Fears and phobias

I am an energy vampire: how to stop being?

If from contact with any person you feel irritation, confusion, confusion, inner emptiness, and the joy, pleasure and passion of life seem to evaporate somewhere, then this person is most likely absorber of vitality.

It is certainly easier to meet an energy vampire (namely, that is the name of those who deliberately or unconsciously take someone else's energy to replenish their reserves) than to find a needle in a haystack.

They may be absolutely any person from everyday life: a stranger at a bus stop, a work colleague or even a favorite child.

Types of Vampirism

Depending on the way of “feeding”, there are several types of energy vampires:

  1. Creative (sunny). Such vampires love to play on the feelings of another person more than anything, making him feel fear or awkwardness. To achieve the desired result, they show such acting tricks that Stanislavsky himself would envy.
  2. Infantile (moon). The main course of the lunar vampires - every kind of reference to compassion.

    Sorrows, failures, stressful states, worries about trifles, exaggeration of problems (often all at the same time) are what they vividly and colorfully tell everyone about, causing self-pity.

  3. Condemning (Martian). They will skillfully be able to shame in front of everyone, directly indicate obvious or perceived flaws, weave a strong network of intrigue behind their backs with the aim of slandering.
  4. Information (mercurial). A person who actively imposes his society is most likely a Mercurian vampire. A conversation with him will be meaningless and boring, and most importantly - almost endless.
  5. Seductive (Venusian). Venus vampire has the greatest magnetism for the opposite sex. Having fallen in love with himself, having seized the full attention and causing dependence on the victim, he will begin to absorb her strength daily. Behind the pleasant appearance of such people and good manners is the devilish essence.
  6. Suppressive (Jupiter). In a special risk zone are those people who do not have a strong character.

    The overwhelming vampire will lecture in every way, take patronage, use his position to put in either moral or financial dependence.

  7. Misunderstandings (Saturnian). They put other people out of themselves because they deliberately delve into explanations for a long time, learn slowly, demanding that they repeat the same number of times.

Communication with the “donor”

How, in practice, energy vampires take energy from their "donors"?

  1. They quietly sit on the neck and hang their legs, because the reaction of others to their inferiority - compassion and pity. Thanks to the sincere sympathy of others it turns out to keep its strength and survive in society.
  2. Get energy recharge through constant attraction of attention in negative ways: there are only problems around them, interpersonal friction, disagreements, fights.

    Pushing people together, they watch and enjoy it.

  3. Inclined to vampirism they are distinguished by unwillingness to change for the better, love for the destruction of others' friendships and relations, hypocrisy and play on both fronts, incongruence with others.
  4. Vampires waiting for the most unexpected moment to strikewhen their victim is weak and not at all ready to defend.
  5. The soul makers are so powerful that even if they are not there, energy leaks cause simple thoughts about them.
  6. Vampire helps to assert his authority creating guilt feelings at the "donor". The more they apologize to him and lose their self-esteem, the greater the influx of energy.
  7. Vampire uses human openness, harming any spoken word at the right time for them.
  8. Force absorber tries win at any cost, he will prove his case by the most terrible methods.
  9. Any vampire is a master manipulator, loving pull your puppet strings.

A vampire is not only harmful to everyone around, but, first of all, to himself. If you realize your condition and really want to get rid of it, it is not too late to become a normal person.

How to see it in yourself?

If you consider it impossible to get happy love in honest ways, this is one of the signs of vampirism.

If there is no trust in yourself, self-sufficiency, spiritual strength alone, this is once again confirms the problem.

In that case, when you you do not feel harmony with yourself, you do not want to see the power of your own spirit, and all beliefs and perceptions cause negative feelings, it is time to immediately change yourself completely, both from the outside and from the inside.

Because you are an energetic vampire who cannot reproduce positive energy, but feeding on someone else's.

How to stop them be?

How to stop being an energy vampire?

First, in order to kill vampirism in yourself, it is important to want to do this, and not for anyone, but primarily for yourself. According to experienced psychologists, this is one of the most important conditions.

Secondly, it is important send your naturally strong data on track. Developing your own energy, and not absorbing it from others, will help activities that promote development.

Someone will be able to help daily playing music, and someone - stubborn strength training. There are dozens of options spend your time with benefitwithout harming anyone: embroidering, knitting, burning wood, reading, writing, dancing and much more.

Psychologists have noted the special benefits of spending time with animals, as they can have a positive effect on the mental level.

Literally two horse riding a week will help to see the world in a completely new positive colors.

By innovative methods include dolphin therapy.

The smartest mammals will understand for themselves what the problem is and will help at the level of brain activity.

Thirdly, it is worth trying listen more talk less, to show sincere interest in what is happening in the lives of others, to adopt a benevolent smile and maintain this benevolence not only externally but also internally, without causing anyone sorrow and evil.

In the world, everything comes back like a boomerang: the more open you are to people, the more you will receive in return.

Nurturing positive qualities, you will push the vampire back further and further until it disappears completely and never returns.

It is recommended to be in an environment where a lot of plants. Our green brothers fill with energy. Sun rays can become a good “pill” for vampirism due to their strong energy flow.

If possible, you need ask for help from family and friends. They will help control the process of receiving emotions, determine whether you are on the right path and, when necessary, direct you on the right path.

It is important not to neglect walks in the fresh air, to find the opportunity go on a trip.

Let it not be very distant, but guaranteed to give pleasant impressions.

In general, everything that can cause feelings of joy, independence, self-esteem, and strength will be suitable for recovery.

It should be understood that the way of healing is long and thorny, but incredible desire will help overcome all the obstacles in the way. It is necessary to put in your invisible backpack a lot of patience and more love for everything around, and then everything will work out.

So, stop being an energy vampire really. One should not be afraid to remove from the life all the garbage emotions, such as anger, hatred, indifference, ill will.

Life can be made beautiful and without feeding another's misfortune. Everything necessary for a correct and harmonious existence has already been laid by the intelligent nature in ourselves. It remains only to correctly use sent from above.

I am an energy vampire: what to do? Find out from the video:

Watch the video: 5 steps to stop being an Emotional Vampire (April 2024).