
Relationship Socionics: Compatibility Table

Socionics is able to bring great benefit to a person who wants to understand her, she is not only helps people understand themselves, but also provides an opportunity to build healthy and healthy relationships with their colleagues, relatives and just acquaintances.

Knowing the type of people in one’s environment, according to the table of socionic relations one can always understand what communication with them will bring us: joy and benefit, or a waste of energy, time and nerves.

What it is?

Socionics - science or scientific discipline, which is based on The concept of personality types created in the 1970s.

This concept divides people into 16 types, each of which has its own characteristics.

Socionics has very high popularity in many countries of the world and especially in Russia.


Socionics is currently used in various fields.

The socionic type test is used in different countries to help graduates decide on a future professionEmployers use this test to select future employees in order to build a cohesive and efficient team, as well as to see if the employee can cope with the position for which they are applying.

This typology is taught in some business schools and institutes in the departments of psychology.

Anyone can determine their socionic type and use this knowledge in order to learn the strengths and weaknesses of their personality and further develop themselves and make the right choices on their way of life.

And identifying other people's personality types will help them get to know them better and find the right approach to them.

Description of personality types and their signs

Total exists 16 personality types (male and female). Their names are the same for men and for women, small differences for people of different sexes should be studied after determining the type.

Typology is based on the fact that each of the psycho-types has its meaning in each of the four parameters:

  • logics (subordinate the whole world to logic) /ethics (understands the relationship between people);
  • sensory (focus on real phenomena) /intuition (focus on thoughts);
  • rationality (rationalists are planning everything) /irrationality (irrationals don't plan anything);
  • extraversion (aimed at the outside world) /introversion (directed inward).

In addition to using the word type of In various literature terms such as informational metabolism type (TIM), sociotype, and psychotype can be found.

A brief description of each of the 16 types looks like this:

  1. Dostoevsky - an introvert who is inclined to take everything very close to the heart. Such people, as a rule, are apart from others and communicate only with good acquaintances and friends. It may feel that they do not live, but observe the lives of others. They are very polite and educated, never rude and always think about the convenience of others, try not to interfere with them. But their main feature is a high ability for empathy. Dostoevsky knows how to empathize and literally feels what is going on in other people's hearts. Dostoevsky always sees what kind of relationship his friends actually have and knows how people from his environment really relate to him. It has a very rich world of feelings and experiences, but does not show this to anyone. Always very neat and neatly dressed, critical of his own appearance.
  2. Jack London - a very hardworking person, the energy in him literally boils and splashes out. It seems that he is not able to just stand still and even walk slowly, he needs to run somewhere all the time.

    He loves to show everyone how fearless he is, the first one is thrown into all sorts of adventures.

    Inattentive to his own appearance, often looks disheveled and unkempt, loves life very much, constantly chats and jokes, seeks to raise everyone's mood, as he is an irreparable optimist and is always in an elevated state of mind.

  3. Stirlitz - able to make decisions quickly and accurately, always acts reasonably and logically. He likes to take the initiative and be in the center of universal attention, he is able to work for a very long time, almost never tires. Always very confident, never shy and not afraid, rather, on the contrary, shows aggression towards others.

    Always ready, with foaming at the mouth, to prove his rightness and to defend his own ideas and beliefs. He dresses, as a rule, beautifully and elegantly, hates cunning and cheating. He considers honesty and adherence to the rules of one of his strongest features and demands the same from the rest.

  4. Hamlet always very serious, draws the world around us in very dark colors, unnecessarily dramatizes. His thoughts are constantly busy with global issues. Dislikes being in the center of attention and controlling other people, prone to constant doubts and hesitations. It puts feelings above mind, many will call Hamlet an incorrigible romantic. He takes any work very seriously, he thinks everything through carefully and plans, is able to save his strength to the very end, never fails and always brings what he has started to the end.

    He does not tolerate evil and evil people, but his concepts of good and evil are very peculiar and based on their own preferences.

    Sympathizes with other people and tries to help them, sometimes too obsessively. From the side it may seem arrogant, does not like to work in front of other people.

  5. Hugo - has very bright and strong emotions, is able to catch fire in childhood and then carry his dream through his life. Has a kind and compassionate character. Ready to take on any work, it performs it very quickly and always brings to the end. He does not like to talk too much, he is a man of action. As a rule, he achieves excellent results in his activity, but he is not very confident in himself, therefore he needs praise from those around him.

    Hugo is a gullible and non-envious person, very happy when he manages to cheer up another person. Able to listen carefully to other people. Does not give itself to insult, but nevertheless it is not aggressive. Gives too much attention to others, it distracts him from his own activities. He loves to choose new clothes, monitors his appearance, hates mess in everything, including appearance. He has few close friends, because not everyone can withstand his emotional pressure.

  6. Robespierre has a very developed ability to analyze, is always very logical. He likes to get to the bottom of the essence of the phenomena. It makes excessive demands on itself and appreciates justice very much. He does not like to choose his clothes, fully relies on his partner in this matter, and often does not even think about what he is wearing. Does not like when he commands. Very self-contained and silent.

    Hidden, does not like guests, very sharply reacts to criticism in his address, very seriously monitors their health.

  7. Bitter - always very calm and reasonable, adheres to his own system and routine in everything, never panics. He does not like dreamers in the same way as he does not like to fantasize himself. Able to listen carefully to other people, thoroughly examines any problem. Loves to be alone and meditate. In general, thinking is his favorite activity. Closed, hidden, very patient and picky, unobtrusive in communication. He does not like to spend time choosing clothes and in general for any household activities. Does not trust other people, treats them with caution.

    Despite this, he is an excellent organizer, makes only the same demands on employees as he does on himself, does not look down on them and is always ready to listen. Thanks to these qualities, Gorky becomes an excellent boss, therefore this type is also called a guardian in socionics.

  8. Dreiser - very polite and tactful, easily rubbed into the credibility of other people. Does not show his emotions, does not tolerate betrayal. In the company of friends, sociable and talkative, among strangers almost always silent. Extremely intolerant to any manifestations of untidiness, never appear in public in bad clothes. Does not like to wait, always very punctual.
  9. Don Quixote - lives in the future, not the present. Constantly needs new emotions. A good boss, generally well versed in people. He likes compliments in his address and positive emotions from those around him.

    He is almost impossible to scare, likes to take the initiative in emergency situations.

  10. Zhukov - a very purposeful person, ready to pursue his goal no matter what. He cares what others think about him. The last word always leaves behind, has a harsh and decisive character. He does not adapt to other people, he always says what to do. He behaves decisively in any situation, does not like to talk about his feelings.
  11. Huxley loves to improvise, loves everything new, very emotionally expresses his thoughts. Extremely sensitive when criticizing his ideas, ready to help others. Huxley is a man of mood and he changes it very often.
  12. Napoleon very proud to be loved and respected, does not hide his feelings, arrogant and optimistic. He knows how to dress well and demands the same from others. Not afraid of criticism, always very businesslike and initiative.
  13. Balzac - has a very vivid imagination, almost never shows his emotions. He likes to analyze everything and is a very kind person by his nature.
  14. Gaben very closed and cold person, his movements are always accurate and restrained. Always completes started, very stubborn.

    Calm in all circumstances, will not work if he does not consider the matter worthwhile.

  15. Yesenin - dreamy romantic, loves to think, not act. Does not hide his feelings, easily falls in love, looks always very elegant. Elegance is visible not only in clothing, but also in all its movements. He likes to stir up people, to evoke bright emotions in them.
  16. Dumas always very friendly and optimistic. Hides his real experiences, never asks for help from others. Always takes care of other people, does not know how to argue and refuse, does not like to express himself brightly.


Who am I? How to determine your type? There are several different ways to determine your social type:

  1. First, you need to pass a test to determine your type. This is the fastest way that is available to everyone, the test is very easy to find online. It is necessary to answer all questions extremely honestly, no need to try to show yourself in a more favorable light.
  2. You can type people in appearance and in their behavior. To use this method, you need some time to observe a person, and you also need to know the distinctive features of all types. Such a method is less reliable than a test, but it can be used to determine the sociotype of your friends.

    For example, it is used to determine the sociotype V.V. Putin's Many agree that his type is Robespierre.

  3. Typing in the form of an interview. In order to use this method, you need to contact a specialist who will determine the sociotype on the basis of an interview, observation of human behavior, and a test. This method can give the most reliable result.

Socionic Type Compatibility Table

Info table:

This table shows inert relationships, that is, relationships that add up between representatives of two different types:

  1. D - dual relationships. The most comfortable relationship, when they do not need to adapt to each other. Dual is a human complementary partner.
  2. PD - semi-dual relationship. Comfort in dealing with such a partner gives way to bewilderment and disappointment, and then again comfort.
  3. BUT - relationship of activation. Communication starts immediately, but then partners get tired of each other.
  4. M - mirage relations. In such a relationship, partners relax and rest.
  5. pp - the relationship is the exact opposite. Very unstable relations, disputes and mutual accusations arise in them.
  6. H - mirror relationships. In such a relationship, one partner always performs actions under the influence of the words of the other partner.
  7. TO - conflict relations. This relationship always starts quietly, but then necessarily leads to conflict and breaking ties.
  8. T - identical relationships. Partners in such a relationship have excellent mutual understanding, but are not able to help each other.
  9. po - kinship - relationships like distant relatives, formal politeness and nothing more.
  10. se - superego relationship. Partners respect each other. In such a relationship, the partner appears to be the ideal of interest.
  11. d - business relationship. There is no friendship, as well as interest in a partner, only a working relationship.
  12. ct - relations of quasi-identities. This is a relationship in which partners do not understand each other at all.
  13. Relationship revision. In them R (the auditor) constantly monitors and notices weaknesses R (sub-version).
  14. Relationship social order. P (transmitter) looks down on the weaker and unequal to him P (receiver).

The type of intertype relationships allow to predict comfort level possible relationships between representatives of two different types.

Socionomic professions

This type of professions includes professions in which an employee directly interacts with other people, helps them, for example: doctor, teacher, trainer, hairdresser, and so on.

Thus, socionics is capable of significantly simplify human life, to help him choose a profession, as well as build good relations with people of suitable social type.

Is it possible to type by external signs? Find out about this from the video:

Watch the video: What Each MBTI Type REALLY Likes in Bed (December 2024).