
Meditationfest: Deirdre Hade - 5 minute meditations, morning meditation and bedtime meditation

This record opens a cycle of lecture reviews about meditation, which are read by recognized teachers of this practice. The event lasts 6 days (September 10, 2012 - September 15, 2012) and only at this time will the lectures be available for listening on the meditationfest website for free. On the first day of the event, so many people came to this site to listen to famous meditation masters that the server could not stand it and the site did not work for a while! But if you do not have time to listen to these lessons or simply don’t know English, but you still want to learn about meditation from the mouth of the best teachers, I’ll specifically publish reviews of these lectures on my site during this and next week and translate what they say teachers. So you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with these materials in an accessible form here on the site.

This is a review of the first meditation lesson. The structure will be constructed as follows, first I will retell the essence of the practice of one of the teachers, I will try to convey everything as accurately as possible, as it was in the original lesson. I will refrain from criticism and will not express my opinion. Only at the end I allow myself to comment a little on this meditation lesson.

Balance and abundance

So the lecture is given by Deidre Hade - honored teacher of practice.

The program is called Balance (Rebalancer) and Abundance. (if you see somewhere inaccuracy in the translation of terms, then please correct in the comments)

Deidre Hade is the founder of a meditative practice called Radiance, the foundations of this technique are in kabbalah. Spiritual development D. Heyd identified one event in her life. When she was 15, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Doctors predicted a quick death, but mother Deirdre, to the surprise of the doctors, lived another 14 years, thanks to the practice of working with Energy developed jointly with her daughter. According to D. Heyd, a person consists of energy flows that intertwine and flow into each other (allegedly as the circulatory system). If the energy in its movement finds an obstacle, then it slows down the flow and directs it to the wrong place and hampers the free circulation of energy inside our body or the energy circuit. This, according to the theory of D. Heyd, is the cause of fatigue, stress, anger, envy, addictions, illness, and depression.

The “blocking” of energy paths prevents us from living consciously in happiness and in a state of complete freedom, at the maximum of our energy possibilities. The practice of Deirdre Heyd is to eliminate the elements (blocks) that block the flow of energy, ensure its free passage through the “vessels” and direct it in the right direction. To learn how to manage energy, you need to engage in meditation. Deirdre defines meditation as “superpower napping without nap”.

Deirdre gives an example of an exercise that allows you to direct energy where you need it.

Energy Flow Management Exercise

Change your right hand, squeeze the palm, imagine that in the palm of this hand pulsates a glowing pool of pure energy the size of a tennis ball. Feel its warmth and its light. Slowly raise your left hand. Hold the squeezed palm of your left hand 15 to 20 centimeters from the right. Feel how energy flows from one hand to another. Start spreading your hands another 20 centimeters, then slowly bring them back to their original position at a distance of 15 to 20 centimeters and you will feel resistance as if something is “giving back.” You created the energy field, take this energy in both palms and place it in your heart with a gentle movement (press both your palms to your chest opposite to your heart). Imagine that your heart is a golden bowl filled with the flowing light of pure energy.

Now you have created energy and can use it for your own good.

This is one of the exercises of D. Heyd, also her practice includes 3 daily 5-minute meditations, which include bedtime meditation

Three meditations

  • Morning meditation - raising energy and activating intentions (intention) a day ahead
  • Day meditation - Balance (Rebalancer) - bringing yourself into a state of balance throughout the day
  • Evening meditation - right before bedtime, getting rid of stress, easy deep sleep, colorful dreams

Morning meditation

In the morning you get up not yet recovered from sleep. Consider that with one foot in your subconscious, which raged when you were asleep and showed you amazing pictures of dreams. Therefore, everything you order yourself will have tremendous power, since it will be deposited in your subconscious. Therefore, D. Heyd advises to pronounce affirmations (affirmations), give commands to themselves at this particular time.

Now talk about how to do morning meditation. It is not at all difficult and takes only 5 minutes of time.
Now close your eyes, relax, take a sitting position and imagine a golden light, imagine that your brain plunges into this light and it begins to fill you. Now you yourself have become a light, a pure light, and from this moment you are ready for all that this new day can give you!

That's the whole meditation. Not at all difficult, is it?

Day meditation

It is called the Rebalancer because it brings you into balance in the midst of the turmoil of the day. Meetings, meetings, people can all lead to stress and provoke the appearance of negative energy in you. It is impossible for such energy to cling to you, you need to get rid of it, get rid of stress, in order to not feel tired and tired in the evening.

Again, set aside 5 minutes, sit down, close your eyes, and watch your breathing. Read about affirmation

I am the balance (I am body of balance)
I am this calm (I am calm)
I am at the very center of my being (I am centered)
I am the peace (I am peace)
I am immersed in my true self (I am present of my trueself)

Relax, pay attention to breathing, it should be calm and rhythmic. Feel the light fill your head, then move into the heart. And your heart is a golden cup, within which shines the light of divine love (divine love).

Now create a blue field of protection around you. It will now protect you from all the problems that may come over you during the day, so that by the evening you will be calm and full of energy.

Bedtime meditation

Often you can not fall asleep because your head is torn to pieces thoughts about the current day. You are still under stress. This bedtime meditation will help you to quietly fall asleep and sleep soundly, watching more colorful dreams than usual. Sleep will be deep and allow your body to relax. This practice will be like a bedtime story for you.

Turn off the light or leave the night light. The position of the body is not fundamentally you can either lie on the bed or sit. Close in your eyes and imagine that your body is floating among the stars, in the lulling void of space. (Heidre says that this is a kind of eternal symbol, the stars, are what people have watched from the most ancient times and this should immerse you in eternity having saved you from the bonds of today).
You are wrapped in a golden cocoon of pure energy and moving towards the stars. Watch your breath, you feel warm and calm. Your guardian angel (should also be an eternal, archaic symbol - my note) pulls you out of the seething recess of stress and carries you to the white ship, under whose sails you will go to the realm of calm and peaceful sleep.

Meditation - this is what you need to do regularly

Deirdre insists that you do meditation regularly and not throw it in case you don’t feel any effect. This practice requires patience. In this I completely agree with her. She also says that it would be nice to sometimes refresh the essence of her practice and rehear her lectures once every half a year (or reread the article on my blog). Well, naturally, Hayd suggests to buy her disks with meditation lessons.

That's all, now allow a few comments.

Summarizing Deirdre Hade

I can disagree with the theoretical foundations of the practice of D. Heyd, considering that the theory of energy flows is arbitrary and too simple and straightforward. But nevertheless, meditation works, is beneficial, and it does not depend on what its effect is explained by: the direction of energy, the opening of the chakras or the strengthening of alpha rhythms in the brain. I can't argue with that. Therefore, explain how you are comfortable, it does not matter, because the main thing here is not the theory but the practice itself.

This meditation is suitable for those who have little time and they can not afford to practice for 20 minutes 2 times a day. But if you have time, I would still recommend that you practice longer, because in five minutes it is very difficult to completely relax (at least for me). But what is really indispensable in the system of exercises D. Heyd is an evening meditation before bedtime. A 20-minute session of practice gives a strong burst of energy, it forces you with strength that is why, it is difficult to engage in such meditation before bedtime. And what advises Deirdre is very suitable for this.

It is also problematic to relax during the day, so day Heid meditation is also quite a useful and little more than a replaceable thing. Although I prefer the 5-minute breathing exercises if I need to relieve stress at work.

And if I need to fall asleep and I am excited and agitated. I listen to calm music with the headphones (ambient) concentrating on it and immerse my mind there. (you can listen to it in my group in contact (link at the top right)) For such music, I can easily imagine myself among the stars and on the tops of the mountains and by the sea. When I feel about to fall asleep, I turn off the player, because I don’t like to sleep with music, but I just fall asleep with it. But this is for your taste, pure visualization may be closer to you and not music. I just love to listen to the songs of good musicians and use them not only to lift the mood. This is someone like ...

The next lesson Medical qigong - Euphoria and Treatment.

Watch the video: Meditation fest top, Bk, Usha Didi, Mdhuban, Swagat, (May 2024).