Kindness is the highest value in any societytherefore noble people are always respected.
To determine the warehouse character of a person can be inherent in his qualities.
What is good and how is it?
Good - This is a moral category, meaning a purposeful, sincere and disinterested desire to realize some kind of good.
This benefit can be expressed in helping a person or an animal, in accomplishing socially useful work, and in other good deeds.
Good cause always causes positive assessment in society. This is a good, positive action, which ultimately gives others joy, happiness, fun, etc.
Good is different:
- Unexpected. People in unexpected situations can suddenly get help, which they did not even count on.
- Disinterested. It is done from the heart without seeking any benefit.
- Sincere. A person who seeks to accomplish good is always guided by his own spiritual values and moral attitudes.
A positive attitude towards others is an expression of his true attitude towards the world.
- Collective. Often, in an effort to accomplish a good deed, people join forces to jointly achieve the desired result. For example, charitable foundations are official social organizations that people join to help adults and children in need.
- Ostentatious. Unfortunately, such a bright feeling can be displayed intentionally in order to make a positive impression on others. Outwardly, good deeds may look quite sincere and disinterested, which makes it especially difficult to identify the real motives of the subject. So, demonstrating a good attitude towards someone, people can strive to enter the right circle of people, impress others, gain confidence, etc.
Good qualities
A kind person is usually endowed with positive spiritual qualitiesfor which he is valued in society. Such character traits are given from birth or developed as a result of work on oneself.
Main qualities:
- Tolerance. They respect the right of every person to their own life position and do not seek to impose any stereotypes on others.
- Fidelity. Persistence, stability of life principles, relationships, attachments.
- Patience. The ability to calmly transfer the expectation of any events or events. Demonstration of exposure in the face of various troubles, pain, loss, etc.
- Goodwill. The desire to demonstrate the location, respect for other people.
- Politeness. The ability to respectfully and tactfully build a dialogue with others, objectively consider someone else's point of view in any situation.
- Generosity. Lack of rancor, condescension to the shortcomings of other people, the ability to overshadow their own interests in order to fulfill public duty or help people.
- Compassion. Desire to empathize with people in difficult life situations. Ability to feel sorry, sympathize, share pain.
It is not necessary for a person to have all of the above qualities in order to be considered good. Thus, one can demonstrate the ability to sympathize, to be faithful and magnanimous in the absence of patience.
Any person is imperfect and the presence of minor flaws does not negate the importance of the large number of positive virtues that a person may possess.
What place does kindness take in life?
The actions of any individual are the result of his personal choice reflection of its internal installations and principles.
Everyone has the right to decide for himself what behavior is acceptable for him.
Any situation puts us to a choicehow best to proceed. Someone decides to respect their own interests at all costs, and someone is guided by considerations of morality and ethics.
For some people, kindness is a natural quality that is given to them by nature. In any situation, they act positively automatically, without even evaluating the motives of their behavior.
For other people, she is optional character traitwhich manifest depending on mood, attitude towards specific people, satisfaction of their own interests, etc.
It is considered that there are more good people in the world than evil ones. This is explained by the fact that kindness gives a person the main meaning of life.
We get real pleasurewhen we see someone's joy in response to our generous gift, help, a good cause.
By helping others, a person knows the meaning of his existence. He understands that his actions are for the benefit of others. Anger and selfishness give rise only to a constant desire to satisfy their own needs, which makes it impossible to get joy from simple things.
Kindness has the ability to return to the one who initially showed it.
That is why peace on Earth depends on how positively people will relate to each other.
So, we help a colleague to solve a difficult professional issue, and then, getting into a similar situation themselves, get support as a thank you for the assistance provided earlier.
If you are constantly guided solely by positive intentions, you can count on some favor of fate.
Sincere and disinterested people are always surrounded only by people with similar attitudes, since evil and hypocritical personalities simply do not take root in such a circle. Accordingly, with the qualities of a noble person, you can count on presence of only positive people.
Important be able to maintain your position, despite all the hardships of life and loss. It so happens that initially positive people gradually become embittered and intolerable due to constant personal failures, material problems, illness, etc.
You can maintain a good attitude towards life by constantly working on yourself and avoiding bad thoughts.
Do I have to be like this?
In our time, kindness often becomes the subject of ridicule.
People who strive to do good things and benefit others are considered weak and stupid.
In the modern world in first place benefit. The success of a person is evaluated in terms of his material wealth.
This leads to the fact that in society, at first positions, individuals with a low level of moral values, but with certain material achievements, often turn out to be. For this reason, people often wonder if they need to be kind.
It is important to understand that each of us builds our own life. Priorities should be set correctly in order to be ultimately satisfied.
If a person is in the first place real values - strong family, happy children, favorite work, circle of reliable friends, for him kindness is an indispensable quality of character.
Only it allows you to surround yourself with standing people and achieve inner harmony. No material benefits will give an evil, self-serving person peace and happiness.
It should be borne in mind that kindness in the modern world should be “with fists”. This means that in response to injustice and cruelty, even the most positive person should be able to show strength.
Otherwise spiritual generosity will enjoy, and it will go to the detriment of the man himself. Healthy selfishness, self-esteem, the ability to stand up for themselves - these qualities must necessarily complement kindness.
Then she will be safely protected and invulnerable.
Description of a good man
Usually such people give out eyes - they express an attitude, good nature, cheerfulness. Also a kind person often smiles.
Even a bad mood or life troubles will not force him to abandon his positive attitude towards the world.
This person is always delicate in communication with interlocutors. He will not allow himself rude remarks, ridicule, criticism, because he respects another person.
Moreover, his attitude towards others does not depend on their age, social status, material wealth. is he does not seek to evaluate people and seek the benefits of communicating with them.
A kind person will always find time to listen to opponent and help him with advice.
Often he forgets about his own interests in an effort to help another.
Faced with injustice, he feels a desire to help, regret and sympathize.
kind person never show off, does not pursue selfish goals. Any of his actions is a reflection of internal attitudes.
Is it necessary to avenge offense and evil?
Revenge is purely negative actionaimed at harming the offender. When a person is faced with injustice, he has a natural desire to take revenge on the one who is guilty in this situation.
This concept is quite complicated because can be viewed from two sides. On the one hand, it is natural for a person to defend the interests of loved ones and his own.
Accordingly, when the violation of these interests occurs, there is a desire to punish the offender. It seems to people that ignoring the offense caused is a manifestation of weakness, disrespect for oneself.
On the other hand, when we drop to revenge, then we are on the same level with the person who committed the negative act. Revenge is such a low, immoral act that it greatly diminishes the moral qualities of its initiator.
Revenge is always a choice between wanting to cause retaliation and the ability to forgive.
Everyone he himself makes this choicebased on your own desires.
Of great importance and the degree of harm. Small domestic differences or professional disputes are much easier to forget and forgive than serious insults or even crimes.
It is important to understand that every decision entails consequences. As a result of revenge, a person satisfies his desire to punish the offender, but at the same time he himself shows negative behavior.
Refusing to take revenge, we learn to understand and forgive, but the violation of our interests remains unpunished.
If we consider the need for revenge from the position of a kind person, then the best solution would be peace settlement with the abuser and reaching a compromise. This will preserve dignity, but not fall to the level of an evil person.
So, a good person has a whole set of positive qualities. Kindness is of great value in the modern world, so you should strive to keep it in yourself.
Is it worth being kind? Find out from the video: