten what the benefits of reading books are and soon people will be happy to start reading books again. As you know, those who read books will rule the world rather than those who prefer TV, movies, computer games, social networks, and forums.

And yet, why is it helpful to read books?

Knowledge. Of course, if you read quality and useful literature, which does not include small female novels, respectively, you will receive new and useful knowledge that is necessary for normal development.
View from the outside. The books often describe the situations and problems experienced by almost every person, but there is also a solution to the problem and options for the development of the situation. Undoubtedly, this will help to look differently at the situation and the people around you, learn how to make the right decisions and analyze the situation correctly.
Social reading function. Reading good books by authors who really know how to write and do it well, you subconsciously begin, if not copy, then learn the style of presentation, beautifully build your speech and express your thoughts. This is one of the skills necessary not only for success, but also for normal constructive communication with people.
Literacy. Paradoxically, reading a book, your visual memory is also actively working, thanks to which you remember the correct spelling of words, as well as the correctness of punctuation. Interestingly, well-read people are quite literate, but they do not have special knowledge of the Russian language.
Leisure. If you have free time, try to devote it not to watching television, for example, but to reading your favorite book. Guaranteed, you can train your brain, spend your time with benefit and get pleasure and satisfaction.
In general, the benefits of reading books can be talked about indefinitely, but no one will deny this. In the process of reading, your memory, fantasy, ability to concentrate and attentiveness, perseverance, self-organization, thinking and other positive personal qualities necessary for self-development and success are developed.
Marina Chursina

Watch the video: Why You Should Read Books - 15 Benefits Of Reading More (October 2024).