Stress and Depression

Where does aggression come from and why are people angry?

Feeling angry familiar to every person.

This condition is explained not only from a psychological, but also from a medical point of view.

What it is: the definition of

Anger - This is a negative emotional reaction, in which there is an extreme degree of discontent and irritation.

Caused by specific circumstances, the actions of other people, their own mistakes.

Often this feeling for no apparent reason because of the rending personality of internal contradictions.

Anger is an extremely negative, destructive phenomenon. It negatively affects not only the emotional state of the person himself experiencing it, but also his relationship with others.

The more people in the community who show discontent and annoyance, the more negative attitude of all its members as a whole.

The same happens in a small group: one dissatisfied person is able to spoil the mood of everyone else.

Psychology of feeling

When a person becomes evil, special neurons located in the hypothalamus are activated. Anger performs the role of the defense mechanism. By the appearance of this feeling, we can judge the existence of a problem that is present at a given point in time.

Often, people engage in self-deception and ignore the negative reactions that they have in their minds.

As a result, an unpleasant feeling is suppressed, but does not disappear.

It stays deep inside and weakens the internal resources of the individual.

For this reason, it is so important to objectively evaluate such an emotional state, to try to find a rational explanation for it and take measures to resolve the situation.

Anger occurs for several reasons:

  1. Reaction to offense. When other people insult us with their words or actions, a natural reaction occurs. It does not matter what kind of insult applied.

    This may be ridiculing the appearance, insulting a loved one, refuting significant feelings and events for a person, etc.

  2. Cheated expectations. Often people misunderstand reality. This leads to deluded expectations. So, a girl can marry a young man, feeling confident in his ability to provide her with material wealth. When in the process of family life it turns out that the newly-born husband does not meet the expectations of the spouse, the latter begins to show negative. In such cases, the object to which the emotion is directed is not to blame for anything. The man himself was misled.
  3. Irritation due to the situation. You can get angry just because the circumstances are not in our favor. For example, late arrival to the last bus, bad weather on holidays, unforeseen business trip, child’s illness, lack of money, car breakdown, etc. The ability to restrain negative thoughts, not to succumb to a bad mood is a useful skill in such situations.
  4. The inability to meet the needs. A person may experience a biological, material, spiritual need. Non-receipt of the desired causes discontent. So, often people can not timely meet the biological need for food or sleep. Strong lack of sleep or hunger - these are very serious reasons why there is a feeling of irritation.
  5. Getting trauma. Trauma has a negative effect on consciousness. Thus, a person may lose a close relative, spouse or child as a result of illness or accident. Such a loss causes serious psychological trauma and often causes anger at circumstances, in case of other people, etc.

Anger can be short-term or long-term. In the first case, the negative emotion being experienced is reflected in the action taken, the phrase expressed, etc.

As soon as a person gives release to thoughts that torment him, he immediately comes to a normal state.

Long term anger accumulates for a long time. Such a long-lasting emotion can negatively affect a person, lifestyle, and relationships with others.

This feeling not always destructive.

In certain situations, it can be a powerful incentive for making important changes in life.

The most productive anger on himself.

Not all people are able to recognize the fact that all events occurring with them are the result of their own thoughts and actions.

The ability to objectively assess your shortcomings helps you learn how to control your life and work on your own personality. Exactly anger becomes a powerful engine, thanks to which a person completely changes his surrounding reality.

Medical factors

In a state of stress, irritation, anger in humans, blood levels rise norepinephrine.

This hormone of the adrenal medulla, which is in many respects similar in its characteristics to adrenaline.

During negative emotional reactions due to increased levels of norepinephrine in the blood there is an increase in heartbeat, increased blood pressure, increased blood supply to the muscles.

If you pay attention to the angry person, you can see the redness of his face, muscle tension, changes in facial expressions.

In a state of intense excitement, a person begins to speak loudly, his nostrils swell, his breathing becomes more frequent.

All these external manifestations of the experienced discontent are the result of increased levels of norepinephrine in the blood. It is for this reason that it is so important not to keep feelings in yourself, but to give them a way out. This allows reduce the negative effects on the body.

Causes of malice

Anger occurs for various reasons. Depending on the gender and age of the person, these reasons may differ.

Have society

Why did people become so evil and cruel? Modern society at the same time makes a person a large number of requirements and provides a lot of temptations.

In pursuit of material goods, people often do not notice how they constantly experience a feeling of dissatisfaction. They do not like their work, income, apartment, car, family, etc.

The desire to conform to the imposed ideals and the constant bustle of life immerses people in a state of entanglement, chronic fatigue. All this leads to the fact that the slightest external stimuli become the cause of malice.

People swear in public transport because of crowdedness and lack of air, quarrel with neighbors around the house because of the noise in the apartment, share parking spaces in the yard, envy more successful colleagues, etc.

There are not so many real reasons why it is really worth being angry with the average person.

If you learn is at peace with himself and with people around him, it is possible to minimize the frequency of occurrence of this destructive emotion.

Important appreciate the little joys, take care of relatives, more often get out into nature, communicate with animals, etc. The kinder a person is, the more favorable the atmosphere around him is. Evil people, as a rule, see in all the surrounding phenomena and events one negative.

Among women

Why did I become angry?

An aggressive woman is not only not happy herself, but also makes her loved ones unhappy: husband, children.

Main reasonsfor which the girl becomes angry:

  1. Envy towards other women (due to appearance, material wealth, career success, successful personal life). As you know, happy people are not jealous, because they themselves have everything they need in life. Accordingly, the feeling of anger in response to the success of the surrounding women should encourage work on themselves.
  2. Loneliness. Anyone suffering from loneliness becomes aggressive and irritable. You can correct the situation by solving the problem of loneliness.
  3. Negative life circumstances. The loss of loved ones, material difficulties, failures at work and other troubles can provoke irritation.
  4. Disease. Severe illness often changes a person’s personality for the worse. Persistent health problems contribute to the development of pessimism.

Irritability during pregnancy

During pregnancy changes progesterone and estrogen levels in the blood of a woman. This leads to anxiety, irritability, sudden mood swings.

Women in the position of becoming simultaneously vulnerable, impressionable and hysterical. Often they themselves are not able to control their own behavior.

In addition to hormonal adjustment, serious physiological changes occur in the body: weight gain, swelling, nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, etc. All this also adversely affects the emotional state of the future mother.

Of great importance is also the compelled necessity to lead a normal life up to a certain period.

Pregnant women should perform professional duties, do housework, take care of her husband regardless of their well-being and psychological state.

In the later periods, the inability to carry out elementary actions unassisted (to tie shoelaces, get into the shower, climb stairs) often becomes an additional cause of irritation.

In men

Men are no less emotionalthan women. Reasons why they usually feel angry:

  • unmet need (for food, sex, care, money, wealth, etc.);
  • lack of recognition (by the woman he loves, colleagues, family);
  • a disease with poor health;
  • troubles (personal, professional, material);
  • envy;
  • loneliness.

Anger in children and adolescents

Teen aggression is usually more pronounced. This is due to the immaturity of the psyche, the inability to control their behavior, the desire to attract attention.

Parents and professionals is important time to recognize that the child has problems and take appropriate action. The main causes of childhood malice:

  1. Violation of parent-child relationships. The lack of a close spiritual connection with parents leads to emotional problems in a child who feels unprotected, lonely.
  2. Internal discomfort. Misunderstanding of others (peers, parents) generates internal uncertainty, rejection of imposed opinions and rules of behavior.
  3. Unfavourable conditions. The desire to protect oneself from negative life circumstances can be manifested outwardly in aggressive behavior. So the child builds a barrier between himself and negative reality.
  4. Imitation of the environment. If it is customary to demonstrate aggression in a family or among peers, then this type of behavior will be considered as a norm for a child.

So anger is destructive feeling, which must be able to fight at any age.

A suppressed negative reaction can cause serious harm to the human body.

Why are people angry? Find out about this from the video:

Watch the video: Aggression. Individuals and Society. MCAT. Khan Academy (May 2024).